Many gardeners are interested in the description of the Prune plum variety, its planting and care. This crop was obtained by crossing related plants - cherry plum and wild thorn. There is also another opinion that the plant was received from unknown parents. Regardless of its predecessors, the crop is considered quite unpretentious and productive. It bears tasty and healthy fruits.
Description of the variety
Plum Prunes are considered a fairly common crop. It reaches a height of 4 meters and has a spreading crown. The average size of fruit branches is 50 centimeters.The plant is characterized by large flower buds and wrinkled foliage.
The culture bears quite large fruits, weighing 40-45 grams. They are covered on top with a dark blue peel. When fully ripe it turns black. There is a depression on the plums near the stem. In this case, a vertical stripe runs through the entire fruit. Plums have a round or slightly elongated oval shape. Despite the rough peel, there is juicy fibrous pulp inside. The seeds are easy to separate.
This variety is ideal for growing in the middle zone. The plant is considered self-fertile. Therefore, it produces a good harvest even in the absence of pollinators growing nearby.
Pros, cons and features
The plant of this variety is characterized by a number of distinctive features:
- self-fertility - this allows you to grow the plant alone without the mandatory planting of pollinators;
- high productivity and good fruiting;
- undemanding to the soil;
- resistance to various climatic conditions;
- fungal resistance;
- high winter hardiness;
- drought resistance.
The only disadvantages of the plant include the rough skin of the fruit and the intervals in fruiting.
Correct fit
Prunes are a self-fertile crop that does not require pollinators to be planted nearby. It is recommended to place this plant in places protected from the wind. Sufficient illumination is important. The soil must be loose and have neutral acidity parameters. Good air permeability of the soil is of no small importance. However, you should not choose areas with high groundwater.
A good option would be to plant the plant near the fence. However, it is recommended to do this on the side where the sun's rays reach well.Sufficient distance between trees is of great importance. It must be at least 3 meters.
First, the area for planting the plant must be cleared of weeds and fallen leaves. In autumn or early spring, it is recommended to dig a planting hole measuring 50x70 centimeters. The soil from the planting hole must be mixed with humus in a ratio of 2:1. If the site has clay soil, the hole should be 70 centimeters deeper. In this case, it is worth adding expanded clay, small pebbles and crushed stone to the bottom.
When planting Prunes, it is important to ensure that the root collar remains 3-5 centimeters above the soil surface. With deeper planting there is a risk of deterioration in the development of the plant and a decrease in its yield.
If the seedling has an open root system, a stake must be driven into the central part of the recess. If the plant has closed roots, it can be removed from a container with a lump of soil. In this case, a peg is not required. After planting, the seedling needs to be watered and the tree trunk circle needs to be covered with mulch. Peat is perfect for this.
Initially, the seedling has enough useful elements that are added during planting. In the second year, prunes begin to be fed with urea. This substance must be used in early spring and June. In the third year, it is recommended to apply the first fertilizing in early May. In this case, you need to use a solution of 30 grams of the product and 10 liters of water.
At the beginning of June you need to feed the plant a second time.To do this, use 3 tablespoons of nitrophoska and 8 liters of water. The third time nutrients are added in early August. At this stage, to make the solution you need to take 2 tablespoons of potassium and superphosphate and 10 liters of water.
The plant is resistant to fungal infections. However, if they appear, it is necessary to use a solution of Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of 1%. In advanced situations, it is recommended to use the systemic fungicide "Hom". If signs of moniliosis occur, it is worth spraying with the drug “Skor”.
Preventive treatment against parasites is of no small importance. Prunes are susceptible to attacks by aphids, scale insects, sawflies, and weevils. To avoid problems, in the fall it is imperative to clear the tree trunk of fallen leaves and fruits.
Collection instructions
It is recommended to carefully collect plums by hand and place them in suitable containers. If you collect fruits with a stalk, you will be able to increase their shelf life. When harvesting, it is important to avoid damaging the wax coating. It provides a natural protection that helps keep the fruit fresh longer.
It is recommended to harvest the crop in a state of so-called technical ripeness. Fruits that are too soft bruise easily. In addition, they have a short shelf life. There should be dry weather for several days before harvesting. After precipitation, plums become watery. In addition, their shelf life is reduced.
Plum fruits can be dried, pickled, dried. They can also be frozen or used to make jam, juices, compotes, and liqueurs. When preparing plum jam, be sure to remove the pit. This will help increase its shelf life.
Beneficial properties of fruits
Prunes have excellent taste and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body. When consuming the fruits of this variety, you can get the following results:
- Cope with oral problems. Prunes perfectly destroy bacteria.
- Clear the kidneys of bile and stones. The fruit also helps remove waste and toxins from the body.
- Get rid of excess weight. To lose weight, it is recommended to consume the fruits every day.
- Improve the condition of pathologies of the stomach and other digestive organs. Eating 6 fruits a day helps normalize metabolic processes and stimulate intestinal contractions.
- Prevent the development of cancer.
- Normalize brain functions.
- Replenish energy reserves in the body.
- Improve the condition of arterial hypertension and cardiovascular pathologies.
- Improve visual acuity.
If you dry the fruits, they will gain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Such fruits have a positive effect on the human body and help cope with many pathologies.
Plum Prune is a fairly common plant that has tasty and healthy fruits. In order for the culture to develop normally, it is important to carry out planting work correctly and provide it with complete and high-quality care.