Beneficial properties and contraindications of artichoke, harm to human health and use as a medicinal plant

Artichoke (lat. Cynara) is a rather exotic plant for the middle latitudes of our country and not all vegetable growers are ready to begin a complex experiment in its cultivation. The plant is whimsical and heat-loving, since Italy is considered its homeland, where the climate allows it to grow an unusual crop without much hassle. Russian lovers of exotics should also think about growing it, since the advantages of beneficial properties and a small number of contraindications place the artichoke among medicinal herbs.

Description of the plant

Cynara is a herbaceous member of the Asteraceae. What is used for food and for medicinal purposes is an unopened bud: at a young age - flower buds, at a mature age - cone buds. It is formed by fleshy scales with a diameter of up to 7.5 cm, which is why it is often called a vegetable. The taste when raw is similar to an unripe walnut.

properties and contraindications

The grass is formed by a low, erect stem, which is framed by wide, feathery leaves. The lower leaf tier is covered with whitish hairs, and a dense rosette of leaves is formed at the base. In appearance, the plant is a little similar to thistle, since when it blooms, flowers similar to it in purple shades bloom.

Greek translation of the word Cynara means "dog" because of the fruit scales, which look like sharp dog teeth. It is most popular in California, where it is widely consumed and produced for other states.

Field artichoke grows wild in a number of countries (Australia, South America), where it is considered a weed that is being controlled. Only 2 out of 10 species are grown as vegetables - Spanish artichoke and spiny artichoke.

harm to health

In Russia, it is cultivated in the Krasnodar region, where varieties of domestic selection have been selected: Early purple, forming round inflorescences that are green when unripe, and purple in color when ripe. Laonsky variety, able to withstand low temperatures and their changes. Round green and Maykop 41 are also popular.

The benefits and harms of artichoke

The health benefits of the plant are related to its composition. Artichoke is rich

plants for health

  • phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and other macroelements;
  • manganese, zinc, iron and other trace elements;
  • vitamins A, C, P, K, group B, carotene and inulin;
  • various organic acids;
  • essential oils contained in the leaves.

The most significant is inulin, which works in two directions: it increases the number of bacterial colonies in the intestines and lowers blood sugar levels. Another important substance is cynarin, which normalizes cerebral circulation. It is a means of preventing atherosclerosis. In addition, cynarin has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

other macronutrients

Cynara contains a minimal amount of calories (less than 50 calories per 100 g). This allows people who watch their figure to remove extra pounds.

The benefits for the human body were discovered by ancient healers and confirmed over time by scientific research. Artichoke buds have:

ancient healers

  • diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • drainage effect for the liver and kidneys, which allows you to remove harmful compounds;
  • the ability to reduce the amount of cholesterol and uric acids;
  • positive effect on male potency;
  • deodorizing effect, allowing to remove the smell of sweat;
  • alkaline reaction after heat treatment, which reduces the level of gastric juice if it is in excess.

Knowing the effect of the medicinal plant on the body, pharmacists have created medications that have a beneficial effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Dry and aqueous extracts of leaves are prepared; the drink “Bitter Artichoke” is known.

harmful compounds

Cynara also has its downsides. Eating a small and tender vegetable will not cause harm, but it is advisable to cook a large one using heat treatment: over time it becomes tough and becomes inedible. When the inflorescence has fully opened and the leaves have turned brown, the vegetable is not eaten.

Unpleasant consequences also include a decrease in blood pressure when using it, especially for those who already have low blood pressure. Due to the polyphenol in the composition, due to which there is an active outflow of bile, it is undesirable to introduce it into the diet for cholecystitis and problems in the functioning of the biliary tract.

tender vegetable

The pleasant taste and smell of the unusual plant lasts for a week, after which it begins to absorb other “aromas” and moisture from the environment. It is advisable to consume the prepared dish immediately, without leaving it for the next day.

Artichoke for women

In ancient times, it was believed that Cynara was an aphrodisiac that had an aphrodisiac effect and promoted conception. Subsequently, these guesses were confirmed by official medicine. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The benefits of this healing vegetable for women are multifaceted:

consume immediately

  1. Normalizes the functioning of the reproductive organs, improves pressure and blood flow in the pelvis.
  2. It is a preventative against breast cancer. With its consumption, the percentage of cancerous tumors is noticeably reduced.
  3. Useful for obese people, as it accelerates metabolic processes and breaks down subcutaneous fat.
  4. By improving cell regeneration, it reduces the number of wrinkles and gives the face a healthy color.

