TOP 10 recipes for making orange juice for the winter at home

A popular drink today for many is fresh orange juice. This fruit is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for the human body. In this regard, orange juice is prepared for the winter, using various variations with the addition of vegetables, fruits, and berries. On the Internet you can find both simple and unusual recipes with this fruit. We will get to know some of them.

Features of preparing orange juice for the winter

Today, it is possible to purchase oranges in any chain of stores in winter and summer, so there are no problems with the components.

It’s easier to buy the fruits and mix them with water and granulated sugar. But to obtain a rich exotic smell and taste, it is better to include other ingredients in the recipe - spices, fruits, berries.

There are different recipe options that allow you to make juice to quench your thirst, or prepare fresh juice for the winter.

As you know, oranges go well with fruits and berries, so you can choose the ingredients to taste and make different drinks. And to preserve all the useful elements, citrus fruits need to be subjected to delicate heat treatment for no more than 2 minutes.

Before making a large batch of oranges, you need to taste the fruit for juiciness. Adjusting the sweetness of the juice is very simple:

  1. Sour fruits – the amount of granulated sugar increases.
  2. Sweet fruits – the filling does not change; it is designed for preparing a drink from sweet and sour fruits.

Orange juice

Instead of citric acid, you can add concentrated lemon juice to the drink.

Selection and preparation of citrus fruits

Real citrus will be ripe, sweet, juicy, and slightly sour. Citrus fruits with a bitter, sour taste are not eaten, nor are they made into drinks.

To successfully purchase an orange for harvesting for the winter, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. The healthiest and tastiest fruits are those purchased in season (December - mid-March).
  2. Externally, the skin should be smooth, with a yellowish-orange tint.
  3. A peel that is excessively bright and lumpy indicates that the fruit has been exposed to chemicals.


The sweetest orange has a navel - a small tubercle.

Before preparing the preparation, the oranges are thoroughly washed and doused with hot water to wash off wax and dirt.

How to properly prepare the container?

The containers are washed under running water with a soda solution and heated in the oven or steamed. To prevent the container from bursting during the sterilization process, it is initially placed in a cold oven.

How to make orange juice at home?

There are many cooking options. Let's start with the classic method.


Classic recipe

To prepare the fresh juice you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • citruses - the quantity is taken based on the volume of the drink that you ultimately want to get.

Step by step process:

  1. The fruit is washed, the zest is peeled off, and the orange is cut into halves. It is recommended to cut it across slices, this will allow you to get more juice.
  2. The juice is squeezed out. To do this, take a juicer or use another method.
  3. The resulting juice is filtered; the seeds should not penetrate into the workpiece.
  4. The syrup is prepared by mixing water with granulated sugar and boiling until the sugar particles dissolve. The syrup is poured at the rate of: 200 g. ready-made sugar solution per liter of squeezed juice.
  5. Fresh juice is mixed with syrup and put on fire.
  6. The mixture should boil for 3 minutes.
  7. The workpiece is poured into containers and placed to be sterilized. The drink poured into 0.5-liter jars undergoes sterilization for 25 minutes, 1-liter jars for 35 minutes.
  8. The finished juice is rolled up with lids.

fresh juice

With lemon

The preparation includes the following products:

  • 3 pcs.oranges;
  • 3 pcs. lemon;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 9 liters of water.

Citrus fruits are washed and doused with boiling water to remove contaminants. Then the fruits are wiped with a towel and placed in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Afterwards, the fruits are cut into small pieces, this is necessary for convenient passage of the pulp through a meat grinder, and ground. The resulting mixture is poured with 750 ml of water, stirred and set aside for 15 minutes to infuse.

orange juice with lemon

Then the mass is passed through a colander to separate the seeds, and then through gauze. This way the drink comes out with a homogeneous consistency, without grains.

Next, the finished mixture is diluted with 6 liters of boiled water. When ready, the drink is poured into containers and rolled up. The prepared product is left to stand at room temperature for 60 minutes, and then put away in a cool place.

With pumpkin

For preparation use:

  • 4 things. orange;
  • 1.5 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 250 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 40 gr. citric acid.

