Step-by-step recipes for tomatoes with salicylic acid for the winter

Salicylic acid, originally obtained from willow bark and later synthesized by Italian chemist Rafael Piria, is a widely used anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. However, in addition to medicine, it has also found application in cooking. In particular, when preparing preserves, this available substance plays the role of a preservative, due to which they are stored longer and do not spoil. Let's look at the features of preparing tomatoes for the winter with salicylic acid and get acquainted with successful recipes.

The subtleties of preparing tomatoes with salicylic acid for the winter

The addition of salicylic acid when preserving tomatoes allows you to create a special acidic environment that is destructive to harmful bacteria. Thanks to this, vegetables can be preserved for a longer period of time. This method does not use the common heat treatment of tomatoes, and therefore they retain their fresh taste and contain a maximum of useful substances.

For canning, salicylic acid can be used exclusively in powder form, strictly observing the permissible dosages.

Requirements for main ingredients

Tomatoes, as well as other vegetables that act as additional ingredients for the twist, must be ripe, have a uniform rich color, a dense and fleshy juicy structure, and approximately the same size. They should not show the slightest signs of rotting, infection or other damage.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid, which acts as a preservative, should be purchased exclusively in pharmacies. It must be fresh, so be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. Old acid (at least from last year) causes the contents to become cloudy and the lids of the jars to swell. In addition, it can harm your health.

The process of harvesting tomatoes with salicylic acid

One of the most important advantages of vegetable twists using salicylic acid is cold preparation. Thanks to this, vitamins and other valuable components are not destroyed, but are preserved almost in their original form.

tomatoes for the winter

The presented recipe is very easy to learn, so even with minimal culinary skills you can prepare delicious tomatoes in tomato juice.To do this you will need:

  • one and a half kilograms of sweet tomatoes;
  • 1 or 2 sweet bell peppers (depending on size);
  • several sprigs of fresh parsley and dill;
  • 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical salicylic acid;
  • table salt (to taste).

The quantity of the listed ingredients is calculated for one three-liter jar.

preparations in jars

It is necessary to first sterilize the container by keeping it in the oven for about twenty minutes. After this, you can begin the culinary process:

  1. Wash carefully selected tomatoes and dry them on a paper towel.
  2. Wash the sweet peppers, cut each one in half, remove the stem along with the seeds and dry in the same way.
  3. Place whole tomato fruits of a beautiful shape and medium size on the bottom of a sterilized glass container.
  4. Cut large tomatoes into random pieces, remove stems, as well as damaged parts (if any).
  5. Grind the chopped sweet peppers together with pieces of tomatoes and fresh aromatic herbs through a meat grinder.
  6. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and pour into a separate container.
  7. Add a tablespoon of salicylic acid in powder form to the resulting juice and stir until completely dissolved.
  8. Add table salt in an amount according to taste preferences.
  9. Stir the juicy mixture again and pour it over the whole tomatoes in the jar.
  10. Roll up with secure lids, turn the container upside down and wrap in a blanket or blanket.

salted tomatoes

You can prepare the twist in a slightly different way, using marinade. In this case you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of cooled boiled water;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 50 grams of coarse rock salt;
  • a tablespoon of 9 percent vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of powdered salicylic acid.

All components must be mixed together until completely dissolved, and then pour the prepared marinade over the tomatoes in the jar. Next, roll up the lid, as in the previous recipe.

Tomato juice with salicylic acid

Homemade juice made from ripe tomatoes with the addition of salicylic acid is not subject to fermentation and other unpleasant processes.

Tomato juice

Minimum ingredients required:

  • ripe tomato fruits (in any quantity);
  • a tablespoon of salicylic acid (per three-liter jar);
  • salt and sugar - to taste.

It is necessary to cut the tomatoes into small pieces and boil for 3-5 minutes. Then cool and rub through a sieve, add salt, add sugar, boil and continue boiling for another 5 minutes. At the end of the process, add salicylic acid in the required amount and pour the drink into sterilized containers. Next, seal the jars, turn the lids down and insulate them with a blanket.

Further storage of preservation

Containers with canned tomatoes should be placed in a cellar or pantry - the main thing is that the place is dry, cool and dark.

Shelf life of the finished product

Salicylic acid allows you to preserve tomatoes for up to three years without losing their taste and beneficial properties.
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