It's hard to imagine your diet without potatoes. Various dishes are prepared with it, both for the everyday table and for the holidays. Today there are many different varieties; Tuleyevsky potatoes are considered one of the best.
It was produced by Russian breeders as a result of many years of work. And it has earned its calling thanks to its characteristics of high productivity and tolerance of weather vagaries.
The Tuleevsky potato was created by crossing several species, both Russian and foreign. It took about ten years to create, and in 2006 it was included in the State Register, where cultivation in the Siberian region was indicated. This is precisely the task that was posed to scientists.But the whole country fell in love with potatoes. Today it is included in the list of 10 best varieties. It is grown by summer residents, small farms, and also industrial enterprises.
The description of the variety is as follows: potatoes are mid-season varieties; you can dig up the first crop two months after planting. Harvesting begins after 3 months, usually when the tops have completely withered.
The plant reaches a height of less than 40 cm, which is very convenient for processing and removing waste. Each bush has at least 6 straight branches. The leaves are round in shape, quite large, but there are not many of them. The inflorescences are bright lilac in color, the corolla is white, and large in size.
Advantages and disadvantages of potatoes
The potato variety has earned positive reviews from gardeners thanks to the following advantages:
- The plant is able to adapt and grow in any weather conditions, which is important for Russia. The variety tolerates drought, heavy rainfall, heat and cool summers well, so it can be planted in any corner of the country without worrying about productivity.
- Resistance to many diseases that usually affect crops is also important. These include scab, potato cancer and late blight, it is also not subject to rot.
- The bush does not take up much space, so in a small area, you can grow more plant units than tall, widely growing varieties. Tubers also do not grow widely and take up little space.
- But, despite its compactness, Tuleyevsky does not lose at all in terms of productivity. From one tuber you can harvest up to 5–6 kg of crop.
- Potatoes do not require fertilizing; they grow well in ordinary soil.
- The potato itself has an even oval shape, the skin is dense, yellow in color, and the flesh is elastic and matches the color of the skin.
- The variety is well stored and can withstand transportation without being subject to mechanical damage.
- Application - universal, it retains its appearance when cooked, has a pleasant aroma and a slightly sweetish taste. It can be used for soups, side dishes, salads, bakes and other dishes.
But, despite such a large list of positive qualities, the description of the variety also includes points with disadvantages:
- Susceptibility to the potato pest nematodes.
- If there is boron in the soil, voids will form inside the potatoes, which is why they cannot be stored for long periods of time.
This characteristic suggests that potatoes can be grown in any latitude of Russia. The climate does not greatly affect its yield.
Disembarkation and care
It is recommended to prepare the Tuleyevsky potato variety for planting in advance, about a month before planting. You need to start it when the ground is warm enough, the signal will be the blooming dandelions. Pre-planting potatoes must be heated at a temperature of 15–18 degrees, it is important that they are not exposed to sunlight. The tubers should acquire a slightly greenish tint; with this procedure, their skin will become stronger and less susceptible to pests.
The soil is prepared in the same way as for any potato variety. It is plowed or dug up so that there are no large lumps of earth; you can also add biological fertilizers: compost, ash or chalk.
The bushes need to be planted at a distance of 60 cm from each other with a depth of no more than 15 cm. You can pour a little ash or onion peel into the hole.
When growing, special care for the plant is not required, but minimal actions are necessary. Hilling is a necessary procedure that must be carried out three times a season. The first is after the sprouts appear, the second is during flowering, and the third is when the tops are bent.
There is no need to water the Tuleevsky variety; it has enough natural moisture from precipitation, and even in a dry summer the yield will not suffer. Excessive moisture will lead to a very watery crop, and the taste will be reduced. In addition, rot is possible.
Chemical fertilizing is also not needed; the plant does not need phosphates and ammonia. The soil can be pre-fertilized with humus or manure; their tubers are well received. But this is not necessary; such a procedure is carried out only as a last resort, when the soil is severely depleted. For example, when growing crops on it for more than three years.
As already mentioned, potatoes are not protected from nematodes, therefore, to prevent it, the bushes are sprayed with insect repellent solutions (for example, Tabu). You need to do the procedure several times, every five days.
It was said that the disadvantage of Tuleyevskaya potatoes is their requirement for a high boron content in the soil. If the element is not enough, then the flowers begin to crumble, the buds dry out, and the stems become thicker. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed with boric acid several times a season, as new leaves grow.
Harvest after the tops dry. Planting potatoes need to be kept in the sun for some time. After harvesting the potatoes, they should be stored in a dark, ventilated place at a temperature of approximately plus 3 degrees.