What to do if a cow loses its cud and how to treat it at home

Chewing is the process of repeatedly chewing rough foods to make them easier to digest. Disruption of this process in cows is considered a sign of deterioration in the functions of the digestive system. The main causes of problems include nutritional disorders, pregnancy and calving. Many livestock breeders are interested: the cow’s cud has disappeared – what should be done in this case? First of all, it is important to establish the provoking factor.

Possible reasons

Farmers are frightened by the absence of cud from a cow, since this indicates serious violations. Causes of problems include the following:

  • ingestion of inedible food, which causes damage to the rumen;
  • stress factors;
  • pathologies - first of all, atony and tympany of the scar;
  • obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract - this condition is called traumatic reticulitis;
  • postpartum problems - in this case, displacement of organs is observed.

After identifying the provoking factor, veterinary consultation is required. help or use of folk remedies.


A common reason why an animal does not chew cud is atony. With this pathology, there is a loss of gastric tone. It may occur after calving or in other cases. The key sign of the disorder is the loss of appetite in the animal.

If the livestock breeder does not take action, this condition will cause the cessation of the function of the proventriculus and the cessation of digestion. As a result, there is a risk of rapid death.

For therapy, it is worth using hellebore tincture, which is sold in special pharmacies. To do this, it is recommended to take 2 milliliters of tincture per 400 milliliters of water. The finished composition should be poured into the oral cavity. The procedure should be repeated after 20 minutes. The veterinarian can administer a Carbohaline solution. Its concentration should be 0.1%.

The cow lost her cud

Tympany of the rumen

If the cow is not eating or drinking, tympany may be the cause. With this disorder, blockage of the esophagus is observed. This condition is accompanied by the accumulation of gases in the rumen. Signs of the disorder appear when overeating regular grass. Eating frozen or spoiled food also leads to tympany. Such food negatively affects the condition of the rumen, causing increased stress on it.

Usually the cause of problems is the farmer's inattention and violation of the rules of feeding cows. This is especially true when using root vegetables.It is recommended to cut them into large pieces. You can't crush food.

Cattle are characterized by certain physiological characteristics. They lead to the fact that the animal is not able to chew small fragments of root vegetables into a pulp. This causes them to enter the esophagus, which causes blockage of the passage.

A special therapeutic method will help to cope with the problem. It involves pouring 1 cup of vegetable oil into the cow's mouth. The oral cavity must first be opened and the tongue pulled out well. Sometimes farmers rub the left side of the cow's belly. To do this, it is permissible to use a brush or a rope of straw. This procedure helps move food along and remove blockages.

Traumatic reticulitis

If the cow has lost her appetite, traumatic reticulitis may be suspected. This disorder may occur in cattle if the animal is fed hay, which may contain nails, glass fragments or other foreign objects. At the same time, the animal puts its legs wide, it becomes weak, and its back bends.

The animal may experience a decrease in motor activity. When trying to lie down or get up, it groans loudly. There is also a loss of appetite, chewing gum worsens or disappears completely.

A magnetic probe can be used to remove foreign metal objects from the body. If the result cannot be obtained, it is recommended to put the animal on a diet. For this purpose, soft hay is used. Flour mashers are also suitable for this purpose.

The cow lost her cud


The birth of a calf is considered a major stressor for a cow. Therefore, loss of chewing gum can be observed before and after childbirth.If a cow stops chewing before calving, this may be due to a violation of the location of the organs. It is due to the growth of the fetus. After calving, the disorder occurs due to the movement of the calf along the birth canal.

If a cow loses her cud or spits out food during pregnancy, no serious measures are required. In order not to harm the calf, it is recommended to choose a diet.

You can also treat pathology with herbal products - tincture of chamomile or wormwood. These substances are harmless to adult animals and young animals. To make a solution, you will need 2 milliliters of herbal tincture per 500 milliliters of water. Hydrochloride mineral water can also be used for cows. It is recommended to give the animal 2 liters of this liquid at one time. This remedy activates digestive functions and restores stomach function.

What to do if a cow loses her cud

If the cow does not have cud, immediate action must be taken. If there is a problem, any delay can cause serious problems and even death. Only experienced farmers can provide independent assistance to a cow. In other cases, you should contact your veterinarian.

Treatment should be selected taking into account the diagnosis:

  1. For atony, it is recommended to administer sodium hydrochloride by mouth. It is also worth injecting caffeine subcutaneously and giving the cow Tempanol.
  2. Acidosis requires gastric lavage with an alkaline agent. It is also necessary to put in a drip with saline solution and administer drugs to restore the heart rhythm. If the cow is bloated, the use of enzymes is indicated. They help induce normal peristalsis.
  3. For tympany, you need to use an aqueous solution of formalin with ichthyol. This helps cope with the fermentation process.If you make a puncture in the required place, you can release the gases and introduce tar or “Creolin”.
  4. With traumatic reticulitis, you can try to remove the foreign object with a magnetic probe. If this procedure is ineffective, surgery is indicated.

structure of the stomach

To avoid problems, food should be given to the cow in pieces. If the cud is lost before the calf is born, the animal requires a special diet. If The cow has diarrhea, this is due to the development of decay processes. In such a situation, the animal needs to be introduced to healthy microflora.


To return chewing gum to an animal at home, you can use folk recipes. You can treat a cow with the following means:

  1. Limit the animal's diet. The cow should be switched exclusively to water for a day. At the same time, she must drink quite a lot.
  2. If the animal does not chew its food, hellebore tincture will help it. To make the product, you need to mix 10 milliliters of the product with 0.5 liters of water. The procedure should be repeated every 30 minutes until gastric motility is restored.
  3. Tinctures of wormwood and chamomile will help reduce bloating and restore secretion and peristalsis.
  4. You can give the cow 2 liters of hydrochloride mineral water. This helps to activate the digestive organs.

Measures to prevent illness

To avoid problems, you should follow these rules:

  • check the feed for the presence of foreign objects;
  • reduce the amount of roughage;
  • do not give calves large pieces of food;
  • avoid overfeeding in cows;
  • observe the rules of hygiene.

Loss of cud in a cow can be due to a variety of factors. Most often, various diseases lead to this problem. To cope with the problem, you need to make an accurate diagnosis.

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