The new variety of apple tree Spartan is distinguished by its high yield. Refers to the winter ripening period. Thanks to the excellent taste of apples, the crop is gaining popularity among summer residents. In Canada, the fruit is grown for export. The culture grows in Poland, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the Russian Federation.
- Description and characteristics of the Spartan apple tree
- Appearance of the variety
- Leaf color and shape
- Tree height
- Crown width
- Tasting assessment
- Frost resistance
- Self-fertility
- Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
- Landing Features
- Landing dates
- Selecting a location
- Distance between trees
- Landing technology
- Tree care
- After landing
- Watering
- Feeding
- Trimming
- Preparing for winter
- Diseases and pests
- Features of cultivation in different regions
- Collection and storage
Description and characteristics of the Spartan apple tree
Winter ripening variety. The culture, bred in Canada, has become widespread in Europe.
Appearance of the variety
The culture is medium-sized. The crown is flattened and rounded. The central conductor of the plant is inclined. The branches are painted burgundy.
Leaf color and shape
The leaves are shiny, green-dark, rounded with a textured surface.
Tree height
The culture has an average growth force and reaches 6 meters.
Crown width
The unusual splendor of the crop is given by a large number of branches, which are located at an angle of 70° to the trunk. The lilac shoots of the apple tree are slightly lowered.
Tasting assessment
Fruits of the plant:
- dense;
- crispy;
- aromatic;
- juicy.
In the sweet taste of apple fruits, sour notes are clearly felt. The skin is strong and thick.
Frost resistance
The crop does not withstand frost and frost well. Requires good shelter.
The plant is self-fertile and acts as a pollinator for other crops.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Before purchasing a plant, you need to study the advantages and disadvantages of the culture.
- Poor frost resistance. In the central regions of the Russian Federation, summer residents need to provide additional care.
- Over time, the fruits become smaller.
- The culture requires constant pruning of the crown.
Positive properties:
- keeping quality of apples; if the conditions are met, the fruits are stored until April;
- good transportability of the crop;
- abundant yield;
- bears fruit from the 3rd year;
- resistant to diseases;
- high taste qualities.
The fruits are ideal for extracting juice and making jam.
Landing Features
Before planting the plant, you need to choose the right place.
Landing dates
The crop is planted in autumn or spring. In autumn, the best period is the beginning of October. In spring - the last ten days of April.
Selecting a location
The site is selected without groundwater and with fertile soil. The culture prefers illuminated places with a regular flow of sunlight.
Distance between trees
Spartan is placed at a distance of 4.5 meters from other crops. When planting several seedlings of the same variety, leave a gap of 3 meters.
Landing technology
In order for the plant to take root better, follow the recommendations when planting:
- Dig a hole 100 centimeters wide and 50 centimeters deep.
- Fertile soil is mixed with fertilizers. The bottom is covered with stones. Ash, humus, superphosphate and potassium are used as top dressing. The resulting mixture is used to fill the drainage.
- The root system is corrected. Place it in the hole and cover it with soil.
- Monitor the location of the root collar. It should be located above ground level.
- The earth is compacted.
- Water with 25 liters of water.
- The soil around is mulched.
Clay soil is pre-mixed with sand, compost and peat.
Tree care
In order for the plant to feel good and not be affected by diseases, several significant points are taken into account.
After landing
A stake is stuck next to the hole, to which the plant is tied with a ribbon. This will help the crop withstand strong winter winds.
The tree trunk circle is regularly weeded and loosened. The apple tree does not tolerate proximity to weeds.
On hot days, the crop needs additional watering. It is carried out 2 times a week by sprinkling. To saturate the root system with oxygen, the tree trunk circle is loosened after each watering.
The crop is fed 3 times per season:
- In April. After the snow has completely melted. Use root fertilizer.To do this, mix 20 liters of humus, 25 g of ammonium nitrate and 250 g of urea. Fertilize the tree trunk circle of the crop.
- When the plant blooms. To do this, dilute 2 liters of bird droppings in a bucket of water. Fertilize only in dry weather.
