Instructions for the use of products containing acetamiprid, consumption rates and analogues

There are many acetamiprid-based products on the market today. This active substance has insecticidal properties. It is quickly absorbed by plants and spreads throughout all their elements. Negative effects on parasites occur through direct contact with the product or absorption of fragments of treated crops. As a result, the nervous system of the pests is paralyzed, which leads to their death.

Physical and chemical properties

Acetamiprid is a white crystalline substance.If the pH parameters are 4-7, the substance retains hydrolytic stability. At pH 9 and 45 degrees, the composition gradually decomposes. When exposed to sunlight, it remains stable.

The main physical properties include the following:

  • melting point – 98.9 degrees;
  • molecular weight – 222.7;
  • solubility in water – 4200 milligrams per 1 liter;
  • steam pressure at 25 degrees – less than 1∙10-6 Pa;
  • solubility in various substances - methanol, ethanol, chloroform, acetone.

Scope of application and effect on harmful organisms

The product has an excellent systemic and translaminar effect. Thanks to this, the substance is absorbed by the plant and distributed throughout all fragments. Due to this feature, the effect of using acetamiprid also appears on untreated crop fragments.


Parasites die as a result of direct contact with the product, as well as after eating treated crop fragments. The insecticidal effect is due to the influence of the drug on the nervous system of parasites, which leads to their death due to increased nervous excitement and paralysis.

Depending on the type of pest, the product produces a toxic effect at different stages of their development. The drug can destroy larvae, eggs, adults.

Acetamiprid belongs to a new class of insecticidal substances - neonicotinoids. It is characterized by systemic and contact-intestinal properties. The drug is effective against parasites that belong to the categories of thrips, hemipterans, and homoptera. It also helps control coleopteran insects. The duration of the protective effect, subject to the dosage of the substance, is 14-21 days.

This product has many advantages:

  • lack of resistance to the product among pests - this is due to a new mechanism of action;
  • economical consumption;
  • high biological efficiency at elevated temperatures;
  • quick effect - results can be obtained within 1 hour after treatment;
  • extended protective effect – it lasts up to 3 weeks;
  • low toxicity for bees, bumblebees, warm-blooded animals.


Pesticides containing acetamiprid

There are quite a few acetamiprid-based products that help get rid of bedbugs and other dangerous insects. The following drugs are usually used in agriculture:

  1. “Agent” – used to destroy coleopteran pests that attack cereal plants and potatoes. The product is produced in the form of granules. The composition is characterized by low toxicity to humans and animals. In addition, it quickly decomposes in the soil.
  2. "Gazelle" - the drug is suitable for protecting rapeseed plantations. It is produced in the form of a concentrate. The composition is safe for bees and other pollinators. The composition can be used during the flowering period.
  3. “Snake” is considered an innovative tool for the destruction of major agricultural parasites. It is produced in the form of a soluble powder. The composition has a high rate of exposure and does not depend on climate and temperature. The substance is characterized by a pronounced systemic effect.

The following substances are suitable for personal plots:

  • "Stozhar";
  • "Mospilan".


Instructions for use

The use of acetamiprid-based products is recommended if the number of pests exceeds the economic threshold of harmfulness. The product should be applied evenly to the leaf surface.For this purpose, it is recommended to use well-adjusted devices.

When choosing the volume of working fluid, it is important to consider that it should be enough to cover the entire surface of the plant leaves. The consumption rate of the working solution when processing field crops is 200-400 liters per 1 hectare of plantings.

Security measures

To avoid the substance entering the body and prevent its intoxication, you should adhere to basic safety rules. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Spray the garden wearing gloves, glasses, clothing and shoes.
  2. After completing work, change clothes, wash your hands and face with laundry soap. In this case, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with water.
  3. Wash clothes separately. It needs to be soaked for several hours first. After this, rinse the items at least 3 times.
  4. After washing, it is forbidden to pour water into sewers or water bodies.
  5. All work must be performed in the absence of children and pets.
  6. Plantings should be sprayed in calm weather.
  7. If nausea occurs, rinse the stomach. You also need to drink Smecta or activated carbon. After which it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  8. Despite its low toxicity to pollinators, fields adjacent to apiaries should not be treated with the product.



The drug can be combined with various pesticides. The exception is highly alkaline products.

Storage rules

The product can be kept at a temperature of +5-35 degrees. It is recommended to store it in closed original packaging for 3 years.

Acetamiprid is considered an effective insecticidal agent that helps control various types of pests. In order for the substance to give the desired results, it is important to strictly adhere to its dosage regimen.Compliance with safety regulations is of no small importance.
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