Instructions for use and composition of the insecticide Promark, dosage and analogues

Recently, agrochemical preparations of biological properties have become increasingly popular among gardeners and farmers. They are much less toxic, are used before the harvest period and decompose faster without harming the environment. These are new generation products that are highly effective. Familiarization with the Probrand insecticide and instructions for its use will expand the possibilities of choosing pest protection for your own site.

Composition and dosage form of the product

Syngenta's product is of biological origin. The drug is an intestinal and contact pesticide; it belongs to the chemical class of avermectins and biological pesticides. The active ingredient of the product is emamectin benzoate at a concentration of 50 grams/liter.

It is produced in the form of water-soluble granules (WG) and is marketed in a plastic container that holds 1 kilogram of insecticide. Each package has a label with information about the pesticide, and the kit comes with detailed instructions for using the product from the manufacturer.

Spectrum and principle of action of the drug

The product is a translaminar insecticide that protects plants from caterpillars of lepidopteran pests. The binding of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors in the synapse and glutamate h-receptors in muscle cells provokes the flow of a continuous flow of chlorine ions into the muscle cell. As a result, paralysis occurs, the caterpillar loses the ability to move, penetrate the fruit, feed (after 2-4 hours) and dies within 1-3 days after spraying the plants.

The drug is used to treat fruit trees (apple trees), vineyards, and vegetable plantings. Affects the following pests:

  • cabbage scoops;
  • cabbage moth;
  • cotton scoops;
  • whitefish;
  • codling moths;
  • bunch moths.

branding insecticide instructions for use

“Prokleym” combines low toxicity for humans with high effectiveness of use. The obvious advantages of the drug are:

  • maintaining efficiency at elevated temperatures and during rain;
  • ovicidal effect, ensuring the death of the caterpillar before it eats into the fruit;
  • protects treated plants for more than 2 weeks after application;
  • compatibility with the biological method of protection, not dangerous for entomophages 3-24 hours after spraying the plants;
  • lack of phytotoxicity when used according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

The product is not used on personal garden plots.

Dosage and use of insecticide

Treatment is carried out with a working insecticide solution. It is prepared before use, based on one treatment. To prepare a working insecticide mixture, the required amount of granules is mixed with a small amount of water with constant stirring, wait until the granules are completely dissolved and add water to the required volume without turning off the mixer. When planning treatments, the development cycles of pests should be taken into account.

branding insecticide instructions for use

Concentrate consumption, in grams Processed plantings Which caterpillars does it work on? Consumption of working solution, in liters/hectare, treatment period Multiplicity
0,4-0,5 Apple trees For the codling moth 800-1500, growing season 10(3)
0,3-0,4 Grape Bunch leaf roller 600-1000, growing season 7(1)
0,2-0,3 White cabbage Turnip moth, cabbage moth, cabbage moth 200-300, growing season. For the first time, plantings are sprayed against cabbage moths before heads are set. 7(2)
0,3-0,4 Tomato in open ground Cotton bollworm 200-400, growing season 5(2)

branding insecticide instructions for use

Work is carried out in the absence of wind and precipitation. “Prokleym” remains active at temperatures above +35 °C. Pests do not develop an addiction to the drug. The last treatment with insecticide can be performed 5-10 days before harvesting the fruits.

Safety precautions when working with Proklein

The drug is moderately toxic to people (belongs to hazard class 3).

Important: extremely toxic to bees (hazard class 1).They are prohibited from processing plants during the flowering period. It is imperative to inform beekeepers about the upcoming spraying of areas to delay the flight of insects. Use is prohibited in the water protection zone.

Work on preparing the working mixture is carried out at special sites for working with agrochemicals. They are located away from residential and agricultural buildings and covered with concrete or asphalt for ease of cleaning. Outsiders, farm animals and domestic animals are not allowed into such areas.

branding insecticide instructions for use

Employees who have undergone appropriate training are allowed to work with insecticide. They are provided with personal protective equipment (suits, respirators, protective gloves, goggles). During the period of interaction with the insecticide, smoking or eating is prohibited. If the substance gets on exposed areas of the body, they should be washed with plenty of running water. If ingested, gastric lavage is performed, after which the victim should be sent to a doctor, accompanied by information about the name of the drug, its purpose and composition.


The product is suitable for preparing tank mixtures and can be combined with many pesticides, except for compounds that have an alkaline reaction. Do not mix with fosetyl-based fungicides aluminum, do not use with liquid mineral fertilizers. Before composing the complex, the components should be checked for physical and chemical compatibility.

Storage Features

The drug is kept in special storage facilities for agrochemical compounds, in tightly closed original packaging with a clearly visible name and purpose on the label. Store away from food, feed and nutritional supplements for animals.The period of use is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Are there any analogues?

Analogues of the active substance are “Shah”, “Proben”.
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