Pests cause enormous damage to the crop. There is no culture that is not favored by at least one insect. Pests as large and mobile as locusts were a true natural disaster in the old days. Pushkin also wrote: “The locust flew in, sat down, ate everything and flew away.” Now there are such means of control as the Herold insecticide, the use of which in accordance with the instructions for use preserves fruits and vegetables in the best possible way.
Active substance and release form
The chemical preparation “Herold” is produced by the company “August”. It contains 240 g/l of the active substance diflubenzuron. It is produced in the form of a water-suspension concentrate, packaged in 5-liter canisters.
Purpose of the drug "Herold"
To prevent insects from eating part or all of the crop or spoiling the presentation of fruits and vegetables, often the only way out is the use of insecticides. "Herold" destroys many insects at all stages of development of cultivated plants. It preserves not only the integrity of the ovaries, fruits, and heads of cabbage, but also the stems and leaves, the loss of which leads to a decrease in yield and infection with diseases. Affects pests that are insensitive to pyrethroids.
Mechanism of action
“Herald” poisons insects both during contact with their body and when they eat parts of the plant treated with the insecticide. By blocking the process of chitin formation, the drug does not allow the larva to obtain a new protective coating during its growth and dies during the molting stage. Eggs laid on a plant with a “Herald” layer on top die. The larvae that have developed in previously laid eggs lose their lives when they gnaw through their shell. Adult insects remain intact, but their attempts to reproduce are unsuccessful.
3-5 days after spraying, the larvae lose vital energy: they move little and slowly, and almost do not eat. After 10 days, dead caterpillars are visible. The effect of the Herold insecticide on eggs and larvae lasts from 15 to 30 days.
Instructions for use of insecticide
To spray tree and shrub vegetation, 1000-1500 liters of working solution per hectare are required. For garden and herbaceous plantings, prepare 200-400 liters of liquid per hectare of area.
Processing object | Pest | Rate of insecticide “Herold”, l/ha | Application time | Period until the crop cannot be used for food, days |
Cabbage | White moths, cabbage cutworms and moths | 0,15 | When the larvae are small. | 30 |
Spring wheat | Gray cutworm | 0,04 | The beginning of the appearance of caterpillars | 7 |
Gardens, fields, meadows inhabited by locusts | Locusts | 0,04 | The number of blue-winged fillies is 10-15 larvae per 1 m2, Italian locust – 2-5 larvae per 1 m2. |
Cotton | Cotton bollworm, ground bollworm | 0,02 | Beginning of oviposition of the pest. | 15 |
Apple tree | Leaf rollers, codling moth | 0,2 | For codling moths, spray 2 times at the beginning of egg laying of each generation. In hot summers, the appearance of the 3rd generation is possible. For early varieties, one treatment is sufficient. It is sprayed against leaf-eating insects when larvae appear at the initial stage of development. | |
Trees and bushes | American white butterfly | 0,1 | During the growing season, every other week against each generation of the pest, as soon as the first small caterpillars appear. | 5 |
Treatments are carried out after 18:00 or before 6:00. Choose low windy weather.
Safety precautions
Employees over 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination and labor safety training are involved in spraying and preparing the working fluid with the Herold insecticide. People are provided with personal protective equipment:
- waterproof overalls and gloves;
- rubber boots;
- glasses for the eyes that cover them from the sides and fit tightly;
- respiratory filter.
Contact with the Herold insecticide should not last more than 6 hours a day. During lunch, people move 200 m away from the pesticide exposure zone. Before eating, carefully remove gloves and wash your face and hands with soap.After work, used workwear is either washed or stored separately from work and street clothes. Areas, dishes, and equipment contaminated by “Herold” are cleaned using caustic soda. All washings are drained into a storage tank isolated from groundwater.
Compatibility with other substances
Insecticide "Herold" cannot be mixed with alkalis. If the area is already inhabited by many winged locusts, the drug is mixed with another insecticide that kills adult insects.
First aid
In a situation where an employee feels unwell, he is taken to a safe distance from the place of work with the Herold insecticide, and comfortably seated or laid down.
If “Herold” gets on the skin, quickly wipe off the stain with a soft cloth and wash with soap and water. They try to remove splashes in the eyes with running water with the eyelids open. If symptoms are negative, consult a doctor.
Storage Features
The Herold insecticide is kept in a specialized warehouse for pesticides. The drug is placed on a tray with the stopper facing up. The title must be clearly legible on it. Storage in bulk is strictly prohibited. Liquid and bulk preparations are not placed next to each other. Before the warehouseman enters the warehouse, it is necessary to turn on forced ventilation for 30 minutes or arrange through ventilation. People are in the room only when necessary. The keys are kept by the storekeeper.
"Herold" is suitable for use for 3 years from the date of production. Storage temperature – from minus 5 °C to plus 35 °C.
Analogues of the drug
To avoid resistance, a different insecticide is used every year for similar purposes.
An object | Pests | Means |
Fruits and vegetables | More than 60 types of the most common | "Spark" |
Stone fruits, apple, pear, currant, gooseberry, cabbage | Leaf rollers, white moths, cutworms, cabbage moths, apple flower beetle | "Kinmiks" |
Apple, plum, apricot, pear, cherry. Cherry, mulberry | Codling moth, American white butterfly, hawthorn, leaf rollers | "Bitoxibacillin" |
Pastures and areas inhabited by locusts | Locust | "Alterr" |