Rabbits can be susceptible to infection by helminths and parasitic insects. Without therapeutic support, animals weaken, lose weight and die. Preventive treatment of the livestock is necessary, and in case of disease symptoms, treatment. The complex drug "Ivermek" is used for rabbits in a minimal dosage with good results in disinfection and disease prevention.
Composition, principle of action and release form of the drug "Ivermek"
The medicine is intended for veterinary use. Refers to systemic medications that allow the destruction of ecto- and endoparasites. 1 gram of Ivermec contains the active components ivermectin (10 milligrams) and vitamin E (40 milligrams). Transparent or lemon-tinted liquid for injection is packaged in ampoules/bottles of 1/20/50/100/250/500 milliliters.
The active component blocks nerve impulses and muscle contractions in larvae and adults of roundworms, scabies mites, lice and fleas, which leads to their paralysis and death. The parasitocidal effect of the drug is from 10 to 14 days after the injection. It is excreted from the body of rabbits through the kidneys and gall bladder.
In air, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the drug loses its chemical activity. It is low-hazard for humans as a class 3 substance. Highly toxic to insects and fish. The prescribed doses do not cause intrauterine deformities and do not affect genetic heredity.
Indications and contraindications
"Ivermek" is prescribed for preventive and therapeutic purposes for symptoms of infection in rabbits:
- scabies mites;
- lice;
- fleas;
- nematodes (round parasitic worms).
The medication is not used for rabbits with infectious diseases, with body weight below normal, or with intolerance to the ingredients of the composition.
Instructions for use and dosage of the drug for rabbits
Ivermek is administered intramuscularly. For rabbits, the dosage rate is 0.1 milliliter per 5 kilograms. The medicine for injection is prepared on the basis of saline solution (sodium chloride 0.9%) in a ratio of 2.5 milliliters of saline solution per 0.1 milliliter of Ivermek.
The injection is made by lifting the rabbit's withers with two fingers of the left hand between the shoulder blades. The volume of the syringe depends on the number of animals being vaccinated. The syringe needle should pierce the skin and reach the muscle layer.
When infected with ticks, lice and fleas, a second injection is given after 10 days to destroy the parasites that emerged from the laid eggs. Preventive treatment against helminthic infestation is done once every 6 months. Each new bottle is first tested on 2-3 rabbits. If there are no complications, all animals are treated within 72 hours after injection.
Side effects and overdose
After administration of the drug, in rare cases, animals may experience:
- diarrhea;
- frequent urination;
- increased salivation;
- physical weakness;
- loss of appetite.
Symptoms go away without treatment after 3-7 days.
An overdose of the drug is expressed:
- in drooling;
- trembling of limbs;
- loss of appetite;
- frequent bowel movements;
- depressed state.
For detoxification, the amount of fresh vegetables and herbs in the food is increased. Ivermec should not be used with drugs of the same class (macrocyclic lactones), for example, erythromycin, oleandomycin, mibelmicin. Simultaneous use may increase the toxicity of the effect and cause side effects.
Safety when interacting with veterinary medicine
During antiparasitic treatment it is not recommended:
- smoke;
- drink;
- There is;
- drip Ivermek onto your hands.
After the procedure, wash your hands under running water and soap.If the solution gets on your skin or eyes, rinse it under plenty of water for 3-5 minutes. Medical attention is required to control an allergic reaction or if swallowed. Used bottles must be disposed of and cannot be used for household needs.
Storage conditions and terms
The medication retains its medicinal effect for 2 years if the storage requirements are met:
- with intact cap/ampoule;
- at temperatures from 0 to +25 degrees;
- in a shaded place.
After the integrity of the packaging is damaged, Ivermek is used no later than 43 days.
If animals are allergic to Ivermek, special medications are used for helminthiasis or for arachnoematoses.
"Levamisole 75". Purpose – treatment of nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. The active ingredient is levamisole. A 50-milliliter bottle contains 3,750 milligrams of levamisole. The medicinal effect is based on blocking the respiratory cycle in the parasite cells, disrupting their bioenergy metabolism, which leads to the death of the helminths.
Method of administration: subcutaneous one-time injection without prior fasting diet or use of laxatives. The maximum dose is 2.5 milliliters per 1 kilogram of rabbit weight. Before treating the entire livestock, the medicine is tested on 2-3 animals. If there are no side effects, apply to all rabbits. Slaughter for meat is possible 7 days after injection.
"Piperazine." To treat chronic helminthic disease in rabbits (passalurosis), piperazine salts (piperazine sulfate and piperazine adipate) are used. The therapeutic dose, harmless, including for pregnant women, lactating females and rabbits, is 1.5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of weight.
The medicine is mixed into a feed mixture of grated root vegetables, boiled potatoes, grass cuttings, and moistened feed after an 18-24-hour fast. In cases where some rabbits do not eat such food after 2 hours, then grated vegetables should be added to it, mixed and given to the animals again.
"Rikazol". An anthelmintic drug based on ricobendazole (1 milliliter = 100 milligrams). The mechanism of action is to block the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of parasites. The drug is used once, intramuscularly at the rate of 1 milliliter per 25 kilograms of weight (for rabbits - 0.1 milliliter per 2.5 kilograms). The injection drug is available packaged in 100 milliliter bottles.
"Butox." Remedy for fleas and scabies mites. Yellow oily liquid. The active ingredient is deltamethrin (a class of pyrethroids). Apply to the animal's fur for 3 days. Therapeutic effect – disruption of nerve patency in parasites. Before use, the drug is diluted with water in the following ratio: for fleas - 1 milliliter per 1.3 liters, for scabies mites - 1 milliliter per 1 liter.