Description of the Slivovka tomato variety and its characteristics

Gardeners are not delighted with the taste of store-bought tomatoes: they want to try growing their own. Reviews about the Slivovka tomato are encouraging. The fruits will have time to fill before the weather gets colder. The leftovers will ripen in a warm room.

Features of Slivovka

Agrobiologists are trying to satisfy the needs of gardeners. They are working on new varieties and improving their performance. The result: heat-loving tomatoes ripen outdoors in areas with short, hot summers.

Characteristics and description of the Slivovka tomato variety:

  • ripens well in open ground;
  • limited in growth (maximum 40 cm) variety;
  • early ripening period (the period from loops to tomato sampling is 100 days);
  • slightly leafy plant, bright green plates;
  • friendly ripening of fruits;
  • the bush does not need to be tied up, shaped, or pinched;
  • yield 8 kg/m² (subject to planting and care rules);
  • not affected by blossom end rot or septoria.

Three tomatoes

The tomato is unpretentious. Sets fruit in cool and hot weather. Those who planted Slivovka appreciated the resistance of the seedlings to stretching.

What's ripening in the garden beds

Gardeners want to eat tomatoes from the garden early. The Slivovka tomato produces delicious berries in mid-July. Description and appearance of the fruit:

  • smooth to the touch;
  • the shape resembles a plum with a thin “spout”;
  • flattening of the stalk;
  • grows up to 120 g;
  • the pulp is fleshy, low-juicy;
  • the skin is dense, tough in dry summers;
  • the taste is sour;
  • ripe fruits are deep red;
  • the stalk is easily separated (in ripe fruits);
  • the berries are resistant to cracking.

Gardeners know: grown in their own beds, the Slivovka tomato looks beautiful in canned vegetables. High acidity ensures the safety of homemade preparations.

Ripe tomatoes

Why is Slivovka valued?

Stores present seeds of varieties and hybrids for every taste. Among gardeners growing tomatoes, Slivovka found admirers. She is appreciated for:

  • absence of whims;
  • disease resistance;
  • stable formation of ovaries in any weather;
  • friendly return of fruits;
  • excellent transportability.

Gardeners are confident that whoever grows the Slivovka tomato will provide himself with delicious canned vegetables for the whole winter. Picked brown, the fruits will remain in the pantry until October.

Ripe tomatoes

How to make your dream come true

The variety is unpretentious. It is not difficult to achieve the specified yield. It is worth following the recommendations of agrobiologists:

  • sow for seedlings no later than March 20;
  • pay attention to soil fertility;
  • observe crop turnover;
  • pluck seedlings when 2 true leaves grow;
  • highlight, ventilate, temper, feed;
  • prepare the landing site in advance (in autumn);
  • place in permanent beds after the end of spring frosts;
  • To strengthen the tomatoes, feed them when planting;
  • the plant overloads itself with fruits: the soil should be mulched;
  • follow the rule: it is better to dry it than to overwater it;
  • feed with mineral complexes.

Planting oats, rye, and wheat will help improve the health of the land. You should wait for the shoots to emerge and dig them into the soil.

Growing vegetables

Evaluation of varieties by gardeners

The summer resident complains: she planted Slivovka in the greenhouse. She fed, watered, ventilated. The bushes are stretched, fattening, there are few tomatoes. Not surprising: the variety is designed for reactive fruiting in short summers. Other conditions are not suitable.

A gardener from the Moscow region: “We plant Slivovka in May under film. We cover the beds with straw. After frost we remove the cover. All! All that remains is to eat tomatoes. We roll them whole into jars and eat them fresh. At the end of July we collect the remains. They ripen well at home. We eat tomatoes until the beginning of November.”
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