What is asparagus, its types and where does it grow, benefits and harms

Nowadays, many people strive to eat healthy, and one of the components of this lifestyle is the consumption of asparagus. What is asparagus? This vegetable is very useful; it is interesting that there are more than 200 species of this plant. You can buy asparagus at any time of the year, but it has a season: harvesting begins in early April. During the rest of the year, this vegetable contains less vitamins. In this case, it is grown on an industrial scale. Where else does asparagus grow? You can grow this vegetable in your own summer cottage, but you need to know a few things about asparagus and how to care for your planting.

Description of the variety

Asparagus is a very healthy product; it is distinguished by the fact that it is easily absorbed by the body, contains a minimum of calories, and a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. It also contains coarse fibers, which have a beneficial effect on digestion.

benefit and harm

Chemical composition

Asparagus is rich in a variety of chemical elements. It contains magnesium, which has a calming effect, and potassium, which provides a diuretic effect. In addition to these elements, the vegetable contains iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Asparagus also contains nicotinic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the body in the treatment and prevention of gout, hepatitis, atherosclerosis, and cirrhosis of the liver. Nicotinic acid is very useful for women during breastfeeding and childbearing. This chemical compound also relieves vascular tension, pressure, and helps normalize blood circulation processes.

chemical elements

Asparagus contains a huge amount of folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman and on the development of the fetus.This chemical compound also has a positive effect on the circulatory system and prevents the development of liver pathologies.

In addition to these elements, the vegetable contains sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, calcium, and beta-carotene. This composition determines a lot of useful qualities of asparagus.

folic acid

What's good about asparagus?

Asparagus is a very healthy vegetable for humans, and it is recommended not only for adults, but also for children. Among the main advantages of the vegetable are:

  • beneficial effect on appearance: improvement of skin and hair structure;
  • calcium and phosphorus strengthen the human bone system;
  • asparagine dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, removes ammonia from the body;
  • asparagine also activates the heart, which is why asparagus is recommended to be eaten by people who have had a heart attack;
  • iron and magnesium have a positive effect on hematopoietic function;
  • zinc strengthens connective tissues, activates the healing processes of wound surfaces;
  • potassium has a diuretic effect.

The high content of vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system.

Protein content

Depending on the variety of asparagus, the amount of protein contained in the plant may vary slightly. On average, 100 grams of vegetables contain 2.2 grams of protein.

Vitamin content

This vegetable also contains a large amount of vitamins. Among them are: B1, B2, B9, C, A, PP. In addition to these vitamins, the vegetable contains provitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision and improves skin condition.

Calorie content

Asparagus is considered an optimal ingredient not only for main courses, side dishes, but also for salads. Such widespread use of the vegetable is determined not only by its taste, but also by its low calorie content.After all, 100 grams of asparagus contains only 20 calories. Moreover, the calorie content of the dry product sold in stores remains the same.

Asparagus seeds

Asparagus seeds widely used for growing plants. It is worth considering that when simply sowing dry material, the seeds take a very long time to germinate, so it is recommended to soak them before sowing.

In addition to direct sowing into the soil, the seeds can be used to grow seedlings. In this case, a developed plant can be obtained faster.

optimal ingredient

Asparagus leaves

Asparagus asparagus is characterized by oblong leaf blades that have a slight point and a pronounced central vein. The leaves are dark green and glossy.

The Sprenger variety is characterized by flattened leaf blades. At the same time, the leaves resemble Christmas trees

The leaf blades of Asparagus crescenta have a shape corresponding to its name. It is slightly corrugated at the edge. The color of the leaves is bright, green.

sheet plates

Asparagus roots and rhizomes

In addition to the stems and fruits of asparagus, its roots can also be eaten. The rhizomes of medicinal asparagus are mainly used to treat joints. This is due to the fact that they contain asparagine, steroidal saponins, coumarins, and carotenoids. Rhizomes are harvested in the autumn, when the above-ground part begins to fade.

use its roots too

Asparagus stalks

The stems of Asparagus asparagus are climbing or creeping. The shoots of the Sprenger variety are long, they can reach a length of 1.5 meters, the shoots can be erect or penetrating.

The Asparagus crescent variety has the thickest and longest stems. If grown in a greenhouse, the plant can reach a height of 4 meters.If this plant grows in natural conditions, it can grow up to 15 meters.

asparagus climbing

Asparagus berries

Asparagus berries are red in color and small in size. This plant blooms with small whitish bells.

After flowering, the Sprenger variety produces a large number of red berries. In this case, the fruits have the character of drupes.

