Description of the Stresa tomato variety and its characteristics

The Stresa F1 tomato is a hybrid, bred by Russian breeders. The variety has a number of advantages and has received rave reviews for its productivity.

The tomato hybrid “Stresa F1” is mid-early, indeterminate, large-fruited, resistant to many tomato diseases. Created specifically for greenhouse cultivation, but in regions with a stable warm climate, Stresa F1 tomatoes are also grown in open ground. Tomatoes of this variety can be grown all year round in heated greenhouses.

Ripe tomatoes

Characteristics and description of the variety: the bush of this hybrid grows up to 1.8-2 m high, so it definitely requires gartering to a vertical or horizontal support. The stem is liana-shaped and flexible. It is necessary to form a stem as the plant grows into 1-2 trunks, which will increase the yield of the bush.

Since the fruits are quite large, it is necessary to tie the trunk to a support.

The leaves of the seedlings are light, and when the plant gains growth, they become dark green, slightly elongated.

The plant is tall and spreading, so the Stresa tomato bush is planted using the 50 x 40 cm technology. Per 1 sq. m plant up to 4 plants. The period from seed germination to fruiting of the plant is 110-115 days.

Hybrid tomatoes

Resistance of the Stresa tomato variety to diseases:

Type of disease Degree of stability
1 Verticillium wilt (Va, Vd) high
2 Fusarium wilt (Fol 1–2) high
3 Cladosporiosis (Ff) high
4 Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) high
5 tomato nematode (Mi, Ma) high

Fruit characteristics

Description of the fruits of the Stresa F1 tomatoes: large, round in shape, with slight ribbing of the barrels, fleshy, sugary at the break. The color of a ripe tomato is bright red. The skin of these tomatoes is tender but dense. Tomatoes of this hybrid variety do not crack.

Instructions for seeds

The variety has a good delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Used fresh, in soups and salads. Small fruits can be preserved in their entirety, and large ones in slices or in the form of juice, puree, or sauce. Reviews of this variety are positive, noting its good presentation and taste.

The clusters of this hybrid form an average of 6 fruits. Their sizes on the bush are the same 200-250 grams. The productivity of Stresa F1 tomato is high: over 25 kg per 1 sq. m. The variety of these hybrids is transportable.

How to water tomatoes correctly

Proper watering, loosening, and fertilizing the bushes helps to grow abundant tomato harvests.

  • You need to water the tomatoes with warm water at about 18-20 degrees, at least 15 degrees.
  • It is better if watering is drip. If watering is not drip, then water consumption depends on the age of the plant: from 5 to 10 liters at the root every 8-12 days.
  • Watering should be alternated with loosening the soil under the plant bushes. This will protect the planting from the development of fungal diseases and ensure optimal aeration of the bushes.
  • Tomatoes "Stresa F1" require humidity in the range of 65-70% for normal pollination and fruit set. High air humidity, in addition to the development of fungus, leads to pollen gluing and pollination of flowers does not occur. Low humidity causes the pollen to scatter and not reach the pistil; in this case, pollination also does not occur and the yield of the bushes decreases.

Fertilizer and feeding of tomato seedlings "Stresa F1"

The Stresa F1 hybrid is fertilized throughout the entire growing period. It is important that fertilizing of tomatoes is carried out in a timely manner and does not exceed the norm, otherwise the tomatoes can be ruined.

  • During the formation of seedlings, before picking, they are fertilized twice with liquid fertilizers for plant growth, with an interval of 7-10 days.
  • When transplanting to a permanent place, water or dip the root system in the Fitosporin-M solution, which prevents infection with fungal infections and feeds the plant with microelements.
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