Description of the Shokoladnitsa cherry variety, pollinators, planting and care

Modern breeders have developed a wide variety of fruit tree varieties. Cherry is considered one of the most common types of fruit trees. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, it is grown in all regions of Russia. Among the varieties of cherry trees, the Shokoladnitsa variety has won special attention. The variety was bred by Russian breeders relatively recently, but has already become a favorite among summer residents. Which is not surprising, because Shokoladnitsa cherry has many advantages compared to other hybrids.

Selection and description of the variety

The Shokoladnitsa hybrid was bred in 1996 as a result of crossing the Chernaya Shirpotreb and Lyubskaya varieties. The main goal of developing a new variety was to create a frost-resistant, compact, medium-sized tree with large berries.

The height of an adult tree reaches 2.5 m. The trees grow in 3-4 years and begin to bear fruit. Branches and leaves are glossy. The leaves have a sharp tip and are emerald green. The buds have an elongated pyramidal shape. They fit tightly to the branches. The inflorescences are light pink in color and consist of three petals.

The crown of the tree is characterized by a cone-shaped shape. The density of branches and leaves is average.

In appearance, the plant is an ordinary cherry, which is not much different from other hybrids. Shokoladnitsa is an early-ripening hybrid and the first red berries appear on the tree in the second ten days of July. Productivity is high, fruiting occurs in the 4th year after planting the seedling in a permanent place. Up to 11 kg of crop is harvested from one tree. The berries are large, with an average weight of 4-5 g. The skin is glossy and smooth. The pulp is juicy, with a barely noticeable sour taste. Compared to other hybrids, Shokoladnitsa's berries are very sweet.

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Characteristics of Shokoladnitsa cherry

Before purchasing a cherry variety, it is important to study all the characteristics of the tree and berries. It is difficult to determine from the appearance of a seedling whether it is a good variety or not.Therefore, before buying a seedling and spending time growing it, it is recommended to take time to study the basic characteristics of the plant.

First of all, you should pay attention to frost resistance, yield, fruit ripening time, resistance to insects and diseases, and the taste of the berries.

Resistance to drought and frost

One of the advantages of the Shokoladnitsa cherry, compared to other cherries, is that the Shokoladnitsa can withstand severe frosts in winter and rarely freezes even at low temperatures. In addition, the variety is resistant to dry and hot summers.

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Pollination and flowering period

Mass flowering at Shokoladnitsa begins in the second half of May. If we talk about pollination, there is conflicting information. Most official sources say that the hybrid is self-fertile. But some reviews from summer residents who grew the hybrid on their site note that without pollinators the yield is extremely low.

Breeders, having conducted a number of studies, came to the conclusion that the degree of pollination is influenced by various factors. To increase productivity, it is recommended to plant other pollinating trees next to the cherry tree, whose flowering coincides with the flowering period of the Chocolate Tree. For example, proximity to the Lyubskaya, Turgenevka or Sklyanka varieties can increase productivity.

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Berries ripening time

Depending on what year it is, the timing of harvest ripening may vary. In most regions with temperate climates, fruiting begins in the first ten days of July. The harvest is fully ripened by the end of July. During the ripening period, it is important not to water the tree, otherwise all the berries will disappear. Ripe berries are very sweet and juicy.

Yield quantity and taste of fruits

Up to 11-12 kg of crop is harvested from one tree.The skin and pulp of the berries are a rich burgundy color. Because of this, Chocolate Girl is often confused with cherry. The weight of one berry ranges from 3 to 5 g. The pulp is dense, sweet, and there is almost no sour taste.

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Reproduction methods

Chocolate cherry reproduces in several ways:

  • seedlings;
  • cuttings;
  • bones.

The easiest way propagation of cherries - seedlings. Seedlings can be purchased at a garden store. Planting a seedling also does not seem difficult.

Cuttings are also a simple method. To do this, with the onset of the first days of July, shoots are prepared. For future cuttings, shoots that have just begun to harden at the base of the branches are suitable. Branches with shoots are cut to a length of 30 cm. To speed up the appearance of roots, the branches are treated with a growth activator. The cuttings are planted in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm.

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Propagation by seeds is carried out in the fall. To do this, the seeds are separated from the pulp and placed in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then the seeds are covered with damp moss or sawdust. In October, the seeds are sown in the beds. In the spring, when sprouts appear, they are thinned out.