How to do:

  1. The pumpkin pulp is chopped, boiled for 25 minutes and pureed.
  2. Remove the zest from the citrus fruits, peel them, and grind the pulp in a meat grinder.
  3. The zest is added to the pumpkin pulp and puree, sand and citric acid are added. The mass should boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the fresh juice into a sterile container and roll up.

orange juice with pumpkin

With carrots

For fresh you need to take:

  • 1.5 kg carrots;
  • 800 gr. oranges;
  • 150 gr. granulated sugar.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Make juice from carrots and oranges using a juicer.
  2. Mix, add sand and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour, roll up.

orange juice with carrots

With bananas

To make fresh you will need:

  • 2-3 pcs. bananas;
  • 500 mg sugar;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 PC. orange

How to cook:

  1. Place water and granulated sugar on the fire.
  2. Bananas are peeled and cut into small pieces.
  3. The citrus is washed and cut into rings.
  4. After the water boils, bananas are added to the pan. They should simmer for 10 minutes. Then oranges are added to them.
  5. When the mixture boils again, pour it into jars and roll up the lids.
  6. The jar is turned upside down and wrapped in a blanket to cool.

juice for the winter

With citric acid

The drink is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 1 orange;
  • 250 mg granulated sugar;
  • ½ tsp. citric acid;
  • 2 liters of water.

Cooking sequence:

  1. The fruit is washed and scalded with hot water to remove any remaining wax and bitterness.
  2. Citrus is frozen in the freezer for 2 hours (preferably overnight).
  3. To quickly melt the fruit, it must be cut into pieces.
  4. Using a blender, the orange is crushed.
  5. The mixture is filled with water and left to infuse for 10 minutes.
  6. The mixture is strained using a colander, then through cheesecloth.
  7. Citric acid and granulated sugar are added to the mixture.
  8. Everything is mixed and the drink is bottled.

juice for benefits

In a blender

To make fresh, you will need to take:

  • 5 pieces. oranges;
  • 500 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Step by step process:

  1. The fruits are washed, the zest is cut off, and the fruits are cut in half.
  2. The juice is squeezed out using a blender.
  3. The fresh juice is strained to remove the seeds.
  4. The syrup is being prepared. Sand is sent into the water and completely dissolves in it. The syrup is poured at the rate of 200 ml per 1 liter of juice obtained.
  5. The mixed drink and syrup are placed on the fire and boiled over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the drink and roll it up.


From frozen oranges

Workpiece components:

  • 1.5 kg of frozen citrus fruits;
  • 100 gr. sand;
  • 200 ml water.

How to prepare fresh:

  1. The fruits are thawed, washed, and the peel is removed.The juice is squeezed out in any convenient way - with a juicer, blender, meat grinder.
  2. The resulting nectar is filtered and poured into a container.
  3. Sugar and water are mixed in a container and syrup is made from them.
  4. The finished syrup is sent to the nectar, then to the gas and cooked for 25 minutes.
  5. The workpiece is poured into warm jars, closed with lids and placed on the stove in a bowl with water to sterilize for 35 minutes.
  6. Remove the sterilized container, turn the lid down and leave to cool.

frozen juice

Do-it-yourself juice without a juicer

To quickly achieve results by squeezing the juice with your hands, the prepared fruits should be scalded with hot water, or you can hold the fruits in hot water for 5 minutes.

Juicing can be done using the following methods:

  • The blanched fruit is cut in half. One of the halves is taken and perpendicular cuts are made on it. Afterwards, the half is squeezed tightly in the hand. From 2 oranges you can get 250 grams. drink;
  • the fruit is cut in half. To squeeze out the juice, use a press - a cone-shaped funnel. You need to screw half an orange into its middle;
  • The fruit is peeled into slices, all veins and seeds are removed. The pulp is sent to a colander, where gauze is placed in advance. Using a masher, press the fresh juice into the bowl. The remaining pieces of orange are rolled into cheesecloth and squeezed out;
  • the fruit rolls on the board with pressure. When it becomes soft, a hole is made and fresh juice is squeezed out.

DIY juice

How to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges

List of components for the workpiece:

  • water – 9 l;
  • orange – 4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Getting rid of the bitterness of wax and making the fruit soft is done with hot water.After the processing process, the citrus is dried and placed in the freezer for 2 hours.
  2. The citrus is crushed 3 times using a meat grinder.
  3. 3 liters of water are added to the mixture, and it is left to infuse for 15 minutes.
  4. The juice is filtered to remove the seeds.
  5. The remaining liquid is poured in, sand and citric acid are introduced.
  6. In order for the fresh juice to have a rich aroma and taste, it must stand for an hour.
  7. To seal the drink, you need to boil the liquid for 20 minutes over low heat and pour it hot into sterilized jars.
  8. Leave the seam to cool.

Further storage of juice

Like all preparations for the winter, drinks can be stored in a dry, dark, cool place - cellar, basement, refrigerator - for a period of 6 to 12 months.
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