Asparagus crescent berries are brown in color. They form as soon as the plant finishes blooming with white flowers.

small size

Asparagus juice

Asparagus juice is a very healthy drink, which contains a large amount of lutein. This substance actively fights atherosclerotic plaques, and drinking the drink can completely replace drug therapy.

The juice also contains the alkaloid asparagine, which lowers blood pressure, normalizes liver function, tones the vascular system, and normalizes heart rate. In addition to these beneficial qualities, the product has all the advantages of an ordinary vegetable.

amount of lutein

Types of Asparagus

There are a huge number of asparagus species. Each of them has its own features and characteristics. Some of them are grown for decorative purposes, while others are grown for medicinal and food purposes. The herbal type of asparagus is used in cooking due to the fact that they are characterized by excellent taste.

own traits

White asparagus

This type is the most delicious. Asparagus grows without light, causing its shoots to turn white. White asparagus is rich in calcium and potassium, vitamins A, B and C.

calcium and potassium


This is the most common type. In terms of taste, it is not inferior to the white variety. This species is rich in selenium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A and B.

rich in selenium


This variety is very interesting because it grows in complete darkness.In this case, the plant is given short-term light sessions. The purple variety is slightly bitter. When cooked, the vegetable changes color towards greenish.

complete darkness


Red asparagus is not a separate type of vegetable. Sometimes this is the name of its purple variety.

purple variety

Soy asparagus

Soy asparagus is a product of soybean processing. It is prepared as follows:

  1. The bean mass is soaked.
  2. Then it is placed under a press and separated from soy milk.
  3. The resulting mass is then boiled. As a result of this process, a film is formed on the surface, which is called soy asparagus.

This product has a positive effect on the body during the prevention of cancer and osteoporosis.

in the following way


Another name for this varieties of green beans. Its beans can be yellow or red. This product is considered an excellent component of dietary nutrition, as it contains easily digestible protein.

digestible protein


This type of asparagus grows on the sea coast and salt marshes. Sea asparagus contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and sea salt. This species has a salty taste with hints of iodine.

notes of iodine


There are several varieties of asparagus. Each of them has its own differences and characteristics.

Glory of Brunswick

The pulp of the shoots of this variety is white, and it is juicy. Planting produces a huge number of shoots, which is why this variety is considered highly productive. The shoots are mainly used for canning.

number of shoots

Arzhentelskaya early

This variety is distinguished by large, succulent shoots that are light in color. When exposed to light, the stems turn greenish-purple.

light shade

Yellow early

This variety is characterized by greenish-yellow shoots.This vegetable is ideal for canning.

Yellow early

Mary Washington

This variety is distinguished by beautiful shoots with a delicate texture. The shoots have a pleasant taste. The head of the shoot is colored red-violet.

Mary Washington

snow head

This variety is distinguished by the fact that it forms sharp shoots, at the end of which there is a whitish head. The product can be consumed fresh. It is also ideal for canning.

snow head


This variety is distinguished by the formation of a large number of large shoots. The head has a dense structure, colored pinkish. The color of the pulp may be white or yellowish.

number of large


This variety is tall. It can reach 1.7 meters in length. The shoots have a small diameter, the flesh is tender and whitish.

small diameter

Dutch green

This variety has a high yield; its shoots are colored greenish. The product has a delicate taste without bitterness.

Dutch green

Growing regions

Asparagus is a plant that is grown almost everywhere. When growing it, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the variety. This approach will allow you to get maximum yield.

If cultivation is carried out in central Russia, preference should be given to the following varieties:

  • Argentelsky.
  • Gainlim.
  • Harvest.
  • Mary Washington.

You can also pay attention to the high-yielding variety Brock Imperial.

Growing regions

Growing from seeds

Asparagus seeds are characterized by slow germination. To speed up this process you need to know a few rules.

  1. In early April, the seed material is soaked for 2 days in warm water. A small amount of growth stimulator should be added to the liquid.
  2. Then the seeds are sown in a soil mixture of garden soil, sand, manure, and peat.In this case, it is necessary to take into account the proportions 2:1:1:1.
  3. Then the seeds are sprinkled with 1 centimeter of soil. The soil is sometimes sprayed to prevent it from drying out.

Seeds should be germinated at a temperature of 25 to 27 degrees Celsius. The material will begin to germinate only after 1.5 months. The resulting seedlings need to be replanted into the ground from mid-June.

slow germination

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The best option for propagating asparagus is to divide the bush. The bush should be divided so that each part has at least 1 shoot.

Division can be done in spring, autumn, summer. It is best to divide the bush when replanting it.

dividing the bush

Propagation by cuttings

Between March and June, cuttings are cut from shoots grown last year and planted in moist sand. This is necessary to begin the processes of formation of the root system. The top of the planting is covered with a plastic dome.