Immunity to diseases

The hybrid Shokoladnitsa has average immunity to moniliosis and coccomycosis. To prevent the development of diseases, trees are regularly inspected. If spots appear on the leaves and the fruits fall off en masse, this indicates the appearance of insects or disease.

Optimal conditions and care for abundant fruiting

Cherries prefer to grow in neutral or slightly acidic soil. The soil should not be too wet. This is why it is not recommended to flood trees. Hybrid Shokoladnitsa is classified as light-loving, so seedlings are planted in open sunny areas. The gardener needs to know that in the shade the yield will be low and the berries themselves will be small.Several times a month, the soil around the trunk is loosened and all weeds are removed. Leaving weeds to grow in the garden increases the risk of harmful insects.

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First of all, to increase productivity, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied to the soil. Dry and diseased branches are pruned annually.

Soil requirements

As mentioned above, Shokoladnitsa prefers to grow on neutral or slightly acidic soils. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in wetlands or near groundwater. Excessive soil moisture negatively affects the health of the tree. It is advisable to choose loose and fertile soil. Cherry grows worse on heavy soils. Planting is carried out only in sunny areas.

Regularity and norms of watering

Thanks to their drought resistance, trees can easily tolerate dry soil. Therefore, you can water the trees several times a month. If there is not much rainfall in the summer, then the cherries are watered 4 times per season. The first watering is carried out immediately after flowering. The plant is moistened for the second time in the second decade of June. The third watering is immediately 14 days before the start of harvesting and the last time the plant is watered a month before the onset of autumn frosts.

watering cherries

For 1 tree, 3-4 liters of water is enough. It is advisable not to allow the soil to become waterlogged. Before watering, the soil near the trunk is loosened and weeds are removed. It is recommended to water the cherries with warm water. If you use cold water to moisturize, the risk of fungal diseases will increase.


To increase productivity, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied to the soil several times a season. With the onset of autumn, 85 g of potassium and 250 g of phosphorus are added to the dug up soil.Every three years, while digging the soil, add compost or humus. In spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are added to the soil in an amount of 60 g. Ammonium nitrate or urea is added to the soil.

During the growing season, fertilizing is applied to the ground twice. The first time is when the cherry tree begins to bloom, and the second time is two weeks after the flowering period to stimulate the formation of ovaries.

fertilizing cherries

The following are used as fertilizers:

  • 10 liters of mullein are mixed with 1 kg of wood ash and poured with 50 liters of warm water.
  • The infusion is left for 4-5 days.
  • After the fertilizer is ready, take 5 liters of infusion and 3 buckets of water per tree.

In addition, it is useful to use minerals. For example, 20 g of potassium chloride and urea are diluted in a bucket of water, 25 g of superphosphate are added. This solution must be applied in the same way as organic matter.

Preparing for winter

Since Shokoladnitsa is a winter-hardy tree, before the onset of winter, special efforts are not required to prepare the tree for the cold. After harvesting, the soil is dug up to a depth of 20-30 cm. Dry branches are also cut off before the onset of winter.

cherry pruning

If winters in the growing region are very cold, the soil around the trunk is mulched. The branches are slightly bent before the onset of cold weather. Those branches that are more than 8 years old should be pruned. The pressed stems are covered with straw or hay. With the onset of winter, the areas around the trunk are buried with snow to prevent the roots from freezing.

With the onset of autumn, young seedlings must be mulched with peat or a thick layer of sawdust and covered with a special cloth

Diseases of the Shokoladnitsa cherry and the fight against them

Pests and diseases appear if the gardener stops caring for the tree.Most often you can find aphids and plum moths on trees. For these insects, use a 3% solution of Nitrafen or Intavir. After treating the tree with chemicals, fallen insects are collected from the area.

Among the diseases, moniliosis and coccomycosis are often found. To prevent the appearance of diseases, trees are sprayed with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture at the onset of the flowering period. During flowering, Shokoladnitsa is sprayed with the chemical “Skor”. After the flowering period, copper oxychloride is used for treatment.

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What problems arise when growing

Problems when growing Chocolate:

  • the cherry tree does not bear fruit;
  • seedlings do not take root well after planting;
  • low yield;
  • inflorescences do not bloom;
  • Few ovaries are formed on the cherry;
  • insects or diseases have appeared on the plant;
  • seedlings do not grow.

To avoid problems with growing cherry trees, they need to be looked after regularly. Timely application of fertilizers, properly organized watering and preventive measures against harmful insects and diseases of fruit trees help prevent problems with growing the Shokoladnitsa variety. Without proper care, the cherry tree will quickly die.
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