Characteristics of the Polonaise tomato variety and its description

Tomato Polonaise f1 is an early ripening determinant, which is intended for cultivation in the southern regions of our country. Before continuing the conversation about this hybrid, giving its full description, it should be clarified what the difference is between determinate tomato species, intended for cultivation in the southern and northern regions.

What is the difference between southern and northern determinate varieties?

The main feature of southern hybrids is a large amount of strong foliage, which protects the ovaries and ripening tomatoes from the scorching rays of the sun.Such varieties are distinguished by a longer harvest ripening period, since the warm season in the south lasts at least 4.5-5 months. In such conditions, it is possible to harvest a fully ripened harvest of these vegetables of any ripening period.

The difference between northern determinate species is their early ripening, since the warm season in the middle zone and colder areas is short.

Therefore, such tomatoes quickly increase their vegetative mass, form ovaries, and are also distinguished by early ripening and friendly, almost simultaneous yield.

But, despite the rapid growth, such hybrids cannot be planted in the southern regions. Under the hot southern sun, such plants age too early, not having time to accumulate useful substances for the growth and ripening of fruits. Such bushes have few leaves, because under the northern sun the fruits must receive a large amount of heat.

tomato polonaise

And in the south, ripening tomatoes often get burned from direct sunlight, so their shape becomes ugly, and the fruits themselves grow small and often dry.

Description and characteristics of the hybrid

The Polonaise tomato variety was created by Dutch breeders and intended for cultivation in the southern regions of our country. In the middle zone and other regions with a similar climate, you can grow a hybrid indoors.

The variety is determinate, low - in open ground it grows up to 0.8-0.85 m, and in greenhouses - up to 1.0 m. The bushes do not require shaping, they need staking in closed ground conditions, and do not require pinching. The stems are erect, quite powerful and strong.

caring for the polonaise variety

The Polonaise tomato has ripe tomatoes that are round, smooth, without ribbing, and bright red in color. The skin is not thick and separates easily from the pulp. Each of them contains 4-6 chambers with seeds.The average weight of a tomato is about 200 g. Thanks to its excellent taste, the fruits of the hybrid can be used fresh, added to salads, and used in canning.

The yield is quite high; from one bush you can harvest about 5 kg of ripe tomatoes, and in closed ground - up to 7-8 kg. The ripening of the crop is ultra-early, about 2.5 months pass from the moment of friendly shoots to harvest.

The characteristics of the variety will be incomplete without mentioning how resistant the Polonaise tomato is to the main diseases that affect this vegetable crop. The main valuable quality of the hybrid is resistance to almost all diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Positive qualities of the Polonaise hybrid:

advantages of the variety

  • ultra-early fruit ripening;
  • resistance to major diseases affecting tomatoes;
  • excellent presentation and excellent taste of ripe fruits;
  • 100% germination of seed material;
  • the bushes do not require shaping and do not need garter.

There are practically no disadvantages to this type of tomato. It is worth mentioning that this variety is grown in open ground only in the south of Russia, and in colder regions Polonaise can only be grown in greenhouses or greenhouses.

Thanks to the large number of positive qualities, the Polonaise tomato has become popular among farmers in many countries around the world; tomatoes of this variety can also often be seen in the beds of vegetable growers in our country.
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