Description and characteristics of Margaret barley, planting and care rules

Spring barley varieties occupy a huge niche in the agricultural sector. The grain crop has an important food purpose and is used for livestock feed and in brewing production. Margaret's universal-purpose barley was bred by German breeders. The variety is characterized by excellent yield indicators and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Description and characteristics of the Margaret variety

The hybrid variety of cereal was obtained by crossing Viscose and Scarlett barley.

Due to its excellent resistance to temperature changes, the variety was recommended for cultivation in regions with different climatic features in 2005.

  1. The herbaceous bush is low-growing, reaching a maximum height of 57-59 cm during the growing season.
  2. The rhizomes have a fibrous structure, which increases plant resistance during periods of prolonged drought.
  3. The ripening period of grain is short, depending on the region of cultivation, from 80 to 90 days.
  4. A plant with many thin, narrow leaf blades. The lower leaves are smooth, the upper leaf cover of the plant is rough, with fibers.
  5. The contour of the ear is cylindrical, the density is loose or medium, covered with a thick layer of waxy coating.
  6. The color of the ear is amber.
  7. The awns are long, exceeding the size of the ear, and anthocyanin color appears at the tips.
  8. Ripe grains are large, with a pronounced groove in the middle of the abdomen, yellow or light yellow in color.
  9. The average weight per 1000 grains ranges from 40 to 50 g.
  10. The variety is characterized by excellent yield indicators, up to 36 centners per hectare. The maximum harvest was obtained in 2003, amounting to 71 centners per hectare.
  11. As a result of selection, spring barley of the Margaret variety has received excellent resistance to frost, heat and drought.
  12. With proper care and agricultural technology, the cereal exhibits resistance to some fungal and viral infections.

Important! The variety is characterized by rapid growth and bushiness, resistant to drooping and lodging.

Advantages and disadvantages of barley

When growing a cereal crop, you need to know all the strengths and weaknesses of the selected barley variety.

Depending on the further purpose of the crop, the seed sowing rate is also calculated.When planting cereals early, from 330 to 350 grains are used per square meter of land. For late planting of barley, the sowing rate increases to 400 grains per square meter. The advantages of the hybrid include early ripening, universal purpose of grain and excellent frost resistance.

Low resistance to powdery mildew and some pests is considered a disadvantage of this variety.

growing barley

Planting and care

Spring barley is planted at temperatures from +1 to +3 degrees. Before planting in the ground, seeds are heated and treated with antifungal drugs.

  1. The plant is not demanding on the composition and quality of the soil, but the crop yield increases on fertile soils.
  2. The land is plowed, the soil is mixed with organic and mineral additives, harrowed and abundantly moistened.
  3. Seeds are laid on the surface of the prepared soil, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top, and buried to a depth of 5 to 7 cm.

Important! Cereals grow and develop poorly on sandy soils containing large amounts of acids.

Irrigation measures are carried out when there is an urgent need; the variety is not demanding of additional moisture.

The quantity and quality of fertilizing directly depends on the further purpose of the cereal.

  1. Coarse grains require a high protein content. Use nitrogen-containing fertilizers at the rate of 100 kg per 1 ha, and mineral fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium at the rate of 60 kg per 1 ha.
  2. For the brewing industry, the rate of application of organic and mineral substances is reduced to 40 kg per 1 ha.

Important! Tillage is carried out once per season, in late autumn, after harvesting, or in early spring, before sowing seeds.

Diseases and pests

Plantings of spring barley are spread over large areas, so the plants need careful protection from harmful insects and damage from fungal, viral and bacterial diseases.

Most often, spring barley is affected by powdery mildew, yellow and brown rust, spotting, septoria and fusarium head blight.

To avoid the spread of diseases and protect the crop from complete loss, plantings are treated with chemical and biological protection agents. In the process of pest control, insecticide-based preparations are used.

Cleaning and storage

Spring barley is harvested either by machine or by hand. The resulting cereal harvest is sent for long-term storage to elevators or special granaries.

Treated grains are used to make tasty and healthy cereals, but barley flour is usually not used due to its low gluten content.
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