Eggplant of the Destan variety is characterized by high yield. It is used for cultivation in open ground or in greenhouses. An early ripening plant, the yield from one bush is up to 9 kilograms. A characteristic feature of the culture is its requirement for constant warmth.
- Description and characteristics of the hybrid
- Pros and cons of the variety
- Growing eggplant
- Landing dates
- Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings
- Selection and preparation of a landing site
- Transplanting
- Cultivation care
- How to water
- Fertilizer
- Bush formation
- Protection from diseases and pests
- Harvest and storage
Description and characteristics of the hybrid
Fruits, as a rule, ripen 112-120 days after they are planted in the ground. The plant is low, up to 60 centimeters. On average, the height of the bush is 71 centimeters.The fruits are dark purple, glossy, cylindrical in shape. The eggplant core is characterized by the absence of voids and unpleasant bitterness. The weight of the fruit reaches 300 grams.
Pros and cons of the variety
- high productivity;
- stable fruiting;
- The fruits lend themselves perfectly to various types of transportation.
- The plant needs stable heat without temperature fluctuations.
- Shaping required.
Growing eggplant
The main reason why plants are in a lethargic state is low air and soil temperatures.
If you have a greenhouse or an equipped greenhouse, then you can start growing seedlings of the Destan variety from April 10 to 15.
Landing dates
The most favorable time for sowing seeds in boxes is mid-March. After the sowing procedure, the seedlings must be kept in a well-lit place, constantly ensuring that the soil temperature is not below 15 degrees. Sow not too thickly, otherwise the sprouts will stretch out.
Twenty days after planting, plant the seedlings in pots, greenhouses or beds.
Problems with Destan eggplants at the seedling stage most often arise due to incorrect temperature conditions. Therefore, take your time when planting seeds in cool soil. It is better to plant the plants a month later than expected, but in the end you will get a higher yield. Don't forget that the ancestors of eggplants came to us from India.
Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings
If you are going to grow seedlings in a room on a windowsill, then sow the seeds on March 20-25. First, sow in a small box or pot that is filled with soil mixture.
Soil mixture options:
- Garden soil, humus, peat in a ratio of 3:2:1. If desired, add wood ash at the rate of 1/2 cup per 10 liters.
- The second option is humus and turf in a one to one ratio.
In room conditions it is difficult to maintain the required temperature. Strive to maintain the temperature at a given level, otherwise a positive result will not be achieved.
If the seeds are of high quality and the temperature is maintained correctly, then shoots will appear in 10-12 days, or even earlier.
The absence of seedlings indicates that you have made a mistake. You should either increase the temperature or re-sow the seeds.
Selection and preparation of a landing site
The most suitable soil for eggplants is loamy or sandy loam.
The Destan variety feels good on heavier soils; it is necessary to add peat and humus to the soil at the rate of one bucket of each fertilizer per square meter of land.
It is also necessary to dilute heavy soil with coarse river sand or sawdust. It is better to do this in the fall, six months before the time when the seedlings will be planted.
After the first true leaves appear, the sprouts must be planted in different pots, which must be filled with exactly the same soil in which the seeds were sown.
Crops should be watered once every two to three days, always with warm water and certainly through a strainer. The moment the seedlings acquire at least four true leaves, they can be watered every day.
Cultivation care
When stable warm weather arrives, transfer the seedlings to the balcony or place them under a film cover.
When night falls, the seedlings will need to be removed to some warm place. It is advisable to plant in two rows.
How to water
For this crop, watering is the most important point on days of extreme heat. After all, despite the fact that eggplants come from India, they do not feel comfortable in extreme heat.
- During hot periods, water the plants twice a day.
- It is necessary to make grooves between the rows, which from time to time will need to be mulched with straw or sawdust.
- The soil around the bushes themselves should also be mulched, as this helps retain moisture and will help to some extent eliminate the need for frequent procedures such as loosening.
- Also, by resorting to the above-mentioned mulching procedure, you can muffle such an unpleasant process as overheating of the soil. If there is severe overheating, the plant can shed not only its flowers, but also its leaves.
- It is best to water the furrows between the rows, since in this case the water does not spread and you, firstly, save water, and secondly, spend less time and effort on this operation.
The sprouts must be fed ten days after they appear. Fertilize with a solution of slurry and bird droppings or with a variety of complex mineral fertilizers.
The seedlings are fed after 8-10 days with a solution of slurry (1:10), bird droppings (1:15) or mineral fertilizers, mainly a mixture of urea, superphosphate, and potassium sulfate taken in equal proportions (potassium can be replaced with ash, but you need to take it three times more than nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers).
Bush formation
Remove excess shoots from the bush. This technique will remove the load from the bushes and help the plants set larger fruits. Remove the flower that forms in the middle of the first fork.
Protection from diseases and pests
One of the most important points in harvesting eggplants is that they should never be harvested immediately after applying pest control products.
As a rule, the first fruits appear in mid-July. It is not recommended to harvest them, because the very first eggplants are characterized by low taste, as well as the presence of a large amount of acids and tannins.
Harvest and storage
It is not easy to determine the time when the fruits can be collected, since they do not differ in color from ripe fruits. When the vegetables are completely overripe, they will turn pale or red in color, and the pulp will become rough and inedible.
Ideally, eggplants are harvested between these two stages.
Overripe eggplants that are not suitable for harvesting are difficult to identify. As a rule, the fruits begin to lighten from the tip to the calyx. If you do not have time to collect them, they will become pale and unattractive.
Fruits that you pick ahead of time will wrinkle and become too soft.
Harvest eggplants once a week. Ideally, you should use pruning shears for harvesting, since the fruits should be separated from the bush with great care so as not to damage the “neighbors” in any way.
If the fruit is damaged or left without a stalk, then it must be used as soon as possible, otherwise it will disappear.
Fruits weighing three hundred grams are best stored. If you take fruits for processing, then you can cut specimens of any shape and weight. The main thing is that they are not overripe. On average, the yield of eggplants is about 350-400 kilograms per hundred square meters. This culture is not intended for very long-term storage.
Under no circumstances should fruits be stored in the light - the toxic substance solanine accumulates in them. Solanine is an alkaloid; in addition, it impairs the taste of the finished product.