Plantings are regularly ventilated and irrigated. Rooting takes on average 1 month.

Propagation by cuttings

Forcing asparagus in winter

Asparagus can be grown not only in summer, but also in winter. To do this, it is necessary to plant the plant in a greenhouse structure. In winter, the vegetable is grown using the method of forcing shoots from the roots of 5–6-year-old plant crops.

greenhouse structure


Asparagus should be planted in a well-lit area where weeds do not grow. The soil should be sandy loam, since it is in such conditions that the plant produces maximum yield.

illuminated area

Spring planting

Asparagus is planted in early spring. In this case, planting must be done until the buds begin to actively grow. Before planting, humus is added to the ground at the rate of 10 kilograms of fertilizer per 1 square meter. Between the rows you need to leave a gap of 0.6 meters. No more than 4 plants should be planted on a 30-centimeter ridge.After planting, the plants are watered abundantly.

humus is introduced

Autumn planting

Before autumn planting, you need to prepare the soil. To do this, the bed is dug up and fertilized. For 1 square meter of soil you need to add:

  • 60 grams of superphosphate;
  • 20 grams of ammonium sulfate;
  • 30 grams of potassium sulfate.

When planting, the plant is not buried, but a hillock is formed above it, which will protect the planting from the cold.

the bed is being dug up

In open ground

In open ground conditions, the plant crop is planted according to the above instructions. In this case, all recommendations for fertilizing the soil and the distance between plants and beds must be followed.

the above instructions

In the greenhouse

A greenhouse is used to grow asparagus in winter.

  1. In October, the roots are dug up and placed in a basement with a temperature of 0-2 degrees.
  2. In early December, the roots are planted in the greenhouse structure.
  3. Planting is done in small containers; 18–20 rhizomes need to be planted per 1 square meter.
  4. The planting is sprinkled with humus, the containers are covered with black film.

For 7 days, the temperature in the greenhouse is kept at 10 degrees, and then it gradually rises to 18.

greenhouse applied


To get a healthy plant and a rich harvest, you need to take good care of asparagus:

  • you need to water the plant little by little, avoiding stagnation of water;
  • The soil should be loosened after each watering;
  • a month after planting, the plant should be watered with mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5;
  • after harvesting, the crop must be fertilized with 30 grams of superphosphate, urea and potassium salt;
  • after harvesting, it is necessary to level the ridges of the plant;
  • in summer, asparagus should be fed with a 10% solution of bird droppings;
  • The last feeding, in July, consists of applying complex fertilizer.

In the fall, before frost, all stems are removed, the bottom of the plant is hilled up, covered with peat or compost. The height of such a shelter should be 5 centimeters.

provide quality care

Diseases and pests

Asparagus is a fairly disease-resistant plant. But it may be affected by the following pathologies and pests:

  • fungal diseases;
  • leaf beetles;
  • asparagus flies.

To prevent the death of the plant, the planting must be regularly inspected for the appearance of putrefactive spots, changes in the color of stems, damage to leaves and shoots.

plant diseases

Medicinal properties

In addition to its pleasant taste, asparagus also has medicinal qualities. Interestingly, this plant can improve the health of people of both sexes.

For men

Asparagus is very beneficial for men.

  1. It helps reduce hangover symptoms and protects liver cells from toxins.
  2. It has a beneficial effect in the treatment of prostatitis.
  3. Helps prevent diseases and inflammation of the urinary system.

hangover syndrome

During pregnancy

Asparagus also has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman. It protects it from vitamin deficiency, maintains the beauty and elasticity of the skin. It also promotes the proper development of the fetus, its skeletal system, as well as the saturation of necessary microelements and vitamins.

pregnant woman

For diabetes

Asparagus lowers blood sugar levels, which is why it is recommended for people with diabetes. With regular consumption of this product, the process of insulin production is normalized.

diabetes mellitus


Asparagus has a small number of contraindications. Among them, only the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies and individual intolerance to this product stands out.

individual intolerance


Asparagus can be harvested only 4 years after planting. The shoots are collected at the moment when they begin to lift the soil crust. Most often this process begins in May or April.

soil crust


The harvested crop should be stored in a cool, dark place. The best option is the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where it can remain fresh for 3 months. You can also put a wooden box with the harvest in the cellar, where there is good ventilation.

cool place


It is best to eat the vegetable fresh, but it can also be frozen. In this case, the shoots need to be spread out on a flat surface and placed in the freezer. When they freeze, they should be removed and quickly placed in a plastic bag. The stacked frozen crop is returned to the freezer. Such freezing allows you to obtain a product that does not stick together.

flat surface

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