Viennese blue rabbits are considered very popular animals. They are grown by many farmers to obtain tasty meat and beautiful skins. Animals are distinguished by their low maintenance requirements and high fertility. They grow and develop quickly. At the same time, rabbits have strong immunity. To achieve maximum productivity parameters, they need to create suitable conditions.
Origin story
The breed was developed by the Austrian scientist Johann Konstantin Schultz. It took the breeder 2 years to do this.He was involved in crossing Flanders and Moravian rabbits. The result of the work was a beautiful rabbit, the Vienna Blue Giant, presented at the 1897 exhibition. The animal weighed more than 7 kilograms.
However, further work showed that it is not necessary to grow such large animals. Therefore the breed was adjusted. As a result, the Vienna Blue rabbit was bred.
Description and characteristics of Vienna rabbits
Viennese rabbits are medium in size. The length of their body rarely exceeds 55 centimeters. At the same time, the animals have a strong body, well-developed muscles and a wide back. Females are characterized by a strongly protruding sternum.
Rabbits have a rounded head and a furry muzzle. All individuals have a dark blue or blue tint to the iris. The ears are round in shape and do not exceed 15-17 centimeters. Animals have powerful limbs of medium length. They are covered with developed gray-gray claws.
A distinctive feature of animals is their skin. It has a uniform gray-blue color. The characteristic shade of the rabbits is obtained after the second molt. Newborn cubs have lighter fur.
Rabbits have a large area of skin that is suitable for dressing, which is why they are usually classified as fur breeds. The advantage of these rabbits is their ability to get along with people and other animals. They have a non-aggressive character and are quite calm. This is why rabbits have difficulty withstanding the effects of stress.
Pros and cons when growing
The main advantages of animals include the following:
- Precocity. With proper nutrition, rabbits develop quickly and reach the stage of ripeness. It is permissible to send animals for slaughter as early as 4.5 months.
- Minimum feed costs. Such animals eat relatively little.Moreover, due to their precocity, animals live relatively short lives.
- High quality fur. Among meat breeds, these animals are distinguished by the highest quality skin. They are characterized by thick and beautiful fur.
- Easy to care for. Representatives of this breed do not require special housing conditions or specific food. In addition, rabbits are characterized by strong immunity.
These animals have no obvious disadvantages. When breeding rabbits there is a risk of the following problems:
- the possibility of developing depression or stress;
- retaliatory aggression as a defensive reaction;
- Graying of fur in individuals older than 4-5 years.
Nuances of maintenance and care
The breed is considered very unpretentious. Therefore, animals can be housed in a rabbitry or barn. The best thing to do is make cages for them. This will make it easier to monitor your health and diet.
It is recommended to let the rabbits out for a walk every day for 1.5 hours. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing various pathologies. When creating a rabbitry, you should adhere to the following rules:
- animals should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
- Place plywood or wood at the bottom of the cage, and then a bedding of hay;
- control humidity parameters - they should be 60-75%;
- monitor the temperature - it should not exceed +30 degrees or be too low, as this can be fatal;
- provide artificial lighting in winter;
- Avoid exposure to drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.
It is recommended to clean the cages once a week. It is worthwhile to periodically disinfect all equipment. It is important to ensure that drinking bowls are always filled with fresh water. In this case, the bowls should be attached to the wall. It is recommended to clean the feeders every day.They often contain food, the spoilage of which can provoke various diseases.
It is recommended to completely change the bedding at intervals of 2-3 days to keep the room dry.
What to feed the breed
In order for rabbits to develop normally, they require the following products:
- cereals;
- hay or straw;
- fresh fruits and vegetables;
- fish or meat and bone meal;
- cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products;
- compound feed;
- vitamins and minerals.
Eating regimen is of no small importance. Rabbits should be fed at the same time. Meals should be frequent and small. It is not recommended to give animals too high-calorie foods - in particular, boiled potatoes or food high in fiber. Such food will negatively affect the quality of meat. There is also a risk of flatulence, which will negatively affect the health of animals.
Rabbit breeding
For breeding rabbits, it is recommended to correctly select animals that will be slaughtered and individuals for subsequent reproduction. The choice is made in several stages:
- The first is at the moment of laying off the female rabbits. This occurs on days 28-60 of life.
- The second - at 3 months.
- The third is during the onset of puberty. This moment occurs at 5 months.
It is worth checking that pairs are not formed from representatives of the same litter. Otherwise, the breed will begin to degenerate. To select a parent pair, you should focus on the following criteria:
- good health;
- attractive appearance;
- absence of congenital defects;
- full development;
- developed mammary glands in female rabbits.
Animals older than 7 months are allowed to mate. With high litter parameters, a couple is capable of producing offspring within 5 years. If problems arise, you should change partners.Gestation of the cubs takes 35 days, and feeding them takes a maximum of 2 months. It is allowed to separate rabbits from their mother after 1 month. During the year, no more than 5 births should be allowed. Otherwise, the female's health will suffer greatly.
Common diseases and prevention
To prevent diseases and epidemics, it is worth creating optimal conditions and a balanced diet for rabbits. Timely vaccination is of no small importance. It is important to vaccinate animals against viral infections. These include myxomatosis and hemorrhagic disease.
The first time the vaccination is done at 1.5 months, the second time at 3 months. Subsequently, the animals are vaccinated annually. If a rabbit lives as a pet, it is recommended to vaccinate it against rabies.
How much does this breed cost?
You can buy Viennese blue rabbits from amateur breeders, on special rabbit farms or through online stores. Delivery of animals from Europe is also possible. 1 rabbit will cost 800-2000 rubles.
Viennese blue rabbits are popular among farmers. They are characterized by rapid development and high productivity. The excellent quality of the skins makes it possible to use animals in the fur industry. In order for rabbits to remain healthy and grow quickly, they should be provided with suitable conditions.