Description of the tomato variety Perun f1, features of cultivation and care

Tomato Perun f1 is one of the few vegetables that is impossible to pass by. Their pear-shaped shape attracts experienced and amateur gardeners. When fully ripe, they resemble bright light bulbs. The variety has a golden color, so it is liked by women and children.

Features of the vegetable

The characteristics of the variety contain important information that a person studies before purchasing a Perun tomato. The early hybrid is tall. Suitable for growing in indoor and outdoor conditions. The greenhouse option allows you to get a rich harvest.

Tomato Perun

As it grows, the crop produces leaves, the number of which is not too large. The height of a tomato ranges from 165 to 180 cm. The laying of the first cluster occurs early. Place - above the 6th sheet. The formation of subsequent brushes alternates every 2–3 leaves.

The culture forms small clusters on which 15 fruits ripen. There are from 9 to 11 brushes on one plant. The color of the fruit is bright orange or red. The round, slightly elongated shape resembles a pear. The fruit itself is dense inside with small seeds.

open ground

Tomatoes have a wonderful rich taste. Suitable for preparing fresh dishes. Perun is a favorite tomato for canning at home. The vegetables turn out juicy, aromatic and slightly sweet. The crop is characterized by high marketability and can be transported over long distances.

From 1 sq. m. you can collect from 5 to 8 kg of vegetables.

How to grow?

Tomato seedlings are planted at the end of March. The landing period lasts until the beginning of April. Make sure that the sowing depth does not exceed 3 cm. With the appearance of 2 true leaves in this variety, they move on to the picking stage.

puts out leaves

Perun is a variety of tomatoes that are sensitive to the slightest climate changes. Within 1–2 weeks, before planting in the ground, the plant is hardened. Perun can be planted in the ground only after the last frost has passed and not only the air, but also the soil has warmed up. Sprouts are planted that are 50–70 days old.

For 1 sq. m. no more than 4 plants are planted. During growth, they need free space, on which the development and fruiting of the crop depends. They adhere to a planting pattern of 40x65 cm. After the emergence of seedlings, and before the start of ripening, 3 months pass.

variety of tomato

The variety makes it possible to get an early harvest of tomatoes. To do this, during the growth of the crop, you need to form one stem. After this, the plant is tied to a support. It should be in a vertical position.

Nuances when leaving

To grow a good harvest, you need to know not only the description of the crop, but also how to properly care for it. The following contributes to the full development of tomato:

early harvest

  1. Water only with warm water. The main thing is to maintain regularity.
  2. Fertilizer feeding. During the growing season, the feeding procedure is carried out no more than 2 times.
  3. Do loosening.
  4. Regular weeding of tomato beds. Tomatoes do not like to grow on the same plot of land along with weeds.
  5. Availability of support.

People who grow Perun tomatoes are satisfied with the results they got. This is evidenced by positive reviews. Gardeners note the taste, yield and disease resistance. During the season you can collect a large number of fruits.

feeding with fertilizers

Benefits of culture

The Perun tomato variety is a desired vegetable in every garden. Has the following advantages:

beds with tomatoes

  • mid-early, suitable for growing in open and closed ground;
  • has a strong growth pattern;
  • a large number of small fruits on the cluster.

People who are fans of Cherry tomatoes will like it. The Perun tomato variety is not only productive, but also reliable. Suitable for growing in any region of the country. The variety is considered one of the oldest and occupies a worthy place in the vegetable market.

small fruits
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