- After flowering is completed. In a 15-liter bucket, dilute 15 g of dry sodium humate and 750 grams of nitrophoska.
It is not recommended to fertilize the plant before winter.
The culture is famous for its high growth of branches. Therefore, it is very important to form the crown. The plant is subjected to sanitary pruning annually. The growth of branches in the process of crown formation is directed to the side. This helps to achieve greater stability of the apple tree.
The tree needs sanitary pruning. To do this, if necessary, remove dry, diseased and damaged branches. It is necessary to remove parts that rub against each other, intertwine and grow towards the trunk. Pruning saturates the crown with sunlight, thereby ensuring a steady flow of fresh air masses. This helps prevent the spread of pests and the proliferation of diseases.
Preparing for winter
To grow crops in central regions, it is necessary to take into account the poor ability to withstand harsh winters. Therefore, before the onset of frost, the plant is additionally prepared:
- Pre-winter watering is carried out. To completely saturate the crop with moisture, you will need 45 liters of water.
- The tree trunk circle is insulated with a layer of peat, which is at least 30 centimeters.
- The fallen snow is raked under the plant and compacted.
The younger the tree, the more carefully it needs to be looked after.
Diseases and pests
The crop is susceptible to the same diseases as most varieties of apple trees. Canadian breeders have achieved high resistance to:
- Powdery mildew. The first manifestation is a white coating.It appears as white fluff, which is easily erased. Then it becomes rougher and browner. As a result, the foliage dries out and dots appear on the fruits. “Topaz” helps to cope with the disease.
- Parshe. The disease manifests itself as black dots on the fruits. At the initial stage, their quantity is small and does not affect the taste. In an advanced stage, the disease completely affects apples and makes them unfit for consumption. Fungicides are used for prevention and treatment. Horus is ideal for these purposes.
- Cytosporosis. The disease appears on the bark in the form of spots. Then the affected parts dry out and fall off. The drug “Hom” helps in the fight.
- Fruit rot. Damages apples. They rot and become covered with beige dots. “Horus” will help get rid of the problem.
Despite resistance to diseases, if the crown is very thick or constantly high humidity, these diseases can affect the crop. With proper attention and care, the plant rarely suffers from the listed diseases.
- Aphid. The insect sucks the juices from the plant, thereby depleting it and worsening the quality of the crop. Control measures must be started immediately after detection of the pest on the crop. It is best to carry out preventive treatments against the appearance of aphids. Manual removal of insects also helps, but this is a long and labor-intensive process. The danger of aphids lies in their high fertility. It reproduces very quickly and extensively. En masse insects are capable of drinking all the juices in a short time and destroying the tree.
- Codling moth. It attacks apples by gnawing holes in them. Each larva infects 3 fruits, after which they do not have time to ripen and fall prematurely.
A good protection against insect pests is a hunting belt mounted on a tree trunk. Electric traps and baits with odorous liquids are also used.
Features of cultivation in different regions
- In Siberia, the crown is formed in such a way that it is hidden under the snow cover. This will help the culture not to freeze out.
- In Belarus the climate is suitable for growing crops. Large volumes of regular precipitation provoke the proliferation of diseases. Regular preventive measures against diseases are necessary.
- In Ukraine. The climate is ideal for growing the plant and does not require additional care recommendations.
When growing in the middle zone, it is necessary to regularly water and loosen the soil.
Collection and storage
The amazing taste of the fruit is very popular, which is why apples are used for export in Canada. In the Russian Federation, fruits are used for their own needs. The variety is not grown for large-scale purposes. The taste of the first fruits can be enjoyed in the last ten days of September. They are removed from the tree before December. Late picking helps the fruits to fill with juice and acquire a unique taste.
The apples are well attached to the branches and do not fall off. This greatly simplifies harvesting and ensures high quality harvest.
Fruits are stored for a long time. They are kept in wooden boxes. The location should be:
- well ventilated;
- cold;
- dark.
A cellar is ideal. If stored properly, they will last until March. Heat increases the sweetness of apples and causes them to wilt.