One of the most common hybrids of the first generation is the Chibli f1 tomato, which has gained great popularity in the cultivation of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine. The variety gained such popularity for its excellent adaptation to different growing conditions, resistance to verticillium and root-knot nematodes. In addition, it has good immunity to fusarium and other diseases. In addition, those who planted this crop claim that the Chibli variety is stress-resistant, does not require much care and has high yields.
History of the variety
For the first time, the hybrid tomato variety Chibli f1 was obtained by employees of the Swiss company Syngenta.Breeders have improved the qualities of its parents so much that the new variety turned out to be quite unique. Due to the large number of positive qualities, the Chibli F1 tomato production technology was purchased by seed companies in many countries. Therefore, you can find different manufacturers on packages of vegetable seeds.
The variety came to Russia in 2003. Having passed all the test work and received positive feedback from vegetable growers, it was registered in the State Register. Since then, the Chibli tomato has been cultivated both in small household plots and on a large industrial scale.
Plant characteristics
The Chibli tomato is a mid-early vegetable crop that can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.
General characteristics of the variety:
- The plant is of a determinate type, in which the height of the bush does not exceed 60 cm.
- The bush is heavily leafy. Large leaves of dark green color serve as good protection for fruits from sunburn.
- The plant is compact, so it can be planted according to the 45-50 cm pattern, with a planting density of 7 plants per 1 sq.m.
- The first inflorescences begin to form above the 7th–8th leaf, with an interval of 1–2 leaves.
- On average, the fruit yield per 1 sq.m. is about 4.3 kg.
- It is recommended to harvest ripe tomatoes only by hand.
- The fruit harvesting period occurs in July–August.
Also, the vegetable crop develops its root system quite well, which has a beneficial effect on the amount of harvest.
Important! In greenhouse conditions, the roots of the plant are not strong enough. Therefore, if you plant a variety in closed ground, its fruit quality and harvest quantity will decrease.
Description of fruits
The first ripening of the Chibli tomato variety begins 80-90 days after seedling germination. Like all hybrid varieties, at the stage of full maturity they have an attractive appearance and excellent taste.
More detailed description of tomatoes:
- Weight – 120-140 g.
- Shape: cuboid-oval.
- Color – deep red.
- The taste is sweet with pleasant sourness.
- The pulp is dense, with 4 cavities.
- Transportability is good.
- Shelf life – 10-20 days.
- Dry matter content – 5.3-5.8%.
Chibli tomatoes are intended for fresh consumption, cooking hot dishes and processing into tomato products. But the fruits received a higher value when preserved. Their dense, but at the same time thin skin does not deform under the influence of heat treatment. Therefore, canned tomatoes not only have a pleasant taste, but also a whole-fruit attractive appearance.
In conclusion, I would like to confirm the positive review of the fruit and vegetable grower of the Seed Supermarket company about the Chibli F1 variety. I have been growing this variety on my plot for a long time. Over this entire period, the plant has proven itself to be the best. It is not demanding in care, is immune to tomato diseases, and the quality of the fruit allows it to be used in various ways.