Description of the standard tomato variety Lokomotiv and its characteristics

Using the trial method, breeders from different countries came to a consensus that early, standard varieties are better suited for growing tomatoes in open ground. Such compact tomatoes do not require the formation of a bush and further pinching of the shoot. This is the case with the Lokomotiv vegetable crop, which was bred not so long ago by Russian breeders. Having passed all the tests, the variety received state registration in 2010. Since that time, the Lokomotiv tomato has been cultivated in different regions of the country, where it is gaining increasing popularity every year for its excellent fruiting qualities.

Description of the variety

The Lokomotiv variety is an early-ripening vegetable crop. It takes about 85-90 days from the first germination of seeds to full maturity of the fruit. The variety is intended for cultivation in both open and closed beds. At the same time, different growth conditions do not affect its yield and quality of fruits.

By type, the tomato variety Lokomotiv belongs to standard crops. A bush of determinate species, the height of which in rare cases reaches more than 70 cm.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • excellent fruit quality;
  • early and high yield;
  • good transportation;
  • long shelf life of fruits;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to powdery mildew.

When planting 3-4 bushes per 1 sq. m. a summer resident will be able to collect up to 13 kg. fruits At the same time, the plant ripens tomatoes quickly, which facilitates their rapid processing.

Fruit characteristics

A distinctive feature of the variety is the original shape of the fruit. In appearance they resemble small pears. For such an original shape and taste, Lokomotiv tomatoes have received universal recognition among summer residents.characteristics of tomatoes

Distinctive characteristics of Lokomotiv tomatoes:

  • weight – 130-150 grams;
  • color – bright red;
  • pulp – dense, with 4 chambers;
  • the taste is spicy, with a slight sourness.

A variety for universal use. Its tomatoes can be consumed fresh, in the preparation of summer salads, winter preparations, tomato sauces and pastes.

It is worth paying attention: the vegetable crop has gained particular popularity in whole-fruit canning. The thin but durable skin does not crack during heat treatment, which allows you to surprise guests with whole tomatoes in the winter.

tomato varieties

Agricultural technology

If we take into account the reviews of qualified specialists, when grown in open ground, the Lokomotiv variety showed the best yield indicators in the southern regions of the country. In the Northern regions, this vegetable crop is best grown in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions.

The variety itself does not require special care for proper development. For its growth, it will be enough to follow simple agricultural techniques.

tomato locomotive

Description of growing Lokomotiv tomatoes:

  1. The variety is grown by seedlings.
  2. Seeds are planted in mid-late March.
  3. Before planting, planting material is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. After germination, when the seedlings have formed two real leaves, picking is carried out.
  5. The seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse in early - mid-May, and into open ground - in early June.
  6. Before planting, a complex of nitrogen and mineral fertilizers is applied to each hole.
  7. After planting, abundant moisture replenishment and mulching of the soil are carried out.

Further care consists of timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil.

Important: the Lokomotiv variety in greenhouse conditions is often susceptible to bacterial spotting. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, the bush must be treated with copper sulfate and all damaged leaves removed.

As you can see, Lokomotiv is strikingly different from other tomato crops. It grows well in different climatic conditions, has high yields and excellent fruit quality. On my own behalf, I would like to add that I have been growing this variety for several years. During this period, Lokomotiv tomatoes have established themselves as unpretentious plants. But they should not be watered often. Due to excess moisture, their green tomatoes begin to turn black, which negatively affects the quantity and quality of yield.
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