Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Malachite Box, its yield

Tomato Malachite Box is a new variety that includes originality and benefits at the same time. The very beautiful color of malachite with a yellow-green tint pleases the eyes of gardeners and their neighbors who come to visit. Reminds me of a mineral mined in the mountains. Those who have once tasted such tomatoes will not want to grow other varieties. This variety tolerates cold weather well, as it was produced in Siberian conditions.

This type of tomato is meant to be eaten fresh. They do not produce huge yields and do not tolerate long-term storage and travel.But they can be grown for vitamin salads in the summer or used to make adjika, prepare sauces and jam. A detailed description of the variety can be found on the seed packet.

More about the variety

The characteristics of tomatoes speak about their characteristics and the conditions that they prefer. Tomatoes of the Malachite Box variety are created for experimenters and lovers of original crops. They are grown mainly in greenhouses if the summer is not very hot. Fruit ripening and yield can be considered average. They do not ripen at the same time, but you can enjoy the fruits gradually until autumn.

The fruits are soft and juicy; their taste is sometimes described as if the aroma of melon mixed with kiwi. Thanks to this taste and aroma they are grown. And how they complement the rest of the vegetables and fruits in the salad! Tomatoes are quite large, their weight ranges from 100 to 400 grams. Their pulp is juicy, sweet, and the skin is thin.

They are very delicate, so they are poorly stored and can crack during transportation. For those who prefer to can tomatoes, this variety is unlikely to be suitable.

The name comes from the unusual color of the tomato; it is striped green with a yellow tint, as if someone had painted patterns on it. The cut shows exactly the same color, not monochromatic, striped. This variety is ideal for those who are allergic to red vegetables, as it is completely safe. It can be given to small children. After all, it contains so many vitamins and minerals. Moreover, they really like them, because the taste is very different from standard tomatoes.

Since the bush grows densely and is quite tall, it is customary to tie it up. Sometimes it can reach up to two meters. These tomatoes are quite capricious to care for, so initially you need to show patience and care in order to get the desired tasty fruits.

tomato seeds malachite box

How to care

Like all tomatoes, the Malachite Box requires special care so that the vegetables ripen faster. It is best to plant them in open ground as mature green seedlings. These seedlings are grown on a windowsill in a seed box. In order for the seeds to hatch faster, they should be treated in a special fertilizer for growth; it will help to form immunity against many diseases and pests in advance.

The stem is characterized by strong branching, so you can trim off excess shoots to achieve rapid fruiting. This is called stepsoning.

Mature tomatoes also need to be fed when flowers appear on them. Among the fertilizers, the Malachite Box prefers superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium minerals, humus, manure, and chicken droppings. The humidity in the greenhouse is well maintained by a bucket of soaked grass.

If tomatoes are planted in open ground, then it is better to cover them with film at night or in cloudy weather. Planting in the northern regions is carried out in May, when the ground is already warmed by the sun and well dug up. It must be loose and soft, otherwise the plant will grow slowly due to poor nutrition. Be sure to weed at least once a month. They draw energy and nutrition from tomatoes and transfer insects to them.

These varieties are susceptible to attack by harmful insects: aphids, beetles, caterpillars. For prevention, it is necessary to spray the leaves with a special solution once a month. If at least one diseased tomato is noticed, it must be picked immediately. Otherwise he will infect others.

High-quality watering is required. But it should be stopped a week before harvest, otherwise the tomatoes will rot.Severely overripe tomatoes become watery, so it is important to remove them from the bush and eat them in time.

Gardeners' opinions

Reviews from those who planted this type of tomato are always positive. Among the advantages are long-term fruiting, unique taste, beautiful color, resistance to fungal diseases, and changes in weather conditions. Those who have grown such tomatoes are always surprised by their delicate taste. They make excellent jam.

tomato bushes malachite box

But they are not at all suitable for sale or transportation, as they quickly rot, wrinkle and crack on the sides. This is not even a disadvantage, but their feature. Therefore, if there is a need to salt tomatoes in jars for the winter, transport tomatoes over long distances, or sell them on the market, then you should choose some other simpler variety. And these can be planted in several bushes for fresh eating.

Malachite box is a variety of tomatoes that have very tasty and beautiful fruits. If you take into account all the requirements for planting and growing these tomatoes, then every year you can enjoy this wonderful taste in a salad.
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