Preparations with lambda-cyhalothrin, instructions for use and compatibility

Lambda-cyhalothrin is an insecticidal substance that belongs to the category of pyrethroids. It helps to cope with many harmful insects. The product has contact and gastric effects. It also has repellent characteristics. The composition can be used to kill parasites on livestock, food crops, and around buildings. The substance is also used to control insects in medical institutions.

Physical and chemical properties

This product is a colorless crystalline substance that is odorless.The composition is characterized by a low melting point and moderately acute toxicity.

Physical characteristics include the following:

  • melting point – 49.2 degrees;
  • molecular weight – 449.9;
  • vapor pressure at 20 degrees – 1.5·10-9 millimeters of mercury;
  • density parameters - 1.33 grams per milliliter;
  • solubility in most solvents at +21 degrees.

Effect on harmful organisms

Lambda-cyhalothrin affects calcium metabolism in synapses. The substance also affects sodium-potassium channels and causes disruption of the nervous system. This provokes an increased release of acetylcholine during the transmission of nerve impulses. Intoxication is accompanied by damage to motor centers and increased arousal.

lambda cyhalothrin

The composition helps to quickly cope with parasites. Pests die a maximum of a day after treatment. The composition actively fights against larvae and adult ticks. It helps suppress their development and prevents the population from increasing.

Products made on the basis of lambda-cyhalothrin have a rapid toxic effect. In addition, they are characterized by high photostability. As a result, the products create a long-lasting protective effect on the surface of crops. The waiting period is 30-40 days.

Pesticides containing lambda-cyhalothrin

This active ingredient is found in many pesticides used in agriculture. The most effective means include the following:

  • "Altyn";
  • "Borey";
  • "Delight";
  • "Gideon";
  • "Diplomat".

plant in a flask

There are also products that are used in medicine or in everyday life. Drugs that include lambda-cyhalothrin include:

  • Klaus - is a remedy for ants and cockroaches;
  • "Alcot";
  • "Paragraph".

Instructions for use

Insecticide Lambda-cyhalothrin is actively used to kill a wide range of harmful insects. It can be used for processing cereals, hops, ornamental crops, vegetables, and potatoes. The composition is also suitable for use in industrial or public spaces.

To achieve high effectiveness of drugs containing this active substance, you must strictly follow the instructions. It is important to use them at the first sign of parasites. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the forecasts of experts.

spraying the field

To minimize the risk of developing resistance, it is worth using the product in the recommended dosage. In addition, it is necessary to alternate the substance with other insecticides. They must belong to other chemical classes.

For ground cultivation, it is recommended to use special boom sprayers. The flow rate of the working fluid is affected by the processing area. On average, it is required to apply 200-300 liters of solution per 1 hectare. For pastures this amount is 200-400 liters. When treating trees and shrubs, it is necessary to use 1000-1500 liters of working solution per 1 hectare.

To make working fluid, you must follow the instructions. It is recommended to prepare the solution immediately before spraying. It is recommended to do this at specially equipped gas stations. It is also permissible to carry out the procedure in tanks with mechanical mixers or directly in a sprayer.

Compliance with the size of the sanitary protection zone is of no small importance. It must be at least 200 meters. To make a working solution, you need to pour a little water into the sprayer tank. It should be about a quarter full.After which, with the stirrer turned on, it is recommended to add the drug and water to obtain the required amount.


Precautionary measures

Lambda-cyhalothrin belongs to hazard classes 2-3 for humans and hazard classes 1-2 for bees. The composition is characterized by low toxicity to birds. It does not harm earthworms. At the same time, the substance causes some harm to bees and other beneficial insects. It is important to consider that the product poses a great danger to fish.

The composition does not cause skin irritation. However, it slightly irritates the eyes. When the body is intoxicated with lambda-cyhalothrin, unpleasant symptoms occur. They represent the clinical manifestations of pyrethroid poisoning, which manifests itself in effects on the nervous system. In this case, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • weakening of muscle tissue tone;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • tremor;
  • salivation;
  • respiratory dysfunction.

What is compatible with?

In tank mixtures, the substance combines well with most fungicides and insecticidal preparations. But such combinations are used only if necessary.

Lambda-cyhalothrin is an effective remedy that helps control most harmful insects. This substance is included in many popular products. It is important to choose the right composition and strictly follow the rules for its use.
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