Useful properties, description and features of growing Purple Carrots

Purple carrots are not a delicacy or a game of breeders. Since ancient times, the purple-hued vegetable has been used for medicinal purposes. Now purple varieties are bred along with regular ones.

Purple carrots are characterized by a high content of vitamins, macro and microelements. It contains vitamins B, C, E, K, PP, A, and beta-carotene. Also present is sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, calcium and other useful elements.

Despite the beneficial properties of root vegetables, they are not recommended for consumption fresh by patients suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis and enterocolitis.

Therapeutic features

Purple carrots are high in anthocyanins, which have powerful antioxidant effects. With regular consumption of root vegetables, there is a positive effect on the human body in several ways.

  1. Anticancer effects. Anthocyanins contained in purple carrots are inhibitors of cancer cells in the colon. Also, the high content of carotenoid in fruits has an antitumor effect.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect. Anthocyanins help fight inflammation, especially rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Strengthening blood vessels. Eating carrots has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. The vegetable helps strengthen the walls, prevent venous insufficiency and varicose veins.
  4. Improved vision. The purple vegetable has a positive effect on vision. Regular consumption of the root vegetable helps improve the quality of vision at night, stimulates blood circulation in the eyeball, and reduces the risk of blindness in patients with diabetes. The presence of lutein also helps strengthen vision.
  5. Application in cosmetology. Carrots contain calcium in an easily digestible form. It has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nail plates, teeth, and skin. The root vegetable is useful not only for eating, but also when used in cosmetic procedures. Lotions, masks, and lotions are made with its content.
  6. Increased potency. Carrots are classified as aphrodisiacs. Its use increases male potency, helps increase desire, and can cure sexual dysfunction.

In addition to these areas, eating purple carrots helps lower blood pressure, normalize cholesterol levels, and strengthen the kidneys. In some cases, the vegetable is used to treat a lingering cough.

Purple carrots in the garden

Varieties of varieties

Purple carrots have high nutritional value and undeniable medicinal properties. Despite its benefits, this type of root crop is still not widespread among gardeners. For this reason, it is difficult to find a variety of varieties on the market.

Experts identify a number of species that are cultivated in different regions of the country and which have shown good characteristics in terms of productivity and growth.

  1. Purple haze f1. The hybrid has a dark purple color. The inside of the root vegetable is colored orange. The variety belongs to the category of early ripening. Technical maturity occurs 70 days after planting in the ground. Purple haze is resistant to many types of diseases. Root crops grow up to 30 centimeters long.
  2. Purple dragon. The variety is recognized as exquisite. It has a pleasant sweet taste with spicy notes. The outer part of the root vegetable has a purple-red hue, the inner part is orange-yellow. The length of carrots reaches 25 centimeters.
  3. Rainbow mix. This species belongs to the category of colored carrots. Its fruits can range in color from orange to deep purple. Root vegetables are distinguished by their cylindrical shape. The length reaches 18 centimeters.
  4. Dragon. The variety has a sweet taste. Its value lies in its high content of vitamins A and beta-carotene. The fruits have a bright purple color on the outside, with an orange tint in the core.
  5. Cosmic Purple. The hybrid is characterized by a high rate of fruit ripening.It got its name from the bright purple color on the outside. The core of the root vegetables is a usual orange hue. The taste of carrots is rich and sweet. The fruits reach a length of 20 centimeters.

You can also find a number of lesser-known hybrids on the market. Experts recommend purchasing seeds from large manufacturers or specialized garden centers. In this way, the quality of the seed can be guaranteed.

appearance of purple carrots

Features of agricultural technology

Purple carrots are easy to grow and care for. The features of agricultural technology for purple varieties are similar to caring for ordinary types of root crops.

  1. Predecessors. The optimal predecessors for carrots are potatoes, onions, and cucumbers.
  2. Soil preparation. The land for carrots must be well cultivated and contain a high amount of fertilizer.
  3. Sowing and caring for seedlings. The seeds are pre-soaked. This promotes their germination. The seeds are distributed over the ridges in rows with an interval of 1-2 centimeters. Row spacing is done every 10-15 centimeters. In dense plantings, the first thinning is carried out after the appearance of 1-2 true leaves. Large seedlings are left at a distance of at least 2 centimeters from each other.
  4. Watering. Watering is carried out in the evening. Water should be completely absorbed into the ground, without the formation of puddles or stagnation.
  5. Feeding. Carrots require at least 2 feedings per season. Ammonium nitrate is used for the first time. Fertilizing is carried out in the phase of 3-4 leaves. The second time they are fed after the final thinning with superphosphate fertilizers.

Purple carrots have lower yields. At the same time, it is characterized by good seed germination and high resistance to diseases and pests. The sizes of root crops in a mature state are smaller.Their length rarely reaches 30 centimeters. On average 20-25.
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