Composition and instructions for use of Baytril for rabbits, dosage

Rabbits have a weak immune system and often experience digestive problems. In addition, these animals often suffer from infections. Therefore, farmers use antibacterial drugs to treat and prevent various diseases. Using Baytril for rabbits helps to cope with various problems. It is important to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the veterinarian.

Composition and release form of the drug

Baytril is produced by Bayer.There are several options for the product that differ in concentration:

  • 2.5 and 5% are solutions for injection. They are sold in glass containers of 100 milliliters;
  • 10% - produced for internal use and in the form of a solution for injection in 100 milliliter bottles.

The active component of the substance is considered to be enrofloxacin. The composition is actively used in veterinary practice. It helps treat bacterial and fungal infections. The bactericidal effect is observed against the background of high rates of tissue distribution.

Rabbits are usually given a 10% solution. It is used for oral feeding of animals. Other dosages can only be used by a veterinarian.

What is Baytril used for?

The drug belongs to drugs that affect a wide range of diseases. Primarily, it is used to treat infections. These include the following:

  • myxomatosis;
  • infectious pathologies of the digestive organs;
  • respiratory infections;
  • salmonellosis – is an acute intestinal infection;
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • colibacillosis – is a stomach disease associated with infection with pathogenic bacilli;
  • streptococcosis is an infectious pathology that is accompanied by general weakness, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and fever;
  • septicemia - accompanied by the penetration of bacteria into the systemic bloodstream;
  • atrophic rhinitis – characterized by degenerative processes in the nose;
  • pneumonia.

Baytril for rabbits

This is not a complete list of pathologies for the treatment of which Baytril is used. The drug is effective against bacteria that are sensitive to fluoroquinolones.

Instructions for use and dosage for rabbits

For the product to work, you must strictly follow the instructions for its use.

For adults

To treat adult rabbits, do the following:

  1. Inject a 5% Baytril solution into the injection machine. The dosage is 5 milligrams.
  2. Inject the vaccine into the rabbit. It is recommended to do this in the back of the thigh.
  3. Use the composition for 5 days.
  4. To prevent pathologies in healthy rabbits, it is permissible to combine the drug with water. In this case, you need to use 5 milliliters of Baytril solution with a concentration of 10% per 10 liters of liquid.

Baytril for rabbits


Little ones

Before using the substance, you should do the following:

  1. Isolate sick babies from healthy ones.
  2. Clean the cage thoroughly and water it with hot water.
  3. Wash the drinking bowls and change the clean water in them.
  4. Clean out droppings from cages.
  5. Remove any leftover food.

To use Baytril to treat small rabbits, consider the following:

  1. You can start using the drug from 1 month.
  2. For infectious pathologies, the drug is administered by injection.
  3. It is recommended to inject the substance into the back of the thigh.
  4. For children, you need to use 1-2 milligrams of the medicine, the concentration of which is 5%.
  5. The course of therapy lasts 5 days.
  6. To prevent pathologies, the drug should be added to water.

After using the substance, rabbit meat is not recommended for consumption for 15 days.

Baytril for rabbits

What are the contraindications and side effects?

Rabbits are prohibited from being treated with Baytril in the following situations:

  • pregnancy and lactation in females;
  • age less than 1 month;
  • presence of intolerance to enrofloxacin;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

If the dosage is observed, rabbits tolerate the drug well.The active substance practically does not provoke adverse reactions. In the case of oral use, there is a risk of disruption of digestive functions - diarrhea and flatulence. They indicate the development of dysbiosis.

Baytril for rabbits

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of the drug reaches 3 years in a closed container. After opening the package, the composition must be used within 1 month. It is recommended to store the medicine out of reach of children and animals. It is important to maintain a temperature regime of +5-25 degrees. The medicine should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The storage location must be dry. There should be no medications near the substance.

Similar means

Drug analogues include the following:

  1. Ditrim is one of the most common drugs for animals. Its active ingredients are sulfadimezine and trimethoprim. They successfully cope with pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, animals practically do not suffer from the toxic effects of the drug. The advantages of the substance include the inability of bacteria to develop resistance to its active components.
  2. "Tromexin" - includes 4 active components. It is produced in powder form. The composition helps eliminate enteritis, pasteurellosis, and acute rhinitis. It is recommended to give this remedy orally, adding it to water or food.
  3. Amprolium has virtually no toxic effect and helps cope with pathogenic bacteria. First of all, the composition eliminates coccidia. The product should be added to water.
  4. Metronidazole is a multifunctional antimicrobial substance. It helps cope with coccidiosis, colibacillosis, and septicemia. The composition can be used orally or by injection for rabbits.

"Baytril" is an effective remedy that successfully copes with pathogenic bacteria. In order for the treatment to produce results, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions.
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