Pear varieties for central Russia have characteristics suitable for the regions. Let's look at the description of the Carmen pear, the advantages and disadvantages of the variety, and how to properly plant and care for trees in your garden plot. How to properly treat diseases and prevent them, how to deal with pests. When to harvest and how to store the crop.
History of selection
The Carmen variety was bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Plant Breeding named after. I.V. Michurina. Parental forms are varieties Williams red and Daughter of Blankova.The variety is not included in the State Register. Now it is grown mainly in the Central Black Earth region.
Description and characteristics
The tree is characterized by rapid growth. It grows up to 5 m, has a compact but dense narrow pyramidal crown. Compactness allows trees to be planted densely, which saves garden space. The branches of this variety of trees are strong, with brownish-brown bark. The leaves are ovate or elliptical, green with a reddish tint.
The shape of pears is correct, classic for the crop, the fruits are medium in size, weighing on average 120-170 g, maximum 300 g. The skin of the fruit is slightly rough, has a slight shine and a slight waxy coating. After ripening, the skin becomes burgundy or brownish-red. The pulp is creamy, moderately dense, juicy, with a slight aroma, semi-oily. The taste is not tart, sourish-sweet. Carmen pears will ripen in mid-August. The fruits are stored for up to 2 weeks. Productivity – up to 30 kg per plant.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Advantages of the Carmen variety:
- early fruiting, the first fruits can be collected 4-5 years after planting;
- durability, a pear can live up to 50 years;
- undemanding to soils;
- cold resistance – up to -30 °C;
- resistance to septoria and scab.
Disadvantages of the Carmen variety: does not tolerate stagnant water, grows poorly in areas with close groundwater.
Planting and caring for Carmen pear
Pear seedlings are planted on the site in April or October. The main condition for spring planting is that the buds should not open. For autumn planting, the leaves should already have fallen.
Water the pear sparingly and rarely, mainly only in hot weather. The trees are fed, starting next year after planting, three times per season: in the spring, nitrogen organic or mineral fertilizers are applied, before flowering and after the formation of ovaries - with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Loosening is carried out after watering. Watering and fertilizing can be done simultaneously if you install a drip irrigation system.
The crown of the Carmen pear is formed so that the branches are positioned as horizontally as possible. While they are young, streamers are installed near the tree.
In the fall, they are pruned and covered with mulch for the winter. Old branches damaged by pests and diseases are cut out, as well as young ones if they are not growing in the direction required for the formation of the crown.
Diseases and pests
In general, the Carmen variety is resistant to fungal diseases, but preventive spraying with fungicides can significantly reduce the likelihood of infection. Among the pests, pear fruits can be affected by codling moths at the ovary stage. As with infections, the tree should be treated preventatively before insects appear.
If there are few pests, it is advisable to use biological preparations with substances that are not toxic to humans and animals. When using chemical fungicides and insecticides, trees should be treated taking into account the waiting period.
Hares and mice can harm pears in gardens. The trunks and main branches of trees need to be protected from them: tie them with a metal mesh.
Harvest and storage
Carmen pear fruits are harvested when they turn red and the flesh becomes soft. For storage, pears are collected carefully so that they are not broken. They are placed in boxes or baskets, which are lowered into the cellar. Storage conditions: dry and dark place. Carmen pears are not stored for long because they belong to the summer variety.
The Carmen pear is distinguished by its unusual fruit color, which it inherited from the Williams red variety. The agricultural technology for growing this variety is the same as for similar varieties of crops. The variety is suitable for beginners and experienced gardeners.