Gardeners who choose varieties for making juices and pastes should pay attention to the My Joy tomato. During selection, the hybrid is endowed with excellent taste and high yield. What other benefits does this variety of tomatoes have?
My joy is an early ripening determinate variety. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to the collection of the first fruits, 93–95 days pass. The height of the medium-leafed bush is 90–110 cm. Due to such a height and a large number of fruits, the plant needs to be attached to a support and pinched.
The first inflorescence is formed above 6–7 leaves and is repeated after 1–2 leaves.Unripe fruits are light green, mature ones are deep red. The shape of the tomato My Joy f1 is round, the skin is smooth. With proper care, the fruit weighs 80–150 g. In some cases, tomatoes grow up to 200–300 g. The pulp is juicy and sweet. Fruit ripening is consistent. In a garden bed with 1 sq. m manages to collect 4.7 kg of tomatoes, in the greenhouse - 13.9 kg.
Thanks to its structure, the vegetable has a good presentation and can easily withstand long-term transportation. The variety can be used for cultivation in open and closed ground. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and processing into tomato juices and pastes.
The main advantage of the My Joy f1 variety over other varieties whose fruits are intended for processing is its high immunity to tobacco mosaic, fusarium and alternaria. In addition, the culture tolerates high temperatures well. As you can see, the description of the variety is very impressive. What conditions does the plant need to provide?
Features of cultivation
Caring for the Tomato Variety My Joy is no different from other types of vegetable crops. To grow healthy seedlings and reap a generous harvest, you need to carry out the following manipulations:
- Sowing. To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in containers 50–55 days before planting in a permanent place. The optimal depth of the furrows is 2–3 cm. To prevent the soil from drying out, cover the container with glass or film on top. As soon as the sprouts appear, the shelter is gradually removed.
- Transfer. If necessary, at the age of 2–3 true leaves, seedlings are plucked. Tomatoes are ready for planting in open ground after the formation of 5–6 leaves.
- Treatment against diseases and pests.Since the characteristics and description of the variety contain information about the crop’s resistance to diseases, it is rarely necessary to process the bushes while ensuring the right conditions. Those who planted these tomatoes note that for prevention purposes, the plants should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture at intervals of 2 weeks.
- Watering. Tomatoes grow best in moderately moist soil. In hot weather, the crop is watered once every 7 days. In case of regular precipitation, the frequency is reduced.
- Feeding. Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied to the bushes 3 times. The main rule of success fertilizing tomatoes - overfeeding should not be allowed. Nitrogen is applied especially carefully, since an excess of the substance provokes the growth of greenery to the detriment of the fruits.
The opinions left on the forums by experienced and novice gardeners are only positive. According to practical experience, the hybrid fully confirms its characteristics. The plants are resistant to tomato diseases and adverse weather conditions, the fruits are endowed with a sweet taste and pronounced aroma. The productivity of the variety is high.
Have you grown the My Joy variety? What are your impressions of this type of tomato? Leave reviews so that those who have not yet grown this hybrid can appreciate its benefits and perhaps include the variety in the list of annual garden crops.