Description of the tomato variety Druzhok and its characteristics

Tomato “Druzhok F1” is an original hybrid from the Russian breeding company “Gavrish”, which received the best reviews for its unpretentiousness and productivity. It produces excellent harvests even for beginners in vegetable growing.

Description of the hybrid

Description of the variety: the bushes of the hybrid “Druzhok F1” are determinate, grow up to 50-70 cm. The growing season lasts about 90-100 days. The stem is strong and standard. Tomatoes grow better if tied to a support or trellis.

Hybrid Buddy F1

Tomatoes “Druzhok F1” are resistant to sunlight, the foliage protects the fruit from burns. Clusters form six or eight fruits.In total, the bush bears 3-4 fruitful clusters on one stem. Productivity reaches 12-16 kg of tomatoes per 1 square meter with good care, as well as proper agricultural technology.

Characteristics of the fruits: the fruits of “Druzhok F1” are medium, tasty, sweet and sour. The plant produces many beautiful red standard fruits of 80-100 grams each. The shape of the fruit of the variety is round, leveled with a small depression at the bottom. The tomatoes are fleshy, juicy, the skin is thick and tender. All “friends” mature almost simultaneously.

Tomato seeds

Advantages of the hybrid “Friend F1”

Reviews and product qualities of the hybrid are excellent:

  • good taste;
  • productivity;
  • attractive appearance of the variety;
  • fruits of standard size;
  • friendly ripening of fruits;
  • The fruits are shelf-stable, do not wrinkle or crack during transportation or on the bush.

The combination of these qualities of the variety makes it attractive for vegetable growers to grow Druzhok F1 tomatoes both for themselves and for sale. These tomatoes are in demand on the market.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse

Red tomatoes contain the natural antioxidant lycopene, which destroys cancer cells and prolongs youth.

Tomatoes have a great effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system, and also improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Such tomatoes are very useful, both raw and thermally processed. During heat treatment, the amount of vitamin C in tomatoes almost doubles.

How to increase productivity

The yield of Druzhok F1 tomatoes can be increased by following certain growing rules:

  • You need to fertilize the seedlings once a week with liquid fertilizers for seedlings of vegetable plants.
  • During transplantation, it is necessary to use preparations to strengthen the root system, as well as ash, which is used to powder the holes.
  • Before planting seedlings, they must be carefully inspected. Weakened or broken plants should be thrown away.
  • Tomato bushes are planted according to the scheme: 80-100 cm between rows, 40-50 cm between bushes.
  • It is best to water tomatoes by drip.
  • After planting the bushes of the variety, it is necessary to water the tomatoes every 10-12 days.
  • It is better to mulch the soil under the plant with finely chopped grass, hay or straw.
  • First, fertilize with a nitrogen formula, then with potassium fertilizers according to the scheme.

Red tomatoes

Tomato disease resistance

“Druzhok F1” tomatoes are disease-resistant hybrids, so they practically don’t get sick, and you don’t have to worry about the harvest.

To increase productivity and obtain harvests of this variety earlier than stated by the manufacturer, you can use preparations with vegetable growth accelerators. For example, the modern biostimulant “Biogrow” (for description and dosage, see the instructions for the drug).
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