Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Snezhana

The Snezhana tomato is suitable both for planting in the ground and for growing under film. Its distinctive feature is more than three months (104 days) before the fruit ripens and the first sprout appears. This is a mid-early variety.

The main characteristic of the plant is its ease of care. Tomatoes are determinant, and this variety was developed by Siberian breeders, who are famous for their diverse, but always unpretentious and easy to grow varieties of tomatoes that everyone loves. The variety meets these qualities, since it was originally intended for cultivation in conditions that are not the most favorable for such a light and heat-loving plant. Let's take a closer look at the description of the variety.

Advantages of the variety

The branching of the bush is convenient - medium.The plants do not exceed half a meter in height, so there is no need to tie it to a support and pinching it, which makes the grower’s work easier and reduces the cost of the planting and care process.

The first inflorescence appears immediately above the seventh leaf, then they will go every leaf or two. The number of nests usually exceeds four.

The fruits of this variety of tomatoes are good: they weigh 100 grams, at the ripe stage they become a pleasant bright red color, and when unripe they are whitish. The shape is nicely round. They can be eaten fresh due to their pronounced taste, but these tomatoes are also good for any preservation.

tomato variety

By growing this variety of tomatoes, you can get up to three kilograms of fruit per square meter of plants, about a kilogram from one bush. This is an excellent indicator of yield, even if the area allocated for tomatoes is small.

The commercial quality of its fruits is very good. Tomatoes of this variety perfectly set fruit even when weather conditions are not at all favorable for this - also an advantage of Snezhana’s Siberian origin.

Basics of care and planting

You need to sow tomatoes for seedlings approximately two months before they are supposed to be planted in a permanent place, be it open ground or a greenhouse. A period of 50–60 days before this event will be optimal.

planting tomatoes

In order for the seeds to germinate better, provide them with optimal conditions, especially a temperature of 23 - 25 degrees above zero Celsius.

Planting in the ground requires careful adherence to the distance between plants - from 3 to 4 per square meter, no more. To increase productivity, feed plants with complex mineral fertilizers. They respond well to watering. A pleasant property is a low degree of susceptibility to the main enemy of tomatoes, bacterial black spot.

snezhan seeds

To accelerate the growth of seed germination, improve the health of plants and improve fruit set, experts and ordinary gardeners recommend using growth and development stimulants on the plant, which are specially designed for these purposes.

The fruits are stored very well in boxes and do not have the ability to rot, provided that each tomato is whole. They are well transported, so it is convenient to bring them from the dacha both home and for market sale. Everyone who planted this variety left only positive reviews and impressions.
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