TOP 4 delicious recipes for preparing squash caviar with garlic for the winter

Thick, fragrant, with an incomparable aroma, squash caviar with garlic for the winter is surprisingly easy and simple to prepare. Every housewife has her own secret. Some people like to add vinegar at the end of cooking, others prefer lemon juice. There are recipes that use tomato paste, carrots, onions and other ingredients. The cooking technology also differs in many ways. But, in any case, the finished dish is a delicious appetizer that is not a shame to serve on the holiday table.

Features of preparing caviar from zucchini with garlic

Nutritionists love adding zucchini to the menu for weight loss, as it is rich in potassium, iron, carotene, vitamins C, B and microelements. To prepare caviar, vegetables are minced in a meat grinder for homogeneity. Meanwhile, they can be cut into small pieces, fried and spiced.

All these manipulations are carried out in cast iron dishes or stainless steel with a thick bottom. In enamel dishes, food will stick to the bottom and burn.

Important to remember! During cooking, vegetables should be stirred every five minutes with a wooden spoon to prevent them from sticking to the bottom.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

Zucchini should be young, thin-skinned, and small in size. Ripe fruits have large seeds and overripe pulp. During cooking, the pulp and seeds are removed. To prepare squash caviar for the winter, vegetables are prepared in advance: peeled, washed, grated, passed through a press, and so on.

food preparation

How to prepare containers?

It is not difficult to prepare cylinders for sterilizing squash caviar with garlic for the winter. Glass jars are thoroughly washed with soda and placed in a cold oven. Turn it on at 130-140 degrees, wait until the cylinders dry and sterilize. Place the lids in a small bowl of water, turn on the gas and boil for 5 minutes.

Another type of sterilization is boiling the container in water. The containers are washed, turned upside down and placed in a pan of boiling water.

Afterwards, the hot caviar is poured into jars and covered with a boiled lid. All that remains is to roll them up or close them well with your lid.

Best Recipes

Finding your perfect recipe requires patience and practice.Only by learning can you derive the formula for the best recipe and achieve a good result.

best recipes

Finger-licking fried zucchini caviar

For the recipe, vegetables should be finely chopped, fried and minced. And although the preparation process takes time, the end result is a delicious dish. The following products are required:

  • zucchini - kilogram;
  • vegetable oil – one hundred grams;
  • tomatoes - five pieces;
  • onions - three heads;
  • carrots - two pieces;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • bell pepper – two pieces;
  • different greens - one bunch;
  • tomato paste – thirty grams;
  • salt - two teaspoons;
  • black pepper - teaspoon;
  • apple cider vinegar – fifty grams;
  • sugar - a teaspoon.

cooking caviar

Vegetables should be cut arbitrarily. Then fry them in sunflower oil and grind in a blender. Peel the tomatoes, chop finely, and add to the vegetables. Salt and pepper everything, add sugar, herbs and simmer. At the end, add tomato paste, garlic and after five minutes – vinegar. Pour into containers and roll up. Zucchini caviar “You'll lick your fingers” is ready.

Spicy version with tomato paste

This recipe is an exact copy of “Finger-lickin’ good”, only here the bell pepper is replaced with hot chili pepper. Vegetables need to be finely chopped, fried and minced. Remove seeds from hot peppers and roll. At the end, add seasonings, tomato, citric acid. Remove from heat, pour into jars, wrap in a warm blanket for sterilization. The caviar is ready.

canning zucchini

Squash caviar with garlic pieces

Zucchini caviar turns out delicious due to the fact that all the vegetables are cut by hand. The amount of ingredients corresponds to the recipe “You will lick your fingers.” Cut vegetables into small pieces.Onions are fried first, then zucchini and tomatoes. Squeeze the garlic cloves through a press. Add to vegetables. Add spices and simmer for an hour. Pour into jars and seal.

Pressure cooker recipe

Cooking in a pressure cooker is a pleasure. Used: vegetable oil, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, spices. Everything except tomato paste and bell pepper. The number of products corresponds to the examples above.

squash caviar in a frying pan

Grate the carrots on a fine grater or chop them in a blender and simmer in oil. Add finely chopped onion, coarsely chopped zucchini, peeled tomatoes and salt. Grate the garlic, throw it into a container, sprinkle it with sugar and turn on the “Porridge” mode. After the signal, open the lid. Let off the steam and drain off the excess water. Grind the vegetables in a blender. To keep the caviar for a long time, pour a tablespoon of vinegar into each jar.

Storage periods and rules

Many people sterilize caviar in the oven. Place jars of squash caviar on a baking sheet, turn on the oven for twenty minutes, remove and roll up. The temperature should not exceed one hundred and fifty degrees.

Another type of sterilization: place a kitchen towel at the bottom of a deep pan, pour water and put it on fire. As soon as the water begins to boil, lower the cylinders with caviar and boil for another fifteen minutes.

The shelf life of homemade squash caviar is one year. If the workpiece has not been sterilized, then it can be stored for up to a year at a temperature of ten degrees Celsius.

Otherwise, the temperature of the room where the jars of caviar are stored can reach twenty degrees. Opened containers of caviar should be kept in the refrigerator.
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