Description of the ampel tomato variety Vodopad, its cultivation and care

Tomato Cherry Falls is a prominent representative of cherry tomatoes. The ampelous variety is an excellent option for lovers of fresh vegetables who do not have a summer cottage: the plant can be planted on balconies, in flowerpots and flowerpots. Thanks to the decorative appearance that French breeders gave to the plant, compact bushes are often used to decorate flower beds.

Description of the variety

Tomato Vodopad is an early ripening determinate variety: 98-101 days pass from the moment of germination to the beginning of fruit ripening. The height of the bush is 12-15 cm, and the length of the lashes is 100-110 cm. The medium-sized leaves are colored rich green. Complex inflorescences are formed above 9-10 leaves. The interval between inflorescences is 3 or more leaves.

tomato waterfall

Tomatoes of the ampelous variety are spherical in shape, weighing 15-25 g. Endowed with a sweet taste and dense pulp, the fruits are used to decorate salads and make pickles. With proper care, you can harvest 1-1.5 kg of tomatoes from one bush. Due to its compactness, the variety can be grown in garden beds at home.

Features of cultivation and care

Using the seedling method for growing tomatoes, the seeds are sown in rows 1-2 cm deep in a moist peat substrate. Then, to create a greenhouse effect, the seedling box is covered with glass or plastic wrap and placed in a warm, bright place. In order for the seeds to germinate quickly, the room temperature is set in the range of +18-+22 degrees. Under good conditions, sprouts make their way to the surface 9 days after sowing.

cherry variety

As soon as the sprouts break through to the surface, the cover is removed. After 10-13 days, when the young plants have formed 2-3 true leaves, calcium nitrate is added to the seedlings. The fertilizer is prepared at the rate of 2 g of substance per 1 liter of water. 4-5 days after feeding, the seedlings are planted in pots or flowerpots. As a substrate for planting Vodopad variety tomato, it is best to use special purchased mixtures or soil taken from the plot where carrots, zucchini, and dill used to grow.

sprouts will emerge

To plant seedlings in open ground, seedling seeds are sown in March-April. Bushes are planted in the garden bed at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Ornamental tomatoes are grown at home all year round, however, in order for the plant to develop normally in winter, owners of a balcony garden must provide the bushes with additional lighting.

decorative hanging

In the future, the tomatoes are periodically watered and fed.Watering is carried out as the surface soil layer dries, trying to keep the soil moist. However, like all other varieties of this crop, it is impossible to overwater the Vodopad tomato: due to being in soil poor in oxygen, the roots of the plant rot. Fertilize miniature tomatoes alternately with a solution of calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate.

Important! Unlike many other varieties, the Vodopad variety does not require shaping and tying.

water periodically
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