Characteristics and description of the Mandarin tomato variety, its yield

Dreaming of a good tomato harvest, gardeners are experimenting with different varieties. The Mandarin tomato appeared on the vegetable market not so long ago, but has already gained popularity among lovers of nightshade crops.

A few words about the new variety

If you decide to plant quickly ripening tomatoes on your plot of land, then you should take a closer look at the Mandarin variety. Its main advantages are early ripeness, productivity, disease resistance, and its main characteristic is its pleasant taste.

mandarin tomato seeds

This tomato is intended for planting in a greenhouse, as it loves warmth and sunlight and is afraid of sudden temperature changes. Mandarin duck is an indeterminate variety. This means that the bush, in comfortable conditions for it, does not stop growing, forming up to 8 clusters of fruit. It grows up to 1.8 m in height, right under the roof of the greenhouse.

All this time, new branches with tomatoes continue to grow on it. For this feature, the plant is called carpal.

Tomatoes of the Mandarinka variety lay the first inflorescence when 9-10 leaves bloom on the trunk. Subsequently, ovaries are steadily and consistently formed after every 3rd leaf; there can be up to 10 of them on one brush. The bushes begin to bear fruit 90-100 days after germination. The fruits have the following description:

  • color bright orange;
  • round shape;
  • the taste is sweet.

mandarin tomato bushes

The yield of Mandarin is about 5 kg from each bush, and the average weight of one tomato is 95 g. As the photo shows, a greenhouse with ripe fruits resembles a citrus garden, in which numerous tomatoes are full of red dots among the green foliage. The variety got its name for its resemblance to tropical fruits.

About planting productive tomatoes

More than one experienced gardener has planted Mandarin tomato seeds in boxes with heated soil in early March. Seedlings can be grown both at home and in a greenhouse. The first time watering with water at room temperature is carried out after the sprouts emerge from the ground. After 14 days, the seedlings are watered again. Every day, the boxes with seedlings should be turned towards the sun so that everyone gets the same amount of light.

When the seedlings reach a height of 25 cm, they can be planted in a permanent place. This usually happens in early May.

Anyone who has planted tomatoes in a greenhouse knows that the soil for young plants must warm up well. The optimal soil temperature is +15°C. It is recommended to make beds 40 cm high and 80 to 100 cm wide a week before planting tomatoes. The soil should contain turf soil, peat or humus, and a little sand. For 1 m² of turf bed, pour 1 bucket of peat and the same amount of humus. You can add 1 tbsp to the soil. l. superphosphate. Everything is dug up and left to warm up.

Young plants should be planted in the garden bed in two rows in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining a distance of 60 cm between rows and 30-40 cm between seedlings. Having dug holes 30 cm deep and 20 cm wide, add 1 cup of wood ash to each of them and 1 liter of potassium permanganate solution.

3 days before planting in the greenhouse, the 3 bottom leaves of each plant are removed. This procedure will help the first cluster to form faster and will prevent the development of diseases that affect nightshade crops. A few hours before planting in the holes, the seedlings are watered generously with warm water.

When planting, a young tomato is carefully placed in a prepared hole, the roots are straightened, and the plant itself is given a vertical position. If the seedlings have already outgrown, it is advisable to plant them differently. First, dig a hole 12 cm deep, and make another hole in it to the height of the pot or lump of soil in which the seedling developed. When planting, a young plant of the Mandarin variety is placed in the lower hole and sprinkled with it. The upper fossa remains open for 12 days. After the seedlings take root, the hole is also sprinkled with soil.

mandarin tomato in open ground

How to care for nightshades in a greenhouse

2-3 days after planting, the tomato must be tied to a peg, which is driven into the ground next to the bush at a safe distance from its root system. It is necessary to periodically monitor the stem and, as it grows, replace the old pegs with taller ones. It is better to tie tomatoes to wire or rope trellises located under the roof of the greenhouse. Timely tying to supports is very useful for tomatoes.

Every experienced gardener knows that if she grew tomatoes on trellises, all the ovaries will receive more sunlight and oxygen, which will lead to an increase in yield. And the leaves raised on supports will avoid contact with wet soil, so they will not get sick.

A distinctive feature of the Mandarinka variety is the formation of the plant into one stem. It involves the removal of all excess stepsons that begin to form on a young bush shortly after it is planted in a greenhouse. The procedure is performed early in the morning (at this time, excess shoots break off more easily) in sunny weather (this helps the plants heal wounds faster). Stepchildren can be cut with garden shears or removed by hand. To avoid infection, scissors are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate after each circumcision. With your hands, any stepson is broken off to the side.

appearance of a mandarin tomato

Monitor the condition of the stem, remove the stepsons in a timely manner, because they take the nutrients it needs from the main plant. Do not let the plants bush and produce a lot of greenery. It is better to remove all the lower leaves. And under the clusters with fruits there should not be any of them at all.

Until the plants bloom, they are watered once every 5 days. Water is poured at least 4 liters per 1 m². During flowering and ovary formation, tomatoes require abundant watering: from 10 to 12 liters per 1 m².Fertilizing is carried out 3 weeks after planting the seedlings. Take 1 tbsp per bucket of water. l. nitrophoska and 2 tbsp. l. The ideal is liquid fertilizer. The mixture in an amount of 1 liter is poured under each bush. The second feeding is carried out 10 days after the first.

By observing all the conditions necessary for growing a Mandarin tomato, you will receive a rich harvest of fruits, about which you can only hear positive reviews.
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