During the period of conception or when pregnancy is planned, it is useful for women to consume 100 g of artichoke 4 times a week. It helps to conceive a child and increases the level of folic acid, important during pregnancy. But during pregnancy it is not recommended.

improves blood pressure

Ways to use artichoke

You can make juices and extracts, extracts and teas from this healthy vegetable, each of which has its own unique effect.

Artichoke extract

To prepare the extract, use dried leaves, black resin and extract capsules.The manufacturer of such products is Vietnam. The packaging must describe the cooking recipe, which must be strictly followed.

Artichoke extract

The hood is useful in the following cases:

  • when you need to cleanse the body or blood;
  • to restore liver function;
  • in the treatment of the gallbladder and ducts.

Due to the diuretic and choleretic action, salts, toxins, and harmful compounds are quickly removed. Works effectively for thyroid dysfunction.

The finished product is diluted with boiled water. In addition, the hood has some contraindications, so you need to enlist the support of a doctor. For example, resin can cause diarrhea.

bladder and ducts

Artichoke juice

Juice is a concentrated drink that is better absorbed. The body is enriched with the necessary components in the shortest possible time. But they use it not only for the prevention of vitamin deficiencies. The beneficial properties of the juice are expressed:

  • For pathologies of the oral cavity. In this case, it is mixed with honey (1:1) and the mouth is rinsed up to 4 times a day.
  • With the development of impotence, when it is taken in a course of up to 2 weeks, 50 ml 2 times a day. The juice must be squeezed out immediately before use.
  • In case of constipation or flatulence, it helps when combined with egg yolk and taken before bed.

There are cases when the juice helped with dropsy, difficulties with urination, and poisoning with substances from the group of alkaloids.

alkaloid groups

Artichoke tea

Tea is a drink that is useful to people as a general tonic; it also helps with many diseases. Recommended for diabetes, high cholesterol and sugar, and liver pathologies. Normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

It is prepared like traditional tea: take 2 teaspoons of dry leaves per glass of boiling water and steep for 5-7 minutes.It is advisable to drink tea 3 times a day, but a single dose will also be beneficial.


Artichoke extract

Dry and liquid extracts are available. The extract in tablet form is popular because it is convenient to control the dosage and take it for:

  • improving bile production and its outflow;
  • normalization of liver function;
  • restoration of digestion after fried or fatty foods;
  • normalization of cholesterol metabolism.

The liquid extract is included in the “Mediterranean diet” for people who want to lose weight, as it affects the rate of lipid metabolism. It is also useful for people whose blood sugar levels are slightly elevated. The extract has the ability to remove excess fluid from the body and is necessary in the process of natural renewal of liver cells.

restoration of digestion

Artichoke in folk medicine

There is mention of the medicinal properties of the artichoke in ancient herbal books, when healers prepared medicinal potions from the plant. He helps:

  • for various problems that arise in the oral cavity: stomatitis, thrush, cracks in the tongue;
  • with dropsy, when excess fluid accumulates in the body;
  • to relieve inflammation in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, while simultaneously exhibiting an analgesic effect;
  • protect the body from food poisoning;
  • for baldness, if you rub the juice into the scalp;
  • in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.

stomach and intestines

Artichoke is considered a dietary product. It is perfectly digestible both raw and when stewing, marinating or baking. Most often it is included in the recipes of soups and salads, and it is useful at different stages of ripening.

Medicinal properties and widespread use are associated with the chemical composition of the vegetable, in which substances are “selected” in certain combinations, which makes it possible to make maximum use of the plant to eliminate many problems in the body.

problems in the body

Contraindications and side effects

The number of positive qualities outweighs the number of contraindications, but it is necessary to take into account possible harm to the body. It is not advisable to consume artichoke:

  1. Children under 12 years of age whose digestive system is not yet fully developed.
  2. People with liver failure.
  3. For blockage of the bile ducts, since the vegetable stimulates the flow of bile.
  4. Pregnant women and nursing mothers, as the amount of milk decreases sharply.
  5. People who do not tolerate plant fibers well, since a mature vegetable contains them in significant quantities.
  6. For food allergies and individual intolerances.

Try to grow an unusual and even a little exotic product in our area and prepare the juice as a remedy or a dish for gourmet household members. If artichoke suits your taste, then welcome to our table.

number of contraindications

Doctors' opinion

Doctors advise constantly taking artichoke both in the form of medications and as dietary supplements for those people who live in large cities with unfavorable ecology and who abuse smoking and alcoholic beverages.

However, the use of medications should be under the supervision of a physician. Otherwise, side effects in the form of low blood pressure, frequent bowel movements, dehydration and other dangerous manifestations can cause the development of all sorts of complications.

Doctors' opinion
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