12 delicious and simple recipes for making white currant jam for the winter

White currants, unlike red ones, are less popular among gardeners and gardeners. However, it also contains a fairly large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Preserving white currant jam is an opportunity to preserve a piece of summer and brighten up the cold winter days. The thick paste is great for decorating baked goods.

General cooking principles

This preparation is cooked like any other berry jam. It is not recommended to subject the berries to prolonged boiling, as this will deprive the jam of all its beneficial properties..

To prevent the jam from turning out too liquid, it is extremely important to maintain the ratio of berries and sugar. Currants contain a large amount of acid, so adding preservatives is not required.

Preparing berries and containers

It is better to pick berries immediately before making jam or purchase fresh currants. Next, it is recommended to immediately begin sorting the harvest and remove dry or spoiled berries. You must first wash the containers with soda solution and then sterilize them. To do this, choose an oven or water bath.

How to make white currant jam for the winter?

White currants can be prepared for the winter in a variety of ways, which include the use of other berries and fruits.

Five Minute Recipe

Using this recipe you can quickly make healthy jam. What do you need:

  • white currants – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 0.2 liters;
  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms.

currant jam

Prepare a sweet syrup from water and sugar, place the fruits in it, boil and leave for a while. Then heat the mass again, boil for five minutes and pour hot into sterile containers.

Option with red currants

A combo of red and white berries makes a colorful and aromatic jam. What do you need:

  • white currants – 1 kilogram;
  • red currants – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 0.5 liters;
  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms.

First, the syrup is cooked from a glass of sugar and water. The fruits are then dipped into the liquid and brought to a boil. Afterwards, you need to add the rest of the sugar and cook the mixture for half an hour until the desired consistency.

spoonful of treats

With black currant

To make white berry jam even healthier, you can cook it with black currants. What do you need:

  • white fruits – 1 kilogram;
  • black berries – 500 grams;
  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms.

Cover the berries with sugar for a couple of hours. Place the berry mixture on the fire, boil and simmer for 40 minutes. Place the hot preparation in sterile jars and roll up.

With orange

Citrus perfectly complements currant winter dessert. What to take:

  • white currant berries – 1 kilogram;
  • orange - 2 pieces;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram.

Grind the berries in a blender and pour boiling water over the fruit. Cut the citrus fruits into pieces, removing the seeds. Combine the mixture with sugar and leave for an hour until the juice is released. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Roll into containers.

white berries

With gooseberries

Sweet gooseberries dilute the taste of the currant preparation. What do you need:

  • white berries – 1 kilogram;
  • gooseberries – 800 grams;
  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms.

Sprinkle the berries with sugar for an hour. Boil the berry mixture and simmer for ten minutes. After cooling, repeat the process. Seal the hot treat in a sterile container.

With cherry

This preparation has an unusual sweet and sour taste. What you will need:

  • white berries – 800 grams;
  • cherry – 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups.

Remove the stems from the currants and remove the pits from the cherries. Fill the containers with berries, pour boiling water and wait ten minutes. Drain the water into a bowl and add sugar. Add berries and boil for 15 minutes. Roll the jam into containers.

green leaves

Multicooker recipe

With the help of a kitchen device, a sweet delicacy is prepared without any effort. Ingredients:

  • white berries – 1.5 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kilogram.

Place the fruits and sugar in the multicooker bowl, activate the “Stew” program for one hour. Then turn on the heating for another hour, and then activate the “Steam” mode for a minute. Seal the containers.

Through a meat grinder

The twisted mass turns out to be more tender and thick. You can take any amount of ingredients, pass them through a meat grinder and sprinkle with sugar. Then boil the mixture and simmer for half an hour. Seal containers with jam.

consistency from a meat grinder

In the bread machine

As a rule, modern models of bread makers are equipped with the function of making jams and other sweet treats. What you will need:

  • white currants – 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar – 800 grams.

The fruits must be mixed with granulated sugar and placed in the container of the kitchen device. Next, you need to activate the “Jam” or “Jam” program, depending on what is provided in the bread maker. After a characteristic signal, move the workpiece into a sterile container.

Jelly dessert

Due to the high pectin content, such a product will turn out thick without adding thickeners. What do you need:

  • white berries – 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar – 600 grams.

Grind the fruits with a blender and then pass the mixture through a sieve. Mix the resulting juice with sugar, heat and stir constantly. Boil for half an hour and then pour into jars.

jelly dessert

Raw white currant jam

The main advantage of this berry preparation is the absence of heat treatment, due to which the entire spectrum of beneficial substances is preserved. The washed berries need to be passed through a meat grinder, mixed with sugar and waited for all the grains to melt. After this, transfer the sweet treat to clean containers.

Ground jam

The ground sweet treat is prepared using a sieve.To prepare jam using this method, take an arbitrary amount of ingredients. The fruits are first crushed with a blender and then passed through a fine sieve. Add granulated sugar to the resulting puree and stir. Then put it in the refrigerator.

Storage methods and periods

A sweet and healthy product can be stored for up to two years if it has been preserved according to all the rules. Containers must be stored in dark and cool rooms where the air temperature does not rise above 15 degrees. A cellar, basement or refrigerator is suitable for this purpose.

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