A simple recipe for clear jam from ranetki with a tail for the winter

Many adults, when they see the “paradise apples” that are often found in the store, immediately remember the taste of clear jam from ranetki with a tail, which was cooked by their grandmothers. It is not difficult to reproduce the delicacy, because the recipes do not contain any special difficulties or requirements.

Features of making jam from ranetki

Ranetki are tiny fruits that belong to the huge apple family.The fruits have no less advantages than their larger counterparts - a high content of nutrients, vitamins, and beneficial elements. Another common feature is that when prepared for the winter, ranetki look no worse.

The duration of cooking canned food for the winter should not exceed half an hour, otherwise the fruit will boil too much and you will end up with a puree. No need to cook jam only from ranetki — apples go well with other fruits, even citrus fruits.

Preparation of the main ingredient

When planning to make jam from tiny fruits, you need to remember that it is recommended to use green fruits - they will not turn into porridge in the preparation. The only requirement that must be observed is to first prick each apple with a toothpick. It is not necessary to remove the tails - they will not spoil the taste at all.

Important! Be sure to thoroughly rinse the fruits and dry them on a napkin. Before washing, check the quality of the fruit - there should be no stains, dry or rotten spots on it.

How to make jam from ranetki with tails?

There are many options for preparing preparations from fruits from which the tail has not been removed.

Even if you don’t have time for preservation, you shouldn’t give up on delicious jam—it’s recommended to use a slow cooker, which will make the process much easier.

The presence of a tail does not affect the cooking time - the jam is usually prepared in no more than half an hour. Only in some recipes it is indicated that the delicacy needs to be cooked longer, but the quantity of ingredients is usually indicated there in large quantities, and additional components are often present.

Jam from small ranetki with a tail

Whole small fruits are used to prepare an amazing delicacy, replete with useful substances.It is important to use green, firm varieties that will not turn into mush when cooked.


  1. Send the fruits (1 kg) pricked with a toothpick into the container in which the cooking will take place.
  2. Pour in sugar (850 g), stir, add 200 ml of water.
  3. Leave for 5 hours, stirring occasionally.
  4. Cook for 20 minutes with constant stirring.

Pour into sterilized hot containers and seal.

ranetki jam in a bowl

Transparent wild ranetki jam with a tail

To prepare preserves, it is not necessary to use varietal fruits - you can make delicious jam from wild fruits.


  1. After washing, prick each fruit.
  2. Prepare the syrup - bring water (300 ml) to a boil, add sugar (1 kg), wait until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Place the fruit in the bubbling liquid and cook, stirring gently, for half an hour.

After capping, turn the containers upside down and cover with a blanket. Place in a cool place once completely cooled.

ranetki jam in a bowl

Tsar's jam from ranetki with tails

Previously, such jam was prepared in the oven, baking fruits with nuts, but now it is possible to prepare the delicacy using simpler recipes. Preparation:

  1. Wash and dry apples (1 kg).
  2. Peel and cut the lemon into pieces, chop the walnut kernels (200 g).
  3. Add lemon slices and nut paste to the fruit.
  4. Pour the mixture with sugar (800 g), put it in the oven to simmer at 100 degrees, cooking time - 3 hours.

There is no need to pour the finished jam into glass containers, seal, sterilize or cool at room temperature - immediately send it for storage in the basement.

process of boiling ranetki apples

Ranetka jam with a tail in a slow cooker

To prepare preserves from tiny apples in a slow cooker, you will need preliminary preparation - cover the ranetkas with sugar for a day. Only after this should you start cooking, otherwise the fruits will remain hard.

Making jam is simple:

  1. Sprinkle ranetki (1 kg) with sugar (750 g) directly into the bowl.
  2. After a day, turn on the “Baking” mode and cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add the juice squeezed from two lemon slices to the mixture and turn on the multicooker for another quarter of an hour.

Place the finished treat into jars, seal tightly, and turn over.

Ranetka tails are a special delicacy that jam tasters often like as much as the preserve itself. There is no need to deprive your family or close friends of the pleasure of enjoying this delicious preparation, in which, in addition to delicious fruits, no less tempting tails swim - at least a few jars should be prepared with this wonderful addition.

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