Among winter varieties, the Pinova apple tree variety is especially popular. Due to its relative unpretentiousness to growing conditions and excellent immunity, this fruit crop is grown almost everywhere. Apples of this variety attract attention with their ruddy color and one-dimensionality; the harvest is not only qualitative, but also quantitative. But in order to grow it, you should know the varietal characteristics of this plant.
History and description of the variety
A new hybrid form was obtained through hybridization; two varieties resistant to adverse environmental factors, Clivia and Golden Delicious, were selected as the parent pair. German breeders worked on developing the Pinov apple tree variety, and already in 1986 they knew about it in Europe.
For information! Reviews about the Pinova variety are extremely positive; the crop shows the best results in areas with mild winters.
According to the description of the variety, the tree grows up to 3.5 m, develops a dense crown, it is quite spreading, and can be wide-pyramidal or flat-round in shape. In mature plantations, the branches are directed downwards. The dark green foliage is pubescent on the inside and has pointed tips. The flowers are distinguished by their white color; they appear in May and form ovaries closer to June.
Each variety of apple tree has a whole set of distinctive characteristics, knowledge of which allows you to provide the plants with proper care and conditions.
Advantages and disadvantages
Among the positive characteristics of the Pinova apple tree, experienced gardeners highlight:
- high degree of resistance to major diseases, in particular to powdery mildew and scab;
- the ability to bear fruit abundantly and stably;
- excellent taste and marketability of fruits;
- universal purpose of apples;
- one-dimensionality of fruits;
- sufficient level of resistance to sub-zero temperatures (-25 degrees);
- early fruiting (the first fruits are harvested already in the second year after planting the seedling in a permanent place);
- long shelf life of the crop (up to 8 months).
The disadvantages include:
- the need for additional shelter for the winter in harsh climates;
- weak resistance to bacterial burn.
The Pinova apple tree is medium-sized.The crown is formed moderately thickened, often in the shape of a wide pyramid. To ensure annual growth, you will need to properly organize watering, timely apply nutrient mixtures, monitor the condition of the tree itself, remove weeds, and at the first signs of disease, immediately take appropriate measures to cure them.
When favorable conditions for growth are created, up to 50 kg of harvest can be harvested from one mature tree. Apples grow medium to large in size, weighing on average 180 g.
Frequency of fruiting
The Pinova apple tree variety produces a harvest every year; the main thing is to maintain an optimal balance of useful components in the soil, adding not only organic fertilizers, but also complex mineral compounds. The tree begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. Considering the tendency of the variety to form excessive ovaries, normalization should be carried out by cutting off unnecessary ones. Thanks to this simple technique, the harvest is stable and large.
Winter hardiness
The Pinova apple tree has an average level of frost resistance. The variety grows and develops well in areas with mild climatic conditions; when growing in the central regions of Russia, it is necessary to take care of additional shelter, especially for young trees.
In general, the variety has a sufficient degree of winter hardiness for cultivation in many regions.
If you follow basic agricultural practices, the fruit crop will be able to better withstand low temperatures. But ignoring the growing rules often leads to freezing of the tree and a decrease in productivity.
Disease resistance
The Pinova apple tree has earned its popularity due to its resistance to fungal infections; it is not afraid of either powdery mildew or scab. It is very important to control the level of moisture in the soil, otherwise there is a high probability of putrefactive processes developing on the root system of the tree.
Fruit evaluation
The Pinova apple tree is positioned as a fairly promising variety with excellent taste characteristics of the fruit. Tasting score 4.6-4.9 points. Due to this, this variety is often chosen for cultivation on an industrial scale.
Dimensions of an adult tree
The maximum height of the tree does not exceed 3.5 m. Given the density of the crown, it is recommended to do annual pruning, which involves removing dry, damaged and deformed branches. As a result of such procedures, the plant receives more nutrients and productivity indicators increase significantly.
Fruit ripening and storage times
The harvest of Pinova apples begins in late September and ends in October. The fruits reach their harvest ripeness unevenly, which explains the harvest range. With careful harvesting and proper storage, the crop can not lose its taste and commercial characteristics until the month of May. The Pinova apple tree variety in this regard greatly outperforms its parent, Golden Delicious.
Growing in different regions
The Pinov apple tree variety is still poorly understood, but it is already grown in the Moscow region and surrounding areas, in Belarus, and Ukraine. The key to a good harvest is the correct location for planting the fruit crop. The best results were observed in open and sufficiently lit fields, protected from draft winds.
The plant prefers light, moderately moist and humus-enriched soils. In dry weather the tree feels quite normal, but in close proximity to groundwater it reacts poorly. Because excessive moisture causes root rot.
When purchasing seedlings of this variety, you should carefully examine them to identify signs of disease and various damage, including mechanical damage. Only healthy planting material can produce a bountiful harvest in the future.
For information! It is recommended to carry out preparatory measures in advance, especially if the soil in the area has a low level of air permeability and is depleted.
The depth of the planting hole varies between 30-50 cm, everything will depend on the size of the root mass. Width 60 cm. Before planting, mix the extracted soil with organic rotted composition and mineral mixtures. After planting the Pinova apple tree variety, the soil should be watered generously and mulched with peat and fallen leaves. It is recommended to perform pruning in the first year after planting the seedling in a permanent place, where special attention is paid to the formation of the trunk, skeletal branches and shortening of the lateral processes.
In order for trees to grow and develop faster, you need to apply fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen in the spring. At the end of the flowering stage, complex mineral compositions containing potassium and phosphorus are used. To maintain moisture in the soil, mulch should be added throughout the season: humus, compost, sawdust, peat. Before wintering, young plants of this variety are covered.