Characteristics and description of the Boni mm tomato variety, its yield

Tomato Boni is a completely new bred variety of tomato, which includes all the advantages and benefits of earlier varieties. This is a low-growing, early-ripening, completely unpretentious variety that produces tasty medium-sized fruits for pickling or salads. In addition, it is resistant to fungal diseases and is not afraid of open spaces.

Boni mm - tomatoes, for those who want to enjoy vitamins already in the middle of summer. They are very easy to care for and are not afraid to grow in open ground. Experienced gardeners have already fallen in love with this variety.Anyone can grow it even in cold areas, because it does not require much effort.

Characteristics of this culture

The characteristics and description of the Boni mm tomato variety can be read on the packet of seeds. This variety is one of the earliest. From the moment the seed is planted in the ground until fruiting, two and a half months pass. The fruits fully ripen within two weeks. In cold climates, fruits take longer to ripen. However, this species is not afraid of the cold; it is even recommended for planting in open ground.

Em tomatoes are planted as seedlings in the northern regions. Otherwise they will not have time to ripen.

The Boni tomato variety has a distinctive feature: the bushes do not grow more than fifty centimeters in height. They are quite low, which gives the right not to tie them with ropes. They also do not form stepchildren.

The inflorescences and flowers are simple. The leaves are small and green. The stem is not very thick. The fruits are round, slightly flat on the sides. Their weight is small - from 40 to 100 grams. They sing very quickly. The taste is sweet and sour. They can be eaten raw or canned. The skin and pulp are dense, they can easily be transported by car. They can be grown for sale in markets. They also keep well when fresh.

This variety was recently included in the State Register of Russia, for cultivation throughout the country in greenhouses and open spaces. In order for the harvest to please the family, you need to know how to plant and grow such tomatoes correctly.

boni tomato seeds mm

Features of cultivation

It is best to grow from seeds. They are planted in boxes in April. Before this, the soil should be well watered. Germination will be fastest on the sunny side near the window. Tomatoes love light.

These tomatoes need picking, this allows them to strengthen and develop the roots. This procedure involves transplanting the seedlings into a separate container and cutting off part of the root.

When the seedlings become stronger and covered with leaves, they can be planted in the garden. It is best to water the plantings every two days and feed them once a week. The soil should not be very acidic, fertile, well loosened.

Seedlings are usually planted two months after the seeds germinate, or earlier, but not less than thirty days. Don't forget to leave the distance between them. It should be approximately 30-40 centimeters. During growth, it is enough to form them into 4-stem sprouts.

If the nights are not very cold, then you can plant seedlings without a greenhouse. They are fine with growing outdoors.

To ensure high yields, you need to properly care for your tomatoes. There is nothing difficult about this, since they are not particularly capricious.

Care requirements

Boni Mm tomatoes are a variety that bears fruit quite early. Therefore, you need to take care of the bushes from the very beginning of sowing the seeds. They grow intensively, they need food and light in sufficient quantities. Productivity also depends on how comfortable the plant is and how healthy it is.

The rules of care are quite simple:

  • Sow seeds in store soil, along with fertilizers;
  • The soil in the garden must be prepared in advance; add sand, manure, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. It needs to be dug up before planting and in the fall too.
  • In order for air and nutrition to be properly provided to all bushes, they need to be planted at a distance from each other;
  • First, after planting, water every other day, then, as they take root, this should be done twice a week;
  • The lower leaves need to be trimmed if they touch the ground. Otherwise, the plant will be attacked by insects or become sick;
  • Constantly loosen the soil, do not let it harden, hill up, crush;
  • Be sure to weed all weeds, they take food and carry pests;
  • For prevention, you need to periodically spray the foliage against harmful insects and diseases;
  • To improve the quality of fruit ripening, it is possible to pick and split the stem;
  • Maintaining the required temperature in the greenhouse, ventilation, opening windows and doors;
  • Fertilizer feeding should be done once a week;
  • Humidity should be normal. Strong evaporation also harms the fruits.

Boni tomato bushes mm

Proper care is the key to strong, healthy plants and excellent fruiting. To grow the same tomatoes next year, you need to buy new seeds. And try not to plant them in the same place where they grew this year. Tomatoes also grow poorly after potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.

Disease and pest control

Tomato Boni, despite its strong immunity, can get sick. It is possible that infection can occur from the soil or from plants that bloom nearby.

Harmful insects cause severe damage to fruits and bushes, and they also transmit diseases. The most famous among them: butterflies, slugs, caterpillars, worms, spider mites, beetles, mole crickets.

If they attack plants, it is very difficult to get rid of them, so it is sometimes worth spraying the bushes with special means for prevention. This will create an environment where these guests are definitely not welcome. Just remember to wash the fruits with clean water before eating.

Tilling the soil in which tomatoes grow is also effective. After all, pests can settle there too.The best remedy for slugs and ticks is soapy water. For beetles - a stronger medicine that can be purchased in stores. The mole cricket needs to be driven away using eggshells, poison or bird droppings.

Tomatoes may become stained, dry out, and wither. Many causes of their diseases lie in poor quality care, poor soil cultivation, and excess fertilizer or moisture.

Reviews about the variety

Boni tomatoes are very popular among summer residents for their small, tasty fruits and the fact that they can be enjoyed already in July. They almost never suffer from all the diseases that occur in other varieties.

Nadezhda, 55 years old: I purchased seedlings of these tomatoes at the market. Bonnies bloomed quite quickly in the greenhouse. And then the fruits came, one after another. I don't regret planting them. The taste is very rich with sourness.

Boni tomatoes mm in open ground

Nina Nikolaevna, 60 years old: I’ve heard about this variety from my neighbors for a long time. I decided to sow the seeds this year. I planted seedlings in a greenhouse. I am pleased that a lot of fruits are warmed and that they do not need any unusual care. They, of course, need very good soil and watering. They salted it in jars, and it was enough to eat fresh. The taste is pleasant, tomato.

The Boni tomato is one of the famous universal varieties. Since it contains a lot of vitamins and ripens at the end of July, it is best served in fresh salads, but it is also used to make delicious juices, make adjikas, pastes, salt and marinate in jars. The harvest is so rich that you can even grow them for sale. Knowing all the care requirements, you can grow it even without a greenhouse. Happy harvest!
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