The taste of carambola, how and with what it is eaten and how to choose a fruit, contraindications

Quite often, people wonder what carambola fruit looks like and what it is eaten with. It is the fruit of an evergreen tree native to South and East Asia. In these regions, the product is considered quite ordinary and familiar. Its originality lies in its unusual taste, which combines notes of cucumber and apple. The fruit also has an exotic appearance and is shaped like a star.

Description of the fruit

The tree is characterized by slow growth and does not exceed 4-5 meters in height. However, sometimes larger specimens are found that reach 10 meters. At the same time, the crop looks quite voluminous due to its spreading crown, consisting of many small branches.

The leaves resemble rowan in appearance. They are distinguished by a soft and smooth surface and an attractive appearance. The foliage is dark green above, and covered with white fluff below. In the evening, the leaves may curl, which is the tree's reaction to changes in light and temperature. In the daytime, the foliage straightens again. If it looks unnatural, you should expect bad weather to come.

The most interesting element of the tree is the fruit. They are oval in shape and have 5 large ribs. That’s why the fruit in cross section resembles a star. It has a bright yellow color and looks quite dense and juicy.

Botanical formula and classification

A flower formula is a special botanical designation that describes the structure of a flower. Numbers and letters are used for this. The formula *Ch5L5T5P is typical for carambola. It can be deciphered in more detail:

  • *– used to designate the planes of symmetry of a flower;
  • letters - indicate calyxes, stamens, petals and pistils;
  • numbers – indicate the quantity of a particular element.

So the carambola flower is correct. Its structure includes 5 calyxes, 5 petals, 5 stamens and 1 pistil.

When classifying plants, botanists move from the general to the specific. This culture belongs to the plant kingdom. It is included in the department of Angiosperms and the class of Dicotyledons. Carambola belongs to the Oxalis family and the Averroa genus.The plant is a representative of the Carambola species.

carambola fruit

Chemical composition

This culture is characterized by a high content of valuable elements. The most significant components include the following:

  1. Ascorbic acid – helps strengthen the immune system and helps mobilize the body's defenses.
  2. Thiamine – helps improve the functions of the nervous system and stimulate the functioning of the digestive organs.
  3. Riboflavin – normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. It can help improve the appearance of hair and skin. This substance also has a beneficial effect on blood composition.
  4. Pantothenic acid – activates the synthesis of hormones by the adrenal glands. With its help, it is possible to normalize hemoglobin and cholesterol levels. This component successfully prevents allergies, heart pathologies and colitis.
  5. Cellulose.
  6. Phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, calcium.

Growth area

Under natural conditions, carambola grows in India and Indonesia. It also exists in Sri Lanka. The trees are also grown in South America. This is a tropical crop that requires warmth, high humidity and sufficient sunlight.

Features and Properties

Carambola fruits include vitamins B, A, C. They also contain calcium, sodium, potassium, and iron. In addition, fruits contain a lot of fiber. The rich chemical composition makes carambola very beneficial for health. When consuming the fruits of this plant, the following effects can be obtained:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve the functions of the nervous system, digestive organs, and thyroid gland;
  • normalize cholesterol and hemoglobin levels;
  • prevent cancer, cardiovascular diseases and colitis;
  • improve the appearance of skin and hair;
  • normalize blood composition;
  • improve the absorption of calcium by the body;
  • normalize muscle function;
  • remove excess uric acid from the body, prevent the occurrence of gout and arthritis;
  • saturate the body with folic acid;
  • strengthen bone tissue and prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • improve appetite - this is especially important after illness.

carambola fruit photo

In what cases is carambola recommended?

The beneficial properties of carambola have not been officially studied. At the same time, Asian healers actively use the foliage, flowers and fruits of the plant for medicinal purposes. This fruit is used to eliminate the following pathologies:

  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • dizziness;
  • hangover;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • chicken pox;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • dermatological pathologies.

Different parts of carambola are used to prepare antiparasitic, diuretic and antiemetic agents. This plant is also used to obtain antidotes that help cope with serious poisoning.


