The Dar Zavolzhye tomato was bred in the North Caucasus Federal District and selected by Russian specialists. Since 1992, the variety has been included in the State Register as a vegetable crop intended for cultivation in the Lower Volga, Central Black Earth and North Caucasus regions. Tomatoes are also successfully grown in other regions of Russia.
Characteristics of the variety
The peculiarity of the tomato is that the bush grows up to 70 cm - there is no need to break off the upper part of the stems. The plants have medium foliage, with a light green tint. The leaves are typical nightshade, have a wrinkled shape without down.
The fruits ripen on 6–7 clusters.The root is quite powerful, going half a meter into the ground. As the description shows, the first inflorescence is formed above the 6th - 7th leaf, and then more often - almost after a couple of leaves. To make the tomatoes larger, several flowers are removed from the inflorescences.
This is an early ripening variety. The ripening time of the first fruits of the Gift of the Volga region occurs 100–110 days after emergence. Reviews speak of the positive properties of the variety to resist diseases.
These tomatoes are grown in open ground, closed greenhouses and film greenhouses. If the seedlings are planted in open ground, it should be possible to protect the tomatoes from possible late frosts.
Productivity per 1 sq. m can reach up to 7 kg of tomatoes per season. The harvest from one plant reaches 5 kg per summer. This result for tomatoes with early ripening is considered high. For example, with God's Gift tomatoes, only 3 to 5 tomatoes ripen per bush.
Pros and cons of the variety
The few complaints from gardeners about tomatoes of the Dar Zavolzhya variety are only in the sensitivity of the plants to diseases. This can be avoided by taking preventive measures. The advantages noted by summer residents speak for themselves:
- high productivity;
- excellent taste.
The characteristics and description of the variety state that tomatoes can be transported and stored for a long time.
It is worth noting that tomatoes ripen almost simultaneously, which is welcome in varieties intended for canning for the winter. A positive characteristic of the Gift of Zavolzhye tomatoes is that the skin of the fruit does not crack.
Description of tomato fruits
Dar Zavolzhye tomatoes have slight ribbing.The top and bottom of the fruit are slightly flattened. The weight of one tomato is approximately 100 g, and the diameter is about 7 cm. When ripe, tomatoes acquire a red-pink color. Under the thin but dense skin there is tender, medium-density pulp. The seeds are located in chambers, of which there can be from 3 to 6 pieces in one tomato.
The description of tomatoes states that tomatoes are a universal variety. They have a pleasant slightly sweetish taste with sourness. Tomatoes are used for salads and sandwiches, they are added to fried and stewed vegetables. Fruits that are larger than usual are cut into pieces and preserved in the form of small slices. This is an excellent option for making ketchup, tomato sauces and pasta. Studies have shown that tomatoes practically do not lose their beneficial qualities when cooked.
Tips for Growing Tomatoes
Tomato seeds begin to be sown in the second decade of March. To prevent diseases of young plants, the soil is first disinfected with manganese.
The soil should have low acidity and be light to allow air to pass to the roots. This soil is sold in specialized or flower shops.
The seeds are laid out in a furrow about 2 cm deep. The distance between plants in the container should be 2 cm. The planted tomato seeds are covered with soil and watered with water warmed to room temperature. It is advisable to cover the top of the container with polyethylene or glass - this prevents the soil from drying out, and increased humidity ensures vigorous germination. After the first shoots appear, the cover is removed.
Picking should be carried out at the moment when most plants have 2 developed leaves.
Diving is carried out to enhance the growth of the root system of seedlings. The plants are removed from the soil and transplanted into another container. You can use separate pots. It is preferable to choose peat containers or those made of pressed paper: tomato seedlings can be planted in holes without removing them from the container and without injuring the delicate roots.
Transplantation into open ground begins after the danger of renewed night frosts has passed. This period occurs around the end of May. When grown in greenhouses, replanting is carried out 2 - 3 weeks earlier.
Each plant is planted in a separate hole. The distance should be 50 cm. A little phosphorus fertilizer is added to the holes. Water tomatoes only at the root. It is better to water frequently, but not abundantly, so that water stagnation does not form. On the second day after watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil.
Plants begin to be fed after the formation of the ovary begins, and feeding is repeated every 15 days.
To prevent the stems from breaking off under the weight of filling tomatoes, the bushes are tied to supports installed near each plant. The tomato harvest begins in July.
Pest and disease control
Soil disinfection helps protect plants from diseases. Microbiological preparations for special purposes are used. To save tomatoes from tobacco mosaic, the bushes are sprinkled with ash. Late blight is afraid of treating plants with a solution of copper sulfate: pour 0.5 tbsp into 1 bucket of water. l. active component.