TOP 4 recipes for making blueberry jam in a slow cooker

Fragrant, tasty and healthy blueberry. Its fruits help lower blood sugar, improve gastrointestinal function, and have a beneficial effect on the eyes, increasing visual acuity. There are a large number of recipes for blueberry jam, including those made in a slow cooker. But the preparation process has its own subtleties and nuances that you need to know in order to get a truly high-quality delicacy.

Features of preparing blueberry jam in a slow cooker for the winter

It is not necessary to use only one berry to prepare a treat.Other ingredients are often added here:

  • berries;
  • spices;
  • citrus;
  • honey.

Many housewives make jam in jelly form. This allows you to preserve the fruits in their entirety. The absence of seeds makes it easier to prepare the berries for future delicacy.


Requirements for main ingredients

The selection of fruits is important:

  1. It is recommended to sort the blueberries to remove any bad conditions.
  2. Next, the stalks, leaves, and debris are removed from the selected fruits.
  3. The berries are washed under the tap and left in water for a while.
  4. Then the fruits need to be dried and transferred to a container.

Blueberries in a plate

How to properly prepare the container?

It is recommended to use enamel dishes to prepare jam; this will prevent the product from oxidizing.

Glass jars will be needed for sealing. You can sterilize jars and lids in different ways:

  1. Place each container over the kettle.
  2. Place the jars over a pan of boiling water.
  3. Place in the oven for a few minutes.

Cans can also be sterilized in a slow cooker. To do this, the device turns on the “steamer” mode, the containers are placed on the grill. The lids are placed in a bowl and also subjected to heat treatment.

Glass jars

How to cook blueberry jam in a slow cooker?

Peeled berries are placed in a multicooker container and covered with sugar. To obtain delicious jam, the ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

A slow cooker will speed up the cooking process. To do this, you need to turn on the device in the “Extinguishing” mode and set the time from 1.5 to 2 hours. As a rule, jam is prepared for the winter, so after “stewing” in the multicooker, you need to set the additional “Steaming” mode. Set the timer for 60 seconds. As soon as the process is completed, a signal will be given by the multicooker.

Now the finished jam is transferred to pre-sterilized jars. The lids should also be heat treated. Storage of finished treats is allowed in the basement. It should be dark and cool here.

It is not recommended to keep the prepared product in the refrigerator.

blueberries in a slow cooker


Numerous recipes for making blueberry jam suggest adding other ingredients to the composition. The classic delicacy is prepared in a Redmond multicooker as follows, recipe:

  1. The blueberries are carefully sorted and washed to remove debris.
  2. Next, the berries are poured into the bowl.
  3. Sugar is added on top. Please note that the air valve must be pulled out of the cover.
  4. During the cooking process, the mixture must be stirred periodically and the foam removed.

After 2 hours, the delicacy is poured into prepared jars, closed and sent for storage in the basement.

blueberry jam


For jam you will need 1.2 kilograms of blueberries and 1 kilogram of sugar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The fruits are carefully sorted and washed.
  2. Next, the berries are placed in a slow cooker. Layers of blueberries are sprinkled with sugar.
  3. On the panel, select the “stewing” or “multi-cook” program. The process will take no more than 1 hour.
  4. To increase the shelf life, you need to turn on another “steam” mode. It's fast, only 5 minutes.
  5. As soon as the jam is prepared, it is immediately poured into sterilized jars.

Blueberry jam in a jar


Here you need a liter jar of berries and 600 g of sugar. How to prepare blueberry dessert:

  1. Sugar and fruits are immediately poured into the multicooker bowl. Mix thoroughly and the “baking” mode starts. The product will take 2 hours to cook.
  2. Do not leave the berries unattended. It should be stirred every 15 minutes.
  3. When there are 20 minutes left on the timer, the lid is removed.
  4. Now the finished jam is placed in jars that have been previously sterilized. Close the containers tightly with lids.

Blueberry jam in a closed jar

How and for how long can the preparations be stored?

The main requirement for storing blueberry jam is a dark, cool room. Jars with the finished treat are placed in the basement or cellar, where sunlight does not penetrate and the temperature is always maintained at the same temperature.

It is not recommended to store blueberry jam in the refrigerator. On average, the shelf life of jam does not exceed 2 years. Then the contents of the jar begin to lose their beneficial properties and deteriorate. If there is visible mold inside the jar, then it is better not to use such a product.
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