Productivity, characteristics and description of the Marmeladny tomato variety

The Marmalade tomato is a relatively new variety, which, despite its recent appearance on the market, has already gained its fans and admirers.

Characteristics of the variety

A characteristic feature of this variety is its bright yellow color, which really resembles such a tasty delicacy as marmalade.

This variety positions itself as a determinant variety of early ripening. Harvesting begins 90-100 days after planting. The bushes themselves are quite short and grow (depending on conditions) up to 80-130 cm.

Ideal for growing both in open soil and in a greenhouse.The bushes require gartering and shaping, during which it is recommended to leave 1-2 pagons; if you leave more, the yield of the variety will decrease significantly, and the tomatoes themselves will somewhat lose their properties in terms of quality and size.

The foliage of the bushes is medium, the leaves are delicate green with a light velvety coating. The fruits are round in shape, bright sunny color, reaching 80-110 cm in size.

Consumer reviews indicate very high taste qualities. The fruits are sweet, fleshy, and quite dense. Delicate taste similar to a marmalade delicacy.

The advantage of this variety is its excellent transportation capabilities and beautiful, respectable appearance. The variety is suitable for both home cultivation and commercial cultivation.

yellow marmalade in the garden

The yield of this varietal variety has excellent characteristics. Those gardeners and summer residents who planted marmalade tomatoes claim that it is quite possible to harvest up to 4-5 kilograms of ripe and sweet vegetables from one bush per season.

A description of such tomatoes would be incomplete without characterizing its resistance to various types of pests and diseases. So gardeners and summer residents familiar with this variety claim that it is resistant to literally all diseases.

Reviews indicate that even when other varieties affected by late blight grew next to the marmalade tomato, the declared tomato was not damaged at all. Its bushes were healthy, green, and its branches were bursting with fruit.

Another feature that sets this tomato apart from its relatives is the presence in it of a large amount of beta-carotene, a substance that is very beneficial for both the eyes and the body as a whole.It is thanks to beta-carotene in the fruit that tomatoes have a bright sunny hue. Also, its pulp contains a high content of sugars and dry substances.

The first flowers of this variety appear above the 6th leaf, further flowering occurs after 1-2 leaves.

orange marmalade

Marmalade tomato is suitable for fresh raw consumption and for processing. It makes very tasty and colorful salads, excellent fried, stewed and boiled dishes. These tomatoes, salted or pickled in a jar for the winter, look very respectable. Juices, sauces, and ketchups from marmalade varieties of tomatoes are also tasty and aromatic.

Features of planting and growing

This variety is recommended to be grown from seedlings. To do this, seeds are first planted in separate containers. They do this at the end of February. Then they wait for them to sprout, and when 1-2 true leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings dive into separate pots. Now you need to wait until 5-6 true leaves appear on the seedlings. At this time, it is already possible to plant seedlings in open ground.

It is important to know. This variety has proven itself well when grown in greenhouses. It is only important to properly maintain the temperature in the greenhouse and regularly ventilate the greenhouse.

In open ground, the plant should be watered as needed, regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds. The plant is sun-loving, so choose a site in a well-lit area.

By following all the recommendations, you can grow such sunny and tasty fruits yourself without spending much effort.
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