The Alhambra tomato is a high-yielding hybrid that bears large fruits of good commercial quality. In addition to this, the variety has high immunity to dangerous vegetable diseases.
Large-fruited early ripening hybrid. From the moment the sprouts appear until the onset of fruiting, 110–115 days pass. The plant is indeterminate. Inflorescences are formed over the 9th–10th leaf and are repeated every 3 subsequent ones. The cluster consists of 4–6 fruits.
Flat-round tomatoes are covered with thick, glossy skin. The number of seed chambers is 4–5. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. The taste is pleasant, sweetish.The color of newly set fruits is light green, while ripe ones are bright red. There are no spots on the stalk.
The fruits are tolerant to blossom end rot. Thanks to their strong skin, tomatoes do not crack, withstand long-term transportation well and are stored without loss for about 3-4 weeks. Tomatoes are used to prepare salads, canned whole fruits, and tomato pastes.
The fruits weigh 150–180 g. With proper care and favorable weather conditions, tomatoes grow up to 160–200 g. With proper care, the yield of one bush is 6–6.5 kg.
In the process of crossing, the variety is endowed with high immunity to fusarium, tobacco mosaic, and cladosporiosis. The Alhambra f1 tomato variety is intended for cultivation in all types of greenhouses. To achieve the highest possible yield, the hybrid is grown in the second rotation.
Features of cultivation and care
The seeds of a large-fruited hybrid are planted in mid-March. To create a greenhouse effect, the seedling container is covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm, illuminated place. After the sprouts appear, the shelter is gradually removed and the temperature is reduced to +18–+20 ⁰С. Under such conditions, young plants do not stretch. Caring for a tomato variety includes the following garden manipulations:
- Watering. To prevent tomatoes from getting fungal diseases and rot, the crop needs to be watered rarely, but abundantly. If the weather is sunny, the bushes are watered 1-2 times a week. In order to reduce humidity, the greenhouse is ventilated from time to time.
- Picking. From a large seedling container, young plants are transplanted into separate pots after the formation of the first true leaf.Tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse that does not have a heating system when they reach the age of 45 days after the risk of severe May frosts has disappeared. Planting pattern - 40x50 cm.
- Shaping and garter. Despite the fact that the description contains information about the strong structure of the cluster, the number of fruits on the lowest of them is normalized: 4 pieces are left on the first one, and 4–5 on the next ones. Pegs or vertical trellises are installed near bushes that have taken root in a permanent place.
- Feeding. Growing a tomato variety may not be successful without the correct feeding schedule. The first time the seedlings are fed with a solution of mullein (1:8) or chicken manure (1:10). The next two feedings are carried out with an interval of 10-14 days. As the first fertilizer, a solution is used, for the preparation of which potassium sulfate (10 g) and ammonium nitrate (15 g) are stirred in a bucket of water. The mixture for the third feeding consists of a bucket of water, 15 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, 20 g of superphosphate. Adult bushes are pampered with organic fertilizers or solutions based on nitrate, potassium and superphosphate.
Opinions about the hybrid are only positive, which fully confirms the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. Gardeners enjoy the high yield and pleasant taste of the fruit. The main advantage for most farmers is a durable brush that can independently support large tomatoes.
Have you grown the Alhambra variety? Have yield expectations been confirmed? Please leave reviews so that other gardeners can enjoy delicious tomatoes.