The gardener decides in advance: what to plant next year after the beans. It is necessary to alternate plants to obtain a good harvest.
Garden crops are demanding on soil composition and fertility. Root systems are located in different horizons. The depth of planting in vegetables depends on the type of root system. The rod type consumes nutrients from a depth of 30–50 cm. The fibrous one – from 10–15 cm.
Plants of the same family draw the same nutrients from the soil. Pathogenic flora accumulates. The larvae that parasitize the roots of plants overwinter in the soil.Planting one crop in the same place provokes the development of pests.
There are rules for the circulation of agricultural crops. They ensure a good harvest.
The principle of bean fruiting
Modern gardeners use the land carefully. Gone are the days of mindless passion for mineral fertilizers and herbicides. People want to receive organic vegetables and fruits. Some summer residents practice organic farming. Without knowledge of the principle of crop rotation, it is difficult to obtain a good harvest.
The principle of crop rotation is to prepare the bed for the successful growth of subsequent crops. Legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen: bubbles with this substance form on their roots during the growing season.
When plant residues rot, nitrogen enters the soil. The soil becomes loose and nutritious. All plants like it. In the early stages of the growing season, the element is necessary for the formation of green mass for subsequent fruiting.
When placing crops after legumes, it is recommended to consider whether they have common diseases and pests. This is a landing restriction.
Compatible plants
The principle of compatibility is easy to understand by studying the basics of agricultural technology of the crop itself. Knowledge of soil preparation and plant care will allow you to navigate the rules of crop circulation.
What do plantings need?
Beans are a soil-demanding plant. For a good harvest she needs:
- availability of nutrients;
- sufficient moisture, but not excess water;
- no weeds;
- breathability.
In response to compliance with all conditions, it returns soil enriched with nitrogen. The ridges are loose, the harmful plants have disappeared. No digging is required; you can get by with loosening. After legumes, the soil is suitable for almost all crops. Application of spring fertilizers is minimal.
What happens after beans?
Gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to place beans one by one and how often. This crop is susceptible to disease. To prevent rot, beans should be planted in a new location every year.
Winter garlic planted on the plot works great. But it is recommended to enrich the soil with an autumn mineral complex. Spring - produces large heads and grows green mass faster.
After beans, it is allowed to plant any crops. The greatest yields are produced by nightshades, melons, root vegetables, cabbage, and bulbs. Tomatoes easily adapt to loose, nitrogen-rich soil. Cabbage turns heads 5–7 days faster. Placed gladioli and tulips delight gardeners with large flowers.
Some gardeners oversaturate the beds with organic fertilizers to get a good harvest. Compost and humus are added without measure. Result: instead of the desired yield, the plants become sick or accumulate nitrates.
This will not happen with prior placement of the beans. The land is fertilized naturally. There is no excess nitrogen. The element present in the soil is in chelated (easily absorbed by plants) form.
The advantage of previous planting of beans: the soil requires a minimum amount of organic fertilizers. The balance of bacteria is maintained. Weeds are destroyed. Improving the health of the land by planting legumes is the basis of organic farming.
Incompatible plants
After planting legumes, the soil is saturated with nitrogen and rests. The only undesirable precursor for beans is itself. This is explained by the tendency to diseases and the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in the soil.
Do not plant next to beans:
- peas, beans, soybeans;
- onion garlic;
- rutabaga, turnip;
- tomatoes;
- sunflower.
The close proximity of parsley has a negative effect on legumes: the green crop is depressing.
What to plant next?
Friendly plants help you get a bountiful harvest. Vegetables planted nearby do not oppress each other. Crops protect neighbors from pests and diseases.
The method of combined planting is used by gardeners with small plots. This allows you to save space and get the required amount of products.
Legumes grow well next to corn. The stems of the cereal serve as support for the legume plant. Preparing the soil for corn requires the absence of weeds. Beans appreciate such care.
Legumes planted along the edge of a cucumber ridge will yield a good harvest. With this placement, it is recommended to monitor soil moisture.
It is good to place bush beans in a cabbage field. It repels whites and enriches the soil. Gardeners have noticed: the taste of cabbage is improving. More pods are formed.
Gardeners often plant bean bushes between potato rows. This proximity is beneficial for potatoes: the plant repels the Colorado potato beetle and saturates the ridges with nitrogen.
Thrifty gardeners place radishes in the aisles of bush beans. The plant repels the cruciferous flea beetle and improves the taste of the root crop. A salad among legumes works well.
An ancient peasant method of compacting plantings: pumpkin, beans, corn. The triple alliance is beneficial for everyone: beans enrich the soil, pumpkin fights weeds, corn supports the stems.
Plants obtain food from different horizons. There is no struggle for moisture and light. The soil is moist under the pumpkin leaves. There is no need to loosen the ridges. The taste of the crops is excellent.Result: the gardener saves energy, time and gets what he wants from nature.