Cucumber Break is a hybrid created by breeders of the Gavrish company. The plant is loved by gardeners: with minimal effort it is possible to get a good harvest. Cucumbers are delicious in salads. Children love the crunchy sugary fruits. Housewives receive fragrant canned food for the winter.
Why do gardeners choose Break?
Agronomists offer different varieties and hybrids of cucumbers. Break stands out because of its features. Gardeners evaluated the characteristics of the vegetable:
- early ripening (fruiting occurs 43 days after germination);
- designed for protected soil (film shelters, unheated greenhouses);
- the plant produces predominantly female flowers;
- does not require pollination by insects (parthenocarpic type);
- bears fruit on the central and lateral shoots;
- the ovaries are arranged in bunches;
- on the central stem in the axils grows from 2 to 4 ovaries;
- on the sides - up to 8;
- medium branching of cucumber tops;
- the central stem extends up to 3–4 m.
Competent agricultural technology ensures yields of up to 8.5 kg of fruit per plant. One square meter gives 17 kg of greens. The hybrid does not suffer from powdery mildew (downy mildew or common mildew) or root rot. Gardeners note immunity to peronospora.
What grows on the bushes?
Early varieties of cucumbers have a salad purpose. When you try to preserve them, the fruits soften and acquire a sour taste.
Cucumber Break F1 has a universal purpose. Thrifty housewives roll up the surplus harvest for the winter. The taste of canned food pleases all family members.
Description of hybrid greens:
- fruit with sparse white spines;
- the flesh is crispy and juicy;
- the skin is dense, not rough;
- seeds are small;
- grows up to 11 cm in length;
- diameter up to 4 cm;
- bright green color with fuzzy light stripes;
- cucumbers grow up to 100 g.
Break's value is the genetic absence of bitterness. When harvesting is delayed, the fruits retain their skin color and the flesh remains tender.
How to provide your family with vegetables?
Break F1 is an early productive hybrid. To get a good harvest, you need to follow the recommendations of agronomists:
- growing through seedlings is more effective than sowing in a permanent place;
- When planting, place the seeds in a hole, 2 pieces at a time;
- deepen by 1.5 cm;
- After germination, leave a strong plant (carefully cut off weak ones with scissors);
- plant 25-day-old seedlings in a greenhouse;
- the Break cucumber hybrid requires a lighted place;
- planting should be done after returning cold weather;
- add rotted manure or mature (three-year-old) compost to the soil (a bucket of 2 sq. m);
- planting on heavy soils requires preliminary sanding;
- provide soil and air moisture;
- blind the first two lateral shoots in the area of the first leaf;
- tie up the main stem;
- monitor the lighting (pluck out excess leaves and shoots);
- removing the tendrils will force the plant to give up its strength to the ripening fruits;
- Before flowering, apply foliar fertilizing with nitrogen (every 10 days).
Cucumbers love loose, moist soil. Mulching with mown and dried grass will help preserve these qualities. In hot weather, containers of water placed in the greenhouse will reduce the temperature.
Break is sensitive to drafts. Ventilation is recommended through vents. To reduce the temperature, you should whitewash the greenhouse or cover the plantings with lutrasil.
Daily collection of greens stimulates the formation of ovaries. After fruiting has finished, the canes should be shortened and the soil loosened. Feed the plants with nitrogen: after 3–5 days, the re-formation of ovaries will begin.
Assessment of summer residents
Gardeners give good reviews about Break. I liked it: the yield, the uniformity of the greens, the taste, the universal purpose of the fruit. Summer residents especially noted the lack of bitterness in the cucumbers and the extended fruiting.
One drawback was identified - you cannot get your seeds from the hybrid.