Description of the Toptyzhka tomato variety, its characteristics and cultivation

In 2008, breeders from the Primorsky Territory introduced salad tomatoes of the Toptyzhka variety for the Far Eastern region. Vegetable growers tested the new tomato on their plots and were mostly satisfied.

Description of tomato:

  • mid-season;
  • determinate, standard bush;
  • approved for the Far Eastern region;
  • salad;
  • for open ground in private household plots;
  • tasty, medium-sized tomatoes (100–160 g);
  • yield 2.1–3.6 kg/m2.

salad tomatoes

The short summer of the Far Eastern region makes most common tomato varieties unsuitable for growing. For such spartan conditions, zoned “strong” varieties are needed, one of which was the Toptyzhka tomato.

The general characteristics of this variety make it possible for amateur vegetable growers to grow real crops on their plots.


The time for sowing seeds for seedlings is calculated depending on the growing region. You need to count 55-60 days from the usual time of the last frost. For picking the standard variety Toptyzhka, pots with a volume of 0.5–0.7 liters are suitable; its root system is not very developed.

tomato Toptyzhka

Toptyzhka seedlings are not prone to stretching and overgrowing. But in the conditions of the Far Eastern region, full illumination with daylight spectrum lamps is mandatory. 2 weeks before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened.

Bush formation

The standard bush has a thick stem and a squat appearance (60–75 cm), the leaves are medium and large, dark green.

regular varieties

You can plant tomatoes in the garden quite densely, at a distance of 30–40 cm; Toptyzhka’s root system is compact. At first, at night and on cool days, it is better to cover the tomato planting with film. This culture does not tolerate temperatures below 14–16 ⁰C.

Seed producers position the variety as not requiring garter. But reviews from vegetable growers differ slightly on this issue. The abundant ovary of Toptyzhka is capable of laying even such a strong and squat bush on the ground. Therefore, near especially “successful” plants you will have to build a support using stakes. This tomato almost does not form stepsons. But if they appear, they are removed. This will help the plant devote all its strength to ripening the crop.

abundant ovary

The standard variety eliminates contact of leaves and fruits with the ground, which helps protect the crop from rot.

The soil

In the Far Eastern region, tomatoes are usually planted in “warm” beds to increase the soil temperature by 2–3 ⁰C.To do this, in the fall, a layer of branches, manure, compost, leaves, sawdust and other organic components is laid in trenches 0.5–0.6 m deep. You cannot use the tops of any nightshade.

30 cm of fertile soil is poured on top and covered with a layer of peat or manure. Borders made of boards are installed along the edges, and the level of the bed is raised. Over the winter, the organic matter rots and by spring it is ready for planting seedlings. In a “warm” garden bed, tomatoes grow faster and withstand cold weather more easily.

leaf contact


102–110 days after germination, you can expect the first Toptyzhka tomatoes. Green unripe fruits with a dark spot near the stalk. Ripe tomatoes are rich pink in color, ribbed. The fruit size is average, about 100–160 g, but some specimens weigh up to 220 g.

According to reviews from vegetable growers, tomatoes are fleshy, thin-skinned, juicy, and very tasty in salads. In conservation, Toptyzhka has shown itself well in ketchups, juices, and marinades. If necessary, tomatoes ripen well on the windowsill. The variety was bred for cultivation on private farms and does not tolerate transportation well.

organic components
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