The Santa varietal tomato appeared on Russian markets relatively recently. It was included in the state register of plants in 2014 for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground. Many amateur gardeners have already tried the variety in their garden beds and respond positively. This tomato can be grown for seeds and seedlings from your own harvest can be planted next year.
Characteristics of the variety
Determinate tall tomato variety Santa Claus, intended for cultivation in open and closed ground. An adult plant reaches a height of 1 meter, individual individuals grown in a greenhouse - up to 2 meters.The ripening period from planting is 100 days. When grown by seedlings, it takes 30 days from planting the seedlings in the ground to receiving the harvest.
Leaves are medium in number, dark green in color. Up to 12 cluster ovaries with 5–6 tomatoes on each are formed on the bush. Although the plant is determinate, it still requires pinching and staking. Otherwise, the bushes will lie on the ground under the weight of the fruits.
Description of the fruits - when ripe they reach a weight of 150 grams. Bright red in color, on some tomatoes a pale spot forms at the stalk in bad weather conditions. Tomatoes have a round, even shape without ribbing. The taste is sweet, tomato, without acid. 4 chambers with seeds are formed in the fruit.
The yield is high - 6–10 kilograms of fruit are harvested from one bush. In this case, from 3 to 5 plants are planted per square. Maturation is friendly.
A variety of universal use, consumed fresh, prepared in sauces, juices, pickled.
Agricultural technology
The seeds of the variety are planted for seedlings 2 months before transplanting into the ground. It is grown mainly by seedlings. To speed up seed germination, growth stimulants are used. It is important to plant the seedlings in a sunny, not windy place in the garden so that the fruits ripen evenly.
After planting on the main growth site, it is recommended pick and tie up tomatoes. Responds well to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Some gardeners plant two bushes in one hole to obtain a double harvest.
Plant care
The varietal characteristics are such that with proper care of the plants, the fruits ripen together and delight their gardeners with a bountiful harvest. How to care for tomatoes:
- Plants are watered as needed.
- After watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil around the stems.
- Weeding is an important condition for good growth of tomatoes.
- The bushes are tied up and pinched so that they do not break under the weight of the fruits and the growth does not turn into a green mass.
- Feed plants and soil at least three times per season. Thus, tomatoes have enough nutrients to ripen the fruit.
- You need to constantly inspect the green mass for the presence of rot, fungi and drying out.
Disease Prevention
Tomato diseases develop so quickly that they can destroy the entire crop in a week. To prevent diseases, diseased seedlings should not be planted with healthy plants. You need to water the bushes at the root. Water that gets on the leaves will cause late blight in tomatoes, a very dangerous disease.
Before planting, the soil is sprinkled with wood ash and watered with a warm solution of potassium permanganate. The solution destroys bacteria and fungi in the soil, thereby protecting plants from further infection. If an infected bush is discovered, it is immediately removed from the site and destroyed by burning. Infected plants left to humus will transmit the fungus into the soil, and the fungus will spread everywhere when the area is dug up.