A simple recipe for making ranetka jam for the winter

Ranetki are tiny apples, the weight of which rarely reaches 15 grams. Despite such “large” sizes, these fruits are quite popular among housewives. The jam made from ranetki is considered a real masterpiece, and recipes for this delicacy are passed down from generation to generation in many families.

Features of making jam from ranetki

When planning to prepare an unusual and delicious jam for which ranetki will be used, you need to know several features of these fruits. The first thing to remember is that there are several varieties of such apples; for preparing preserves, it is recommended to take Yantarka Altai, which has juicy pulp, a wonderful aroma and good taste.

Tiny fruits are liked not only by housewives, but also by pests, so you will have to be careful when purchasing and preparing raw materials - damaged fruits will have to be thrown away or it will take a long time to remove wormholes.

To prepare the preparation, you can also use wild ranetki - they are smaller than varietal fruits, but are rarely damaged by pests.

Choosing the Main Ingredient

On the store counter you can see a real assortment of ranetki, among which green fruits predominate. Some housewives are afraid to take them, worrying that they will remain hard to preserve. The fears are unfounded - even slightly unripe fruits are perfectly boiled in jam, especially if you follow all the recommendations and recipes.

ranetki jam

Is it possible to use fruits of sour varieties for preparation? Another problem that often arises for housewives who are planning to start canning for the first time. There is no need to worry about this - the jam will have a unique sourness that will highlight the taste of the preparation.

The easiest recipe for a slow cooker

Using a multicooker to make jam will help save a lot of time. You can prepare a blank from tiny ranetkas quickly and without hassle:

  1. Wash the fruits (500 g), remove the stems, and place in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour water (100 ml) over the fruit and turn on the “Baking” mode for 10 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle almost finished ranetki with sugar (350 g).
  4. In the “Baking” mode, cook the jam until ready (about half an hour).

Place the finished apple treat in a jar, seal immediately, no need to turn over. It is recommended to simply wrap the container with a towel. From this quantity of products 0.7 ml of jam is obtained.

ready-made jam

Whole ranetka jam

Most often, the entire fruits of ranetki are used in the preparation of canned food. This delicacy looks very attractive - tiny fruits float in the thick syrup.


  1. Pour sugar (500 g) into a large container and spread it in an even layer.
  2. Add 1 kg of whole fruits (it is first recommended to prick each apple with toothpicks in several places).
  3. Sprinkle sugar (500 g) on ​​top, leave the ranetki in this “coat” for a day to let the juice flow.
  4. If little liquid comes out, add 50 ml of water.
  5. Place the container on the stove, do not turn on high heat. Without allowing noisy bubbling, boil for a quarter of an hour.

Immediately seal the whole fruit jam placed in jars, turn it over, and wrap it warmly in a blanket. Send for storage after complete cooling.

ranetki with ponytails

Jam from ranetki with tails

It is not necessary to remove the tail from each fruit, which takes a lot of time - you can send the fruits for preservation without pre-processing. All you need to do is rinse thoroughly.


  1. Mix the prepared apples with sugar (800 g of sweet component per 1 kg of fruit).
  2. Send to a cool room for a day - during this time the juice should appear.
  3. Place on the stove, cook for 20 minutes, pour into the mixture the juice squeezed from two lemon slices.
  4. Boil for another 5 minutes, pack.

Important! It is necessary to turn the finished preserves over. To extend the cooling time, it is recommended to insulate containers with workpieces.

Transparent ranetka jam for the winter

To prepare thick, transparent jam that will serve as an excellent dessert, you don’t have to mess around. Best recipe:

  1. Bring a mixture of 400 ml water and 1 kg sugar to a boil.
  2. Pour boiling syrup over apples and leave for 3 hours.
  3. Place the fruits in the syrup over low heat and cook, stirring, for half an hour.

Place the workpiece into containers, cap it, and after complete cooling, send it to a cool room.

Ranetka jam with cinnamon

Preserved apples with a hint of cinnamon are a great addition to a family tea party. Making jam is simple:

ranetki jam

  1. Prick each of the tiny apples (1 kg) with a toothpick.
  2. Prepare syrup (mix 200 ml of water, 700 g of sugar, cinnamon stick, cook until sugar crystals completely disappear).
  3. Place the fruits in boiling liquid and cook until tender (half an hour).

Pack the canned apples and send them for storage after capping.

Ranetka jam in slices

If the apples are large, you can prepare a preserve in which the fruits are cut into slices - such pieces look very attractive in a transparent thick syrup.


  1. Cut the fruit (1.5 kg) into quarters.
  2. Add sugar (1.2 kg).
  3. Boil the mass of chopped fruits for half an hour, stirring and skimming off the foam.

jam in a jar

Place in sterile jars, preferably sealed with metal lids.

Ranetka jam with orange

Adding citrus fruits to the preparation will give the jam an unusual aroma and taste. Making a treat is simple:

  1. Cover the chopped fruits (800 g) with sugar (600 g), add water (30 ml), and put on fire.
  2. Cook, stirring, for half an hour.
  3. Squeeze the juice from 3-5 orange slices directly into the boiling mixture and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Place the delicious jam into jars, close them, and place them after cooling completely on shelves in the basement or in the refrigerator.

How long is it stored?

Ranetki differ little from ordinary apples in terms of the content of useful elements, and one of the features of these fruits is the shelf life of the preparations. Jam made from tiny fruits is kept in a cool place for at least a year.

jam and spoon

Pre-sterilization will extend the storage time. In this case, the preservation will not spoil for up to three years, although it is not recommended to experiment with storing jam - it is better to use it within a year.

Ranetki jam is a preserve that will not leave anyone indifferent. Thick, bright syrup with apples floating in it will be an excellent addition to a bun, pancakes, or even a regular slice of bread.

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