Description of the Persian Tale tomato variety, its characteristics and yield

Gardeners who choose early-ripening tomatoes for planting should definitely pay attention to the Persian Tale tomato. The hybrid produces high yields and tolerates weather conditions that are unacceptable for the crop.


Early maturing hybrid variety. The fruits ripen 104–107 days after sprouting. The bush is determinate, strong, densely leafy. The first inflorescence is formed above the 5th–6th leaf. Higher up the stem, inflorescences of 5–7 fruits are placed through one leaf.

Persian fairy tale

The fruits are round in shape and covered with dense, smooth skin. Ripe tomatoes are orange in color with a peach tint.There is no spot around the stalk. The average fruit weight is 130–150 g. The taste is pleasant and rich. In addition, due to the content of carotene and ascorbic acid, and a number of other microelements, the vegetable is beneficial for the body.

The variety sets fruit well in cloudy and cool weather. As a result of crossing, tomatoes received high immunity to most fungal and viral diseases of tomatoes, including tobacco mosaic and Alternaria.

the fruits are ripening

Those who planted Persian Tale tomatoes consider resistance to pathogenic bacteria to be the main advantages of the variety. The hybrid Persian fairy tale is intended for growing in the garden, in greenhouses and hotbeds.

Features of cultivation and care

Like many varieties of tomatoes, the Persian Tale tomato variety is grown in seedlings. Seeds are sown in seedling boxes filled with turf soil, humus and sand based on a ratio of 2:2:1. The optimal depth of furrows for sowing tomatoes is 1.5–2 cm.

pathogenic bacteria

The container covered with glass or film is placed in a lighted place where the temperature remains stable above +16 ⁰C. After the sprouts appear, the shelter is removed and the temperature is reduced by 2-3 degrees. A plant grown in this way does not stretch.

To reap a generous harvest, you need not only to plant tomatoes correctly, but also to carefully care for them. Necessary manipulations:

seedling method

  • Watering. Since tomatoes are afraid of high humidity, the crop is watered rarely, but abundantly. For normal development of the bush and active fruit set, it is enough to water once a week. During the rainy season, the frequency of watering is adjusted based on the condition of the soil.
  • Picking.Young plants are transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of 10 cm after the formation of 2–3 true leaves. Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or garden bed at the age of 50–55 days or after producing 5–6 leaves.
  • Feeding. Complex mineral fertilizers or organic solutions are applied to the tomatoes 2–3 times. It is impossible to increase the amount of fertilizing, let alone add an excessive amount of nitrogen: the chemical element promotes the development of green mass, which slows down the growth of fruits.

high humidity


Regulars of gardening forums share their impressions of growing garden crops. Reviews about the hybrid are positive: vegetable growers assure that the bred variety fully corresponds to the declared characteristics.

young plants
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