For summer residents of Siberia and the Urals, the early Ural tomato is undoubtedly of interest for its unpretentiousness. It will come in handy when the summer is short and the weather during it is not stable.
The variety will delight you with its early ripening. After just 90 days, the first tomatoes begin to ripen. The bushes are standard, determinate type. In the ground they grow up to 50-60 cm. The height of the plant in a greenhouse may be slightly higher. The shape of the bush is compact, the foliage is medium. The leaves are dark green.
The description states that there is no need to plant the plant. Few shoots are formed and they do not affect the development of the bush, the rate of fruit formation and their ripening. In this regard, planting care is noticeably reduced.
By the end of June, low bushes are strewn with small, round or rounded-flattened fruits. The tomatoes are beautifully shaped, weigh no more than 100 g. In the phase of biological ripeness, they are painted bright red. The pulp is dense, red, juicy.
The fruiting period of tomatoes planted in the ground is long. They ripen evenly from July to August. Small tomatoes can be used for more than just salads. They are good at pickling and serve as a good raw material for making canned winter vegetables.
Advantages of the variety
The main advantage of this variety is its low dependence on weather conditions. Regardless of the weather, there will be tomatoes on the table. It is also important that this variety can be grown not only in the ground. The yield of Ural early in the greenhouse is even higher by several kilograms.
For dachas where there is little space left for a vegetable garden, the variety is simply irreplaceable. Due to the low growth and compactness of the bushes, you can plant tomatoes in a compacted pattern and still get a decent harvest.
Early ripening is also an important characteristic for a harsh region with short summers. It’s not bad when tomatoes ripen right on the bush. Their taste is much better and the pulp contains more beneficial properties.
The breeders did their best for the Ural summer residents. The bushes do not suffer from late blight. This is important for the overall health of the garden. The less fungal infection there is on the site, the better the quality of the vegetable harvest and the longer it will be stored.
Growing tomatoes in the Urals
They are preparing for the planting season in the Urals in the fall.A fertile mixture is poured into garbage bags, which is used in the spring to grow seedlings. Compound:
- River sand, washed 1 part.
- Garden soil or soil from the garden, 2 parts.
- Mature compost (well-rotted humus) 2 parts.
Bags of prepared soil are stored in the cold. This partially disinfects it. Most of the larvae of garden pests die.
March is coming - the month when all the summer residents of the Urals take out bags of seeds. Bags of soil should be brought into a warm place earlier, already in early March, thawed, and watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. If late blight raged in the garden in the previous season, use a fungicide solution to disinfect the soil.
Sow the seeds in the ground on March 15-20. Sow in boxes, do not deepen them more than 1 cm. Cover the boxes with polyethylene and keep warm (25-28 °C) until shoots emerge. In the 2-leaf phase, plant the plants in separate cups and continue to grow at a lower temperature (18-20 °C).
Transplanting seedlings into the ground causes stress in young plants. The stress level is lower if you start hardening procedures a week before the event. If you have a greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse, it is easier to harden. Place the boxes with seedlings in the greenhouse. Open it during the day and cover it with covering material or straw mats at night.
Planting seedlings
Plant Ural early in the ground at the beginning of June, in a greenhouse - from late April to the end of May. Plantings can be done densely. Leave 30 cm between the holes. In general, stakes are not needed, but if the bushes begin to fall over due to the abundance of fruits, you can put a low peg and tie the stem to it in several places.
Water the bushes according to the weather in open ground and once every 5 days in a greenhouse.The bushes are compact and do not require large volumes of water. In the hottest weather, 0.5-1 bucket for 1 root is enough. Don’t forget to feed low tomato bushes with complex fertilizer 2-3 times a season. Choose those marked for tomatoes.
In August, the lower leaves can be gradually removed, this will make it easier for the bushes to further form fruits and prolong their fruiting. Timely harvesting of fruits that have reached milky ripeness also prolongs fruiting. Another advantage from timely harvesting is that the fruits are uniform in size.
Varieties for the Ural region
In the Urals and Siberia, the best varieties of tomatoes are early ripening ones. Those hybrids and varietal tomatoes whose ripening period is June-July have time to ripenl. The early harvest is used to prepare salads and other vegetable and meat dishes. Therefore, salad varieties with good taste are of interest.
The following hybrids are zoned in the Ural region and show good results:
- Burzhuin F1.
- VIP F1.
- Erofeich F1.
- Cherry strawberry F1.
- Pink miracle F1.
Hybrid Burzhuin F1 produces a medium-sized fruit crop (180 g) in a short time (95-100 days). The shape of the fruit is flat-round with pronounced ribbing. The color of the skin and pulp when ripe is red. The taste is typically tomato, sweet and sour.
Bigwig F1 is another hybrid grown in the Urals. The bushes are low, determinate type. The fruits are red, not large (115 g), ripen early (90-100 days).
Erofeich F1 is a determinate plant, early ripening (90 days). The fruits are not large (100 g), red. The shape is flat-round with ribbing along the perimeter. The pulp has an excellent tomato taste.
Cherry strawberry F1 is a plant with bushes of medium height up to 140 cm. The fruits are shaped like garden strawberries. They are collected in brushes of 6-7 pieces. The shape is elongated, oval.The pulp is sugary, raspberry in color. Weight up to 110 g. They ripen already on the 95th day from planting. The plant has excellent immunity to mosaic and late blight.
The pink miracle F1 begins to ripen after 85 days. This hybrid is grown successfully both in the ground and in greenhouses (film, polycarbonate). Sweet fruits weighing up to 100 g are characterized by increased sugar content. The pink flesh is juicy and tasty. From a square meter of ridge you can collect up to 20 kg of fruit.
When planting any variety or hybrid, you need to take into account varietal characteristics. The planting scheme and care must comply with the instructions given on the package of seeds. Compliance with all conditions is a guarantee of the harvest declared by the manufacturer for each specific variety.
Buy Ural early seeds if you don’t have time to care for the beds, but want your own tomatoes. Caring for them will definitely not tire you out; its set of characteristics is suitable for beginners. From July to August, there will be a delicious salad made from tomatoes grown by yourself on the table.