There are many recipes for banana preparations for the winter. Fruits retain their taste and benefits during processing. Work begins with selecting quality products and preparing storage containers. To make a tasty dish, you must follow the proportions and step-by-step steps indicated in the instructions. It is also recommended to dry and freeze the product.
Features of preparing bananas for the winter
First, prepare the fruit.
Selection and preparation of fruits
To prepare the dish, select ripe, slightly unripe yellow fruits without dark spots on the skin. It is acceptable to take fruits with a little greenery in the area of the stalk.
The variety and size of the fruit does not matter.
The peels of the selected fruits are thoroughly washed with cool water. Only after this they begin to cleanse it. The pulp should be dense, without dark areas.
The finished dish will need to be poured into jars. The container is carefully inspected for chips and cracks. Then the container is thoroughly washed and sterilized.
What can you make from bananas?
Proven recipes from experienced housewives will help you prepare delicious and healthy dishes from yellow fruits.
Banana puree
The following ingredients will be useful for preparing this dish:
- bananas - 950 g;
- sour apples - 2 pcs.;
- water - 380 ml;
- sugar - 570 g;
- lemon - 2 pcs.
The work process involves simple steps:
- fruits are peeled and cut into slices;
- the slices are crushed in a blender;
- Pour water into the banana-apple mixture and add sugar;
- Squeeze the juice out of two lemons and pour into the rest of the mixture;
- put the puree on the fire and after boiling, cook for 32 minutes;
- during the cooking process you need to remove the foam;
- The hot dessert is poured into jars and covered with lids.
Banana syrup
The tender pulp of bananas is also suitable for making syrup. The following ingredients will be required:
- yellow fruits - 750 g;
- warm boiled water - 450 ml;
- sugar - 450 g.
The cooking method is quick and simple:
- fruits are peeled and crushed in a blender;
- Add water and sugar to the resulting mass, mix everything thoroughly;
- put the puree in the refrigerator for 4.5 hours;
- The finished syrup is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator.
Banana jam is prepared simply and quickly from the following ingredients:
- bananas - 1.1 kg;
- sugar - 550 g;
- lemon - 2 pcs.;
- water - 240 ml.
Preservation is prepared as follows:
- bananas are peeled and the pulp is cut into rings;
- water is poured into the container and sugar is added;
- add fruit rings to the finished syrup and cook for 12 minutes;
- then the mass should be crushed with a blender;
- squeeze lemon juice and add to the mixture;
- put on the fire again and cook until completely boiled down;
- The finished jam is distributed into containers.
It’s easy to make banana jam for the winter at home. The following ingredients will be useful for the dessert:
- bananas - 450 g;
- orange;
- sugar - 260 g.
Step-by-step instruction:
- the pulp of the fruit is cut into rings;
- pour sand into a container, cook over low heat, bringing it to a golden color;
- pour in orange juice, stirring the mixture constantly;
- add banana rings to the syrup and cook until completely boiled;
- then turn off the fire, cover the container with a lid and leave for 3.5 hours;
- The finished jam is sent to prepared jars and closed with lids.
The prepared dish is stored all winter. For the recipe you will need:
- pulp of yellow fruits - 600 g;
- gelatin - 25 g;
- sugar - 355 g;
- orange - 4 pcs.;
- lemon - 2 pcs.
The instructions assume the following course of work:
- peeled fruits are crushed in a blender;
- add sugar;
- the juice squeezed from oranges and lemons is poured into the mixture;
- put the puree on the fire and cook for 14 minutes;
- add gelatin.
Candied bananas for future use
Candied bananas are a tasty and healthy treat. For preparation you will need:
- bananas - 900 g;
- sugar - 900 g;
- water - 340 ml.
Making candied fruits is easy:
- the purified product is cut into rings 6 mm thick;
- the slices are immersed in boiling water for 2 minutes, then cooled in cold water (this method will prevent the bananas from darkening);
- dissolve sugar in water and cook for 13 minutes;
- Place banana slices into the syrup and continue cooking for another 16 minutes;
- then cover the container with a lid and leave for 8.5 hours;
- place the slices on a sieve, allowing the remaining liquid to drain;
- Lay the bananas in one layer on a clean surface and leave to dry for 5 days.
Banana marshmallow
To prepare marshmallows, ripe, even slightly overripe fruits and sugar are useful. In the future, the cooking process will look like this:
- Peel the bananas and grind them in a blender until smooth;
- add sugar to the mass and mix well;
- the tray is lined with parchment paper;
- pour the mass and distribute it evenly over the entire surface;
- place the container in a draft, leaving it for 4 days;
- then the dried mass will be easy to separate from the paper and turn over, continue to dry for another two days;
- The finished marshmallow is cut into convenient pieces.
You will be able to preserve all the properties and taste of your favorite fruits for a whole year.
How to dry bananas?
To make banana chips, cut the pulp into thin rings:
- Place fruit rings in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
- Top them with lemon juice to prevent browning.
- Place a baking sheet with rings into an oven preheated to 90 degrees. Keep the oven door slightly open.
- The drying process lasts 1.5 hours. During this time, the slices should be turned over periodically.
How to freeze a product?
Not only canned bananas can be stored for a long time. They can also be frozen.Peel the fruits and lay them out on a flat film surface. Leave in the freezer like this for 2 hours. Then the fruits are placed in packaging bags and placed in the freezer.
Jam with rum and apples
To make jam you will need the following products:
- apple - 4 pcs.;
- banana - 2 pcs.;
- sugar - 240 g;
- lemon;
- rum - 65 ml;
- water - 95 ml.
Step-by-step description of the recipe:
- apples are peeled and seeded, cut into thin slices and sprinkled with lemon juice;
- peeled bananas are cut into rings;
- the fruits are mixed, poured with rum, sugar and water are added;
- put the mixture on the fire and after boiling, cook for 35 minutes;
- Grind the finished fruits with a blender, put them back on the fire and cook for 2 minutes;
- Hot jam is poured into jars and covered with lids.
By following all the recommendations indicated in the selected recipe, you will be able to prepare a delicious dish that will be stored all winter.