Carambola contains a lot of oxalic acid. Therefore, such fruits should be limited to people with pathologies of the digestive organs. These include the following:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • enterocolitis;
  • gastritis;
  • complex kidney diseases.

Of course, one fruit will not do much harm. However, if such pathologies recur, it is better to completely exclude the star apple from your diet. Sometimes there is a risk of developing carom intoxication. In this case, a person experiences sleep disturbances, hiccups, vomiting, and numbness. Weakness in muscle tissue may also appear. Signs appear 0.5-14 hours after consuming the product.

carambola fruit species


Carambola is considered a popular product that is used in various areas of human life.

In medicine

Residents of countries where carambola grows use the fruit to strengthen the immune system, remove excess fluid from the body, reduce blood pressure and quench thirst. The fruit is useful for women during lactation, as it has a beneficial effect on milk production. The product is also considered an indispensable aid in case of chicken pox, ringworm and fever.

In cooking

In South Asia, the fruit is often used in cooking. It helps give salads a spicy kick. Carambola is also often used to decorate dishes. It is consumed fresh and canned. In addition, the fruits are made into jelly, purees, juices, and puddings.

In cosmetology

When taken internally, carambola benefits the skin as it cleanses the body of free radicals and excess fluid. With the help of this fruit you can increase the elasticity of the dermis and slow down the aging process. The product is also used to make oil. It is added to creams, shampoos, shower gels.

How to choose the right fruit

Green carambola fruits are distinguished by clearly separated ribs. The sweet, ripe fruit has fleshy ribs with a dark brown stripe. It indicates that the carambola is fully ripe on the branch. Moderately ripe fruits contain a little acid, which gives the taste piquant notes and freshness. At the same time, the aroma of the fruit is vaguely reminiscent of jasmine flowers.

tropical fruit carambola

When grown on an industrial scale, carambola is usually harvested in an unripe state. This makes it possible to transport fruit over long distances without losing its consumer characteristics. Unripe fruits have a light green or yellowish color. They can be stored for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator.Green fruit can ripen at room temperature. However, its taste will not be as high as that of a ripe fruit picked from a tree.

When buying carambola in Russia, the buyer does not have much choice. Therefore, you have to eat unripe fruits. When traveling to Thailand, you can fully enjoy the wonderful taste of carambola. It is important to find fruits that have a dark brown stripe on the ribs.

How to eat carambola correctly

This fruit is used to decorate cocktails, desserts and salads. Residents of Asia use the fruits to prepare various dishes:

  • carambola juice is included in many cocktails and emphasizes their exquisite taste;
  • unripe fruits are often used as vegetables - they are salted, stewed and pickled;
  • fresh fruits are consumed raw or used to make desserts;
  • sweet fruits are used to make marmalade, jam, and jelly;
  • in Chinese cuisine, slices of tropical fruits are used to prepare meat and fish dishes;
  • crushed carambola is used as an ingredient in sauces.

Ripe fruits can be consumed with the skin. First, the fruit must be washed in running water and dirt must be removed from the cavities. After which it needs to be cut into plates measuring 0.5-1.5 centimeters.

tropical fruit carambola

Growing instructions

You can grow the crop at home. To do this, you need to remove the seeds from the fruit and place them in a moist, loose substrate. The best option would be soil for palm trees. The following features should be taken into account:

  1. Seeds should be planted in February.
  2. It is recommended to deepen the grains by a maximum of 1.5 centimeters.
  3. After immersing the seeds in the soil, cover the container with glass or film.
  4. Every year in May, thin out the crown and trim vertical branches.
  5. Up to 5 years, replant the tree every year into a larger pot.
  6. In the summer, when it’s hot, water the plant every day and spray its crown. In winter, this should be done twice a week.

Carambola is a tasty and healthy fruit that contains a large number of valuable elements. To enjoy the product, it is important to learn how to choose it correctly and adhere to the rules